t-flÇ V~fl ÇKen WiIsosn Plutmbanlg LA V " & Ileating Ille. fiE I 11 '3ORfST. S. ,UNfT#a a; MILTON. ONT. L9T 588 AIDRESS________________ I pumning * *Pumps *Heabing Water Treatunent PijONE G__________________ ucs l.m-eplaces Central Vacuum NUL($ A ftOOUTltNS: NO PIJOCOASO NECESSARI 10 ENTER. MEIRGUAI *%Ur Conditioning [U EMPLOTEES, ADVERTISINS AND ltEiR FAMILlES MAY MOT ENTER. WNIMMI0 fi ___________________ j]_____ ENYMAS WILL SE DRAUN AI RANDON FROM Ail. ELIGINLE ENTRIES. ENTAI cI. Isalton ae n e OEADUNO SEPIEMNIN 1101996 POIl MUTi NE ACIPITED As AUAROED. r ~cn Ely Mmitzy Smop AN4D onowRoon MIuON CHAM".e 11 MANI STREE EU. MMT Osi;>Ro. LI uojr.W 0f EnvWonoe (905),e78-991 4 FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! ~ ~ 625 Main St. i VAý 87 -0101 Manufacturer's SIumev <LEARAUE oo Q.T. Mountuin Bikes 1S 1Z ramfl o13 Mountaudn alke 40 o..0. 875-999S TONERS oeWALKERS4 frreadmilis from 0399 CARPETING .3 ROOMS OF CARPET... 0 elowpricel Hm 3 roorn' 'f carpelng conçwlely. exwnple of mslaged w* affached péd lor offly 3 ý s 40 square $48900 yards le S f 115,* 'Nà*,e, 264 âmte St AW 7. -mitton 878-4280 rimi AoeM MUM McCKAUD M IEINLLMUN à OTMU PRoOuCft Contpoe Syulwrre Hom Noas Laros L= .as SkisctOM Notant tn.tasabcors AcSons am Stppms Ooaniy Otýoo, AssaAs EdocSt Omeni AnstMl $ere.c A, Tranton MR "18-4861 Pan 376-1013 Oçsc*iy 9530 smt1-4 751 Mal- SY C Ste, 2, MAI00 ON4 LOT 32 Pr ints for C)k C) dt Brul4ello -Ristora ,nte We are proud to intro&,ce Suunmoe abfl *-14 maju. lu mi &Rtaujg aslm1'a of (dW=lo of thm à&.. ps 11 .& - . . r 7 875-330 OFmE enêt Sept.' lat MI uhnit.d tdm y Pricu do flot indudetus 395 Main St. E. 1 711 UMMl ili 1 1i Y ns