15 Sklë fODran 205 Career -Trainina M6 Tenders Architeural Auto CadIFIeld TO O T *CfO OF BUSINESS RNAL6FWI«E Ws are actlvely »Selang a perirsoont tUPltane Bin. & C.eorgetown CamtO-N Tcnce oa"sst motn roof fisld wolc and 1216 »517 coangrodb ng an rapn ivlo sS* Offering handeon Camer Trairngt Ln Courses suc/i as:1 o - di The succesallii candidats muet have archlulc- 'AMMR*qbg àcompls 10 *UuCus n Apsuals -km. oppîodo he W e. plouî> -,Ê tural expenienca, a gradualls of Architectura iswa A*RbwoieWM *lglAI ssehesoII Tachnology, proficispt vrilh AuloC&d 12 à 13 Ili"t Omi CÈMhn -dska - icai0lUssAsby -h.S.3 and possess excellhont comrputer Uklla *C. pis pe 111au 0"g , ' 1-1. <0 PON Ce.o rorau. Isn Pla. serai resurnes t: W>,DNESDAY, AL'GLST 21,19 FIISRMN AOOFUOG SCIENCES; GROIP LTD a 0 irI< P o, i susi St«"lAssoU. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE M4AY DE AVNILABLE f. le v. Ko1 0<Voiyp. ol Ep.io fur Fox No. <09W) 878-2147 ed.N %071 Isi~g i~aintas 14mi F m bO> kg r TOAOWO AUTO AUCTIOP VERITW WAPU -P0 i -ng -)fl0i Pl- S n d Io . mqk IMsdawI BRAMPTON CAMPUS GERLT »CAPSýu ni; 20>l I., S... Panâm Sot 1e Fi~ e st, s* vsry Tusadsy 881 moni St N. (RosI e sVais wiusoffok Ama. )Per i'te. 9120),74 "M CtOr deys m tteded. Applicanta muet Tender93 Nu 90T-7.715 @*y dsang wil thle pube in s vsry busy 9045-59290-73915 uLct%01i 7,0l1 but piquant alm»Oapo. * dit NO *w AI Ll sS a CabIIUandC I Cali Ronat 875-2915 _______________ I I 17.1 A, C hu- ... < Zs o2 bâil kg or (905)>275-3000 _____________________ _21W 1esoa V.h moll o,< to "d ronds, CLEAO LADY avadalbis hit or luil da"-. ARE YOU SEIM sfbsted i y 801iOs 180 a»x'$..lpsV .oI2~oo Phtons 87&-1376. ., drlitklng? >J - Anon Fsaiy Group misot osafi Customer Survlcu/TsI.marketer Io H hUsSs, y-o Monuhy night 8 pa ai St. Peurs Unitsd Church, 0p1 1 -W -dn I -,r o , .leirphone exprence and a pleasant and olgoind wuant si sperid mol asU by She pocol -slu me d i dor4al8glo62s.>tes-g- In -o ob .ondo r-l. pensonO yn ai, ecputrei Eemoero i nimnterSOoal 11. four dtesuing Excellent relersoces. Joua. 875- .4662u, h-ý 'p- orin ; 1 port typrng <6111< andl an ab«n'y Io elOn qurtkly 470. FREE PREGI4AJCY TESTS. Phtono 875-1245 o. t,~.1ns 1-1. Àooo TorOn T AUTOqe AUCTIONf) 2an Career Maluinina GEORGINA PSYCHIC READER tetts past Irnir Wu N..ýVnd .ol ný1 w, TOOT AT LITO 2 aee ripreset, futurs, Helpa and sdviaes in ail ( h-o,,, <,h 1 k-n o .Jom oor C/O Pst BalIOY problemais Dos point. tarot and "rytal madunp. 8277 Lewson Rond AU radings preata" S conidente Aoalble l'm Milton, Ontaio LORT 5C7 for hous pariges and tuncuons. Located in Il., nr.o lordso. 01or.or, Toronto Mokias house celte Specuat on -ý 165 HosD..Medical. Dental etc. CAREER reefg. 416-652-2581. ,. l,,Frtas~AaIer7 NELP WANTED *TRAINING A Free home smoking cessation pro. ~ ,di HEPWA TDN.E.W Windows '95 grsm is avaitabis through th1e Toronto Expoeried *Excel *DOS - Lotus Hospital in connection with a research E V KÇL13 PC WHITE DENTAL LAO TELCI-NICIAN *AonPac * Accrois study. If y-ou are 18 years or older. Cbarmiao Mala Mannge, 30-40 iin i dentures Wod@* 6 ' PLEASE CALL Re ond P e Fax r»w ici: Mdk&UL*W416-204-1765 _ î nc (90) 83-484 Dental Receptionsl NEAYENLY PSYCNIC ANUWERS. Ssrvung 280 Wanted ta Rent - *Fus.ol Aid Moy B, A-si ae 53 midlon résdos. Ordy, $2.90 min. 24 lys. 170 Davcame *PL.t.cn,,A,îo 18 pears '. i -90014-37i83. MODEA pop up camping Valoir bar laut weul, of -Regii À C11ns à i-- Aogust Phone Don or Caffy 876-2844, DAVCREAVILALIbsInrrrtgSepisoiber 3. nrros 3 eilsfrSl N EAo prisn.fio s.Ssd 510eiwwa, 1 y-car or older. 23 y-carsIO ______81___________________________ expilenre. 