rnfl Il f floe&aBuL4wm afâmot-Î *Automofive Tkehcdan 0.i Aug.ib7th,' D-n îekbtd h. l2th ar-, .ay an utoonin t.onan .,th Ihuhaden Iond I&e tu.* andi ttwrk D- sti ho oy. .ti & 4Oâbislb& h ti s tSar P&mnau r de ngi b. hss & froit mofl & irk n&. douel tW si' .09t tie fini ti«s. awes - SMaster We are pfrased to arrsaice JoS Clobe bhie now tomned our asrI winninsg;Iea km brings amr six years aptersence uxi mernberslp since 1993 in Hondas presti gi ouacîl< raiet 4lrsbip. lIn 1995. tue échieaedtSales Master frewt Congratulations toi, and reelcomic ahierdI Rob Rànger & a du sbf - lkdmidoe- la a Iicensed unit body & r technKma wath owr 10 of eap.nienc R trained -wath gradute mau fromt I-CAR, Geoi nrs & Centmal Colleill Month To ateVice President of Gallinger Maoisr and the rest of the management and staff Would lîke tai extrnd their congratula- tions ta Mel Camspbell, the ca- recipient ai the Salespeeson ai the Month for the month of July. For almost 3 years Mel has con- sisteritly perfarmed at the hîghest level of sales and servie àLL1IE D min Sales ,A dedication to providing uetour* pàssed quality ta euch af bis cus- tomer, bas reulted in Met Corbett's coflsisteflt otatus ai tbe topi af Wallace Pontiac Buick Cadîllacis profiessional sales force. For your neot new car purchase or lemt malte Met Corbeitt and the profies- sionala ait Waltace yaur chaîce. « M V iyus.gCs Mimoaltiws rsnan %,oowin, tan co-reciptent ai the Salesperson,of the Month'for thse manth of July. Briana commit- ment ta expilence in sales and çus- tomer service during bis tenure at Gallinger Motors has resulted in a high ee of success. iA WNSERLI saiui kaISL. * ' 3e7 In ,Sales dpja staAnnre McLabu l e- dut Walk Pns1ie 0"s Cahdelta" ta, adim s ww« of m-scat kumm ofit smaih for due wMoef * ci Jdy,îe hm prir dtli oerno la um sec bsa" th *u Wity PuWuw B" daik pUâdc s àwuusîd coutia. Fo uie fohd put Il Yom~ Fi vi- *lrtocugnrmweor i Genas ad hw Aîiwulw I in Sales Phts evrybody O0ew" 0. * fa WOi m Wu wb à Mw.4« wiwh, .b Onqd h 0