mn.; 5< i i., t., FIUAXAUUS 1 à OPTICAL LAB* SATRDA AUUST17 For Fa4t fflaaa.a riaS- MILWO LAWNbOWMG CWS OAUW4dt»d Frdy :À i .m an 83 pm. 878-0554-I Sauday - Q oand. 12 rioon 8 anS.EFIo Finals - 3:30 p.m. Saturday ~FlIAYAVMUJ 1 FLAMBOR MPIDWAY The Main Even- 96 laps lor suia lote-modaîn; 50-lap loto mode, ,pos. men irivirtonOl 25-ap ail-pro modi- fied event Gales opien 5 pîm' ' rocîng ai 7 p.m. SATURA AUGUST 17 Reua aiqpz 50.lap laie. challenger race and a 39-bfp streef stik race. Laie modal sportsmen (25 laps), pro-Fours ( 15 laipa> and Ontario speadway min4-prinho (l 5 lapa>. Gaies open 5 p.m., racing ut 7 pe. Your Community Newsoarer NORTH END NISSAN .SAVE YOUSI BODY (%7F 127I1 Spicy summer soup 'Tis the season for Gazpach.o* Appealing chunks of Ontario lomraines andi caicumber, gise tis easy Gaz.pacho) a spicy, suit- mer freshneçs perfeci for entertainlng. Foar besi lavor te,%u ilts auns relaxesi party plqil- ning, prepare andi refigei'aîc ihis noup the day befare. Ai serving lime, simply bRur t~ yf)azpachoi weII . jamI spron ia cujas or howLi. Ingredients 6 Ontaro iomalaes. peelesi *IOnlatria cumher *Ismali onian. peelesi 1 clave garlic. mîncesi 1tsp (5 ML) mali 1 cup (250 mL) tomaejuice .3 lhsp (50 mTL) yegelable ait 3 t lip (50 mLl % inegar *Danli of hot pepper sauce Ta peci lamaalts, dip in hoiling usater for 30 seconds. then in ice usaier Slip sios ofi. Coarsecly chap >If ficm iVma0ae. acumber and union. tomb7ne in blender jar wjlh garil andi sali. Add lamalo juice. vegembkle ail, vinegar andi bat pepper sauce. Purée mituars ain biender (dan-lo, niak lue, smoaith a purée). Fîneiy chop remaining tilmaaacs. haîf cucumber andi onin. Combine in largejiasil. Poiaplurée . tu cr oser choppedJ\egetiblrs; sur îo mix. Cave11r ansi refrigermie at leasi. 2 to 3 hours. or asemighi. Before serving, sur the saap wefll Serves 61 ta. Preparaiin lime: II Min. Chilling lime: 2 houts Classif lads coritfnuad front Pafa 2-1i Summers s ¶i riog andst , 'deai sý tîappsonn non.. But if <ou si-ni lo ride a orsi 1996 Pularu% S1.3 pt4rm)îo.3iî-mrafli(îr Up lo $1-450 less You Il hbilhurr<n iud.iu hecaiwî isi ajfer md quaniics ire lîmied Also, -un yror deauler for the ailier incedihlr du-ml, on the nen. N S171a). SLX ).Sr . ilirtnc PSL» %L' a nd SLral maxkIs mm«1 lu. -m - fo 1 POLRRUUBeliee ýit. .. 19051 ioOo4aier esnvtofir Cinq( go00 nrougv Auguîi 31. 996, Ths, utar s "nY anaîlabIe 19 Canadsan reiw.uins ahof aa"abe only ai youî pariuc'rmaliO Pto. "aime, aie, niy am loi lest O 1996 Pomns industries it C AVAILAILE SEPTIIIIIqIIR 1S1. Near Downiowp WLon 2 Sadromo AOtm ma/ Sbaoesay, 4mappluic parking loi 2 cent 880 L mma hydr. Ph-n 876-065. DOWNTOWN MILTON - Coty mli ont Wd00111 aparibmni. $525 anonhly lncukadç hetAval"uiblmmbmr 1. Cal 11542685 wMi A FRESI4LY painladsei dum 1. 