878-M.0 14FODRNER. reg. cahiaub, AM/ m pye mw>ff'w Ki" R eim5 OW. REILABLE DAYCARE, hal-Ime. Wo Drve 9 210 Purson1l4 FORD 4» AWFlM 87-16 y-BaI'S espar m Peas Pd 876-978. ABUSIED and &froid? For hslp cal 878-1555. a 1436. RIEULABLE DAYCARE assale Lots ofac -hour claa ise or abua.d woo,Halib 1859 POIN11AC TEMPEST, 4 doc. &Afuc 2M For P t Ç ailuies SMd ou*M Nus-lou food. 876-0665 Worneni Place5 i a emergncy shefi1er avait air, AMJFM atervO, 120,000 kmni., tira noe 3EDROON TOWNHOUSE, noss soltools. able for abuasedt sootand SM k Us, dîjen in Hall $3,91X oirUied 819-15306 A shoping, eta ait. saoe, fradge iudd »0 Region, AI celartsonidete CREITPROBLEMPNo e* or boitaudit On 81.100 par month plus utilties. firsi a lait ARE DRUOS cessrg y-upoemNrac UIC. FBA, WCB, Banfrupt? Noed anottier IonVj. o pnrna sibeSgs Anon-YMOUas Co halp W. muet Fruday n.ghha et chince? Wu con h.lp. Futiuisc Auto Credh brit 175.-1224. Gre Angicani Cfsorof, "I M st, lâlit.1 Mdt~ 876-3 3 DEDROOU TOWNHOUSE. gond location.- il. p ni MUST SELLI 88 Honda Accord Eut1 bladk. krpWse. $1,100. Avsabe Ocisia lit 11711-' i~ ~~~~~~~ mesî asr7 ~~ BEDROON $EnI quiet court. avaitebie LOOKING FOR A CAREER ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITV? 410 TEULS AVE. niw lsly-. $1.0110 moldy. 187U4. 4 B1000CM TOWIU4OUS, ofns-ai air. Canadran Mater a mranufacturer ot mesuremeant and Controi Equipment for th1e Naturet Oaa Ib7- 2 7 spsoa ous lit Atile ai:- Industry Iocated i Mtton. Ontario Is oolung focandldates for the roely farned posnion knibKm ID.D Iriis st.loDowx* P" unâ" INTERMDIATEACCOILNTANTA FUMY lIscimaS WITH FAISLY VAUE Eolant - "-*, .876-2215., npreparauon for nenu Busineas opporturuesad Mhse changing busrneas cliriat. ths lEtation ail WE-4UYl-4IL-LEM - 4 IEW Hourdry km ta ioth Oulals. fie oS interest IonDuidcuails wqi 2.3 yars pool cofageunversulespenence. Cacetidates musi p. i AAST8SIClTUOF UMVECU T0fI= S SSsr« occupeutcy. I-00Q 08 sess strong romputer, am"tcql SM rterpsrsora sifss ." 7401. THrO MmeSl 6 00RM TOUseUOJU. aslking dl MÏBQJ. -R I~5Ull ~ ri~/Ii Mata I I wW t eUnsirosai, 09»& Avil"l foe 12 PAR «MSOfradoan.starlng Psyrodfi or 50 hourty worltrsf irrcluding weed RICHARDKON s a "» orne encin q Il.. rir. pOy caicrMstin eirougi IlOT4 prepsaaion SMd y-aa end reconcilamon. Tui rspretanta about 4M% CM VOW etru. =lrus polsNis a lai of thse poubos. CHVOf RO àlt aih.g 878-466. FINANCIAL ANAl VIol -Tis aould undlude peofacl analysis in aroas suc as rdcii For your nasd car or tuslfjscuea 5 CEPRI Ubi.14msles setsSM ala (3-40 aitIs un.>1 878-2393 I biociont Frnitousa 5 nirUu S of Min. GENERL AC IUHIN - Mlsceltsnous aasigmsnts includung reconciliticris, reporta at"ed Ssphotber 15 - $2.000inorsi ConbM and cter accoutrrog rBlated IRaitona.m Sharon lCeetey. RAs/Mas Mintenie Reaiy THE REOUIREMENTS 21 =-c«orosuo. 878 -7 * ultifu Adiisatration Otloos/Dge 1804i JEEP Cltkolma Laredo. 88o= kmtt.. es- DEI.JOWUI. 3 àeomi Acbn aIt fori 01: *Advanced iftoaldge e Sié uesé of Spr sdetsWord Procaauing (prof. Lotueiword Perfect) coent wOTUty. $ cytdif. SM., ba. b§W tebe 1. hmi ggWt fandy palette dse b Panuhur * rturoaol Accoes Dalabsa or sbmdwandS Locai Ara& Nelteouk Ls . $26.000. 519463uu5. ParkaenSM sotach No doge pi-s $MS l- As ta positon aill be wortcbrg nerfs Mirant disciplines at veiou levais lfvrougftout the organiza. 250 Buiesflrtn lion. tl 'S umpratvatlt 1i. candIècate Poisons a obrong Parsonauty SMd con woru asdependentty, USED ca lo wit 4 by reWpl nage Es -ifIlvo posibon il ofIrnterseandS you pceassa Ils. rued requrenita plea a sofire y-o.r reaurne. tablhfed business for lass indog.o uncluding datai of our esperrence using computer softweare t01the attention of: P.WU co 70111. Emnployas, Relations Manager Canhian Mater Comspany les- 3037 Derny Road West V~la, Ortriuo LgT M)1