A major deéan-up goles a long way toward selling your hom'e huam GETTIN oil palle 4 easier il miii he tc0 kecp the tiruse Iooking il& may miii benel'u front a fress coal of peinti n a look in Ihe Momt If you can. repaini or papier ecleaning. Wass clomn the malis. min-doms ao. licol for v'isite. neutral colour - Ibis is olt the lie 10 saen tihe walls in a nubile colour, woodwort. Scub sinlis. toilels, baittuhs and Nom lis lthe fimie to fin lthe cracked lighi- expeimnenting willi drannatic peint scillks ls oflen morlth replacing tarpe or Rloui cov- lotchen appliances usd1il tey shine, Clemni oui swiîch plaies, hroken door handies. leiky Similarly. heavily patlcrned wallpaper or eoslsgs tsai are in really rougît shape. If the Maie the cupinards under the sink, dus the tops of faucels andi squer.ky doors you've leamed i . hnigNly coloureti accent mails may tent 1 dus- of yoour kilcisen fllooe us kswering iRe fone oillio h&asetsou&d andi wsean ail windoai coverings. . lune wih for yeass. iract isyers fuom oliser fecalures. oîr make il isard whlso usons, for exemple, înexressive'ik andl Tisew more lisorough tihe, initial clean-up, the Slsaltty kiichn cuptonls anti a gruhby hall- for them En imagine howm Ikîr blongings miii peel tules can make a dramaîlc dufferencel 3 2 Bofmio Cm"te Apaisit L=Wmusd boafni Melo $775, par foo nil chiu(l uul*lplu - 2 box aui barn aihte ocan unieid paddock. Can bae r~ia séitiW lio trni L oum nia Préc i Mi ay digital- mignslun aaih Cal EvéGoodéng. f~DOG HOWDEN 878-101 home loti 0' upgradea. îuch ai H alOver Kilchen,,..iuzzu v tub in main bath. cI Doug Howdon. 1 P 178.101 PROVEAU* tg 878"101 >edroom on I7 te lot in town.' ;119,900. iadoqyhumddboo nue fmiet oMillin. New O0 indie, hardwood tlons, aR OLÉ. nir ai liai Oulsiigar and aorksimçi 3 balhs, finished base- 1 bdrm., 4 pa. bath, FA. firne haa central air, cen- Four leWe sidespii. Recent igrounçl pool, windows u pgrades, private nmne acre§, ind walkout t0 peuvate Stream and outbuildings. aic2.i0 -oe$7990 2W 2~sq. R itota M F doanwd pol Cali Dtio $244.000. PHIL VACN PRESTIOGE IAd Salea Repraeeutalive 50. s oua 878-101 aCason 17 Side- cioodati & open ONELOO BARB arias. Bachs noo A s0M5i- nsgnnuut ci idpr"yiudcrgcis~ai LAFLECHE * Bruce Tiai, on a Iý selling fo h i g 5or eniiiniîg Thil 3 toltm taauji six-. Pý ibid enti road saâd erO extras wh1,01 Idods soi carping & floo0n. soi 87 1 1 Wolfin place. main bain, ,ileock wWk*3and ois e uous Iroffl dmonjystens -. v- Wes.0 , ü iewil, , I fl 10ofl, $199 ;ow Çn 1 o nai s i ZOCt 3i nonir, «e fhindi D 015 m ono ,géIn .d Fou bxclron ain ti cr MM " , P.bnon noffii Ne. i diigfo aekidh Cm. doi x Ia &Oi I= ~ ~ ~ ~~egher Ifl om puoianr.Mà ,doie BARBARA~~~~~~~ a.W »w mcD etala ,l 'uV lmTDIhn is urhar o h tt m m1,0 Wn A 0$i l net~Agi OR Seplember8NI« or# halRr W.UFE needa i L 0" 2o fidmo aid ab. llhiceabomk y nl 9 S lhcthm lr11 PETRA a p JOYCEu tupy Ami d 0 ustli buigaina sei t on I' ;Îe traud acta. Lôadîofiahsg $Puace np & clown Plas clse %) 11,111011 i-v--- ;ýào rn Ith blg caunltry tchean andi main Il a 26- ihop. Ai 9m#COCOdO nbuj*Iinf4 CwwnaJuIçw Il J. Ovr 112 il faniy iSOm, loffinal OR. mr n jui ana 112 ua. gain uageo -ina actai Co I aW EX 1 $179,11il