2 à 3 bhp Toem, 333-984612-ltp.m. S Cared MWtn SMOKING oa$400 gki, monih. use 0f lms~y id iMin aile or jv§im 8S11-0I66. AVAILABLE Sept. lot. Just renoevalad. SM mortflir, plia 113 oi ulhme. Uma af edI.ieCIu li a lals (P.aaapio-ao g 378-3768 I.CAMPSELLVILLE,. iurniaiiad main kîlullan "tkg«m. aise parking. -woisn Um m OO orletibalise log houa.. on 17 am%~ hona barn, ie. 845. marrai. plu 877- 1061 e ION . 0M.or tant. Non-menoker, &hatra hiéchen. parking à câble, rieur @y". S360.he. AU&l E 15 Cmecial & InduaL Pro!D. STORE tlentAI ApgrOhaWIy 50 sq à!' 18 Main St. 9 Asig. 155. Apply V."871111-3208. 875-7777 *.LAOE T11 H POND. 100 kMâtdm Oele. aIea misimmaculate, &Il amanlites. Ams lho $15U.00. Elzabeth Ens, 1141111101 .$ FOR RIENT OR FOR SALE - 2,000 sq. Il BadialpIK 4 bemwqi 2.4pr b"iroon, double garage, ianoed. $1.200 higntl pliua utiliée. 1l and lutI Avalabla maa . No IIIIII M75 3559. LARGE 2 B.edroom Houa sie ni I Acon. 4 agspasio. $850 par mosiua ples uM"h. 658- 4127. IPIREE Badroo, Hwiy. 25 Souda of Aclon. 7. essise. $1000.hni +. Rairanma 19W5»64- 7513 o Buainsama 875-1504. WELL KEPT 3 Badroomn Fanniaosa on 7 moes i Matoin mijtaie fo r oupla. 878-8615. 290 Apartmonts For Reni 1 BEDROOM APARTIYIENT, oswdy loctami bright A clai. tit ahag penson. SM0. mouili plus umlulee 117674111. 1 UEDROOid APARTUENT aaldl In Arien. FmaNy dac'bid. aWWmaoe. 1 padan aao Raerarame. No peis. 863-0674.. 1 DEDROCM APARTMEt#T. sqmabla Sepam- ber I/g. $6021mmaos.Pie7-34 aller 6 p.m. 1.00 sa. îf. APAATMET in a haute. om-. pW- mAored nems app8avoea oak Ididu A bath. akylhnwIorg.b eI/Pod lofs of palir g.s Aveabl hor in airhe MO Pond. 0735. lmee message, 639.8777,.ami for c-isma. 2 BEDROON LANGE.APAR1IENT, dominain Millon, bridge à slowe. 8776ffilort plus hem a ~do rlhlmouSsa. Cal Seait. 87"-073. r 1 A 2bedrooim apaenl«a. 1 ow .beroom apariant 5l19- MILLSIDE TOWIRS * 82 MIUtSMO-A.. MI1LTON N OW LEASING One bedroorn abattirent$ a.ilabla Sepiomber, and ,Q bedrooia aparlmmnt avaîlable Odicier on bus -roitte. Irestiiy dçpual8d. 2 appliances, air-sigOt Iaundry ýncludes ail utiljiies (except phono &I cable). Free patin, 1o pets. Rolerences raquireni *lit ta RalUMai Mmeoo Sapi. loi, S8S0.1mozi.Reaene -qf No doge. 0814-329 L.AME 3 lA ' -àonarimnn Avalabla e% 18LM1. nonIli plima idOm. 6708-630à. ONE MEDMSC APARTUENT, appoins. -Aà M. cou Je. 678990. RENOYAUD I Sèdroun =paeautbvI #bud dit kM teet A"e 2 Ilbeéom)uaie Aq*l V »*e 7-30 i-à aml. *UmmI. ha fa. $75. Mun. lm FR£E PIEWOOO Plais i os uur ap noe. a it lusa Piiosie à706 pqlPPimS 6ea060&l. &hae. 176. SI home. no m*roli. Ww hom Aug. lIM. B75. lm I - ~ 4 4:j li~