Millcreek Aduit Communityeta rbo kc v sa1 A4ffosdabl, Li-ia Modular lionne Nia r éer s t -o kc v r E* Or. Brs5ra «05 ai kt as, $59.905 Titlt5usîm. T-s<abon a MgIIcreek SAiserfoyle; Onitario LISTINGS RE0'JIRýýD, NT T,'1N PRICE RANGE 102)C0 THINKING OF SLIG CALL YVONNE 878-2095 tMe details.of selling your home (f you've ever hiat tc: go Ibrcaugl thse procrsis Your reains lor sellsng wsl( also affect your etige Of dtis factors "* Wall intluenoe.ýyow ahb- of sellisng your homo. you're probably well ahility tu reac Io cycles aIci seaisonal chasige <y tojoil ai a given price. awure of tise nrvrr-ending sucrea of degails tu, .sn the real essaile market How To Sell Your Home also provides a aitep go and options to codssdee. For most. the: , How To Seil Your Home <lion moves <o thse nifty section oes.t& in' and nis oà prrparing whoe procedurc can lic a bal oveewlbussng. beneftis ansi ativantages of usisg a Realtor - yoggr home fo<tiialc, walking you thrtgs thse Dosit you ever wmish sierc was as casser way ccvening issuses such as pre-screening soritable' lip you ca ise o make sure buyerftr <tie' Io n8iîgaqe the pilfails andi 10 organite lthe buyers, negolsating tla bf pesce. legal erquaire- best your bomse lias to offer. wbole affair? Weil. lselp hia% amrvedl, ans it's. monts frôns tihe seller*s perspective andi mach Clcaning isiisi ansi put ss reconinendosi. as absolaseiy traee' more. snde"kng aisy repaes you may have been flic Ontaio Real Estate Assuuiatio (OREAt Peelsaps the one aspect manay tiris-tume sellersi pstung off. Handy his suris as&% rsnlz laias publsshed a hiosk thisa cuvser% ail the angles underestimate as ie enormous anisions of aime ing' your home (so tlsat buyes , will better visu- of .cllwig youe home. faim A sw Z (çathe unfore- ansi energy tIsai goos mn selling a propcrly. alsie <lie property wsth thlir o*nr tantes' ansi secs. lis callesi. nos coiniscdensally. How To IrealtorC are pofessionais wisose job andi duiy il prdfreice%) ansd wesging tise couts sf major Soli V5ossr Home. is t put forts wisatevae effort i., necessary, improvernenis are offeresi A iemizeti cbeckbist Mxs book as a cliaptcr go cba<sier guside oflis Those wiso miglit bc iempied aus *go il alose' as isclusies to-help you in cvery dtil of maïa- --eeally every aspect involved in tlie mssaailingo- may discover <bas iheir attention as divereai keting youe isome propesly. . saisi financial ansi porsonal decisson you'll frcmtkthe ain task aitla"t- to getkiebe p5Z Finfy. ail tihe comples linaticial andi legal mate. Il congaaisis ov 100 pages of insispions- possble. Realsor, on tise oiie lianti, neyer loge <ssses of cloang ase etplained in lasiage dtia able informnation 10 wv1uaelers make ' kh riglis sight of pario<tiCa. - is easy te suiderisi. Tas conteras, mgo<tgagre clices ansi 1-the best possibsle puce for gltir Once you've decired tu se a Realior, you'll consideratioss ansi the actial sale agaement ne propensos. , needto MIl out a listnsg agreemerit. 'Mis tirucu- aIl laid, oui. fros'l finit oui about offris ansi Amcng oisers. is descrîbes isow <o lake ment is a lega) ssieanalion of si tlie paiticutars cosie-ollers. tisç commos poinsa of sirgosa-- ailvantage of youe' Realtor's expeneisco and 4flated to your homo, youe preferre.eý as 10 lson andssii bo e ga <ori ats condilsoal offers. kno)wiedgeo inal thk nigt buyer. bow brsi Io price, minmm deposit andi closing sdate. andi For a frer copy of How) To Seil Yoe Hom. manie your bomr nsi "k thîal-important issue tise contractual relaiioisship lýetween you ansi ail ydti isave to dia s tait OREA ai 1-400-563- of closiag thk sale. your Piralor. l'ie bock dslcbes dans in detail. HOME (I -00-563-4663). 71ere's eveis a Isaissy glosary tisaI klps you. You can aigu tiecssle te oitkr lis yole propr- U This article ss proisded by local Reallork wasie tlsough mal eate teiisiiology. <y exclusively witii a real'estate brokerage oe aund te Ontario« Real Estait Asusociation mea booklet staris by asking thse simple ques- use of NUS (Multiple Lssting Strvce) 10 bax-uS- <oRE5) for the beuri of coumers <n the cai lion. "Wisy dic you wanl <o seil your hoame?" en tke pool of poiential buyers. - » estas na,*et. Tise answer you gave wlili rrctly <ipact a boit Wken you siotermine yourlome's asiking of tMerlecisios prisse. yoa'll neesi to bo able to «cesa's For examiple if you'ir sellsisg to movet o a expecteci 'matket value'. msis ii tise higisest Ge<ting.Your biggor'll bave tu decsde how quickly price yowl propesiy will bring in a fair. compras- you nedIsell and siyou'je preparedi go boy tive and opnousing market. Hlgr aglan Phom e ready Mé seli anoter ous befie ou tWlycloe adeai you're Rat'sassistance <s invaluable as ol leon the cutirent ose. y* . . keor ssas tininuaian csrenft kowl' Iis almost gagne for Ors For Ssait sslp 1vgo REALTY WORLD MIL»ND EEALT INC., KE-ALTOR 500 Steem Ave.; maton 876-0633 24 HDur Angwerjng Setwice lcslking is bris inku thse fits prsapective pue- chasers walk tirougli the tcr., SA ceia. useluopmrd fiisse kics. bigger andi more invitiisg, su begin bi packing.awap "ly or unuard funssiture ansi maksng tise brai use of yonr space. Be ruisesi wken yon go througs cicarta. spare -ss PlQn. If ycu saven'< asosi tbat*bread-making machine for a whsle. ansi if you're nos lskely toa nord <liai extra se ai cina or cutiery in the' sext few weeks. pack st away, Tisose knick- knackl on the mantlep.ocr may bave senfiti- tai valua; to you, bot tky'll js look like lame.u- knacks Io anyone wbo cornt tistough your homoe. Move gltira oct of ssgbs. Y-n cas make a boad stinr on packiisg h> cleansng off booksbolves, cleaeîisg clotlies, shoes. eslras lowels andi brclisg out of cloiets. ansi boxsng thse k055' tcsys, ossi-oaf-soason sports rquipmrent andi gardirs tools. Take a tour of your borine.anti maie & note of althsc uy-to-miss spots tisai nord a gond mA MAJOR on pqp5 849-3356 aecssa Cusitf* VU9A IYUW and6=wçon tPoi -a251 NOfTU SEfltUi RD.- b-jI *- 383