Local team hoping to contend for lawn bowling cqsh tourney', lThe Milton Lawe Bowling Club will kc hst- Ontario. Represenîîng Milton will be Ken at $999 HJM lnsurance and hec Waltzîng Service. flcpbt e lcom 10ated.and ing the lareadqal pn iens, bowling tourna- Armsîrong's eaA, of Ainstçong, Bon Wootis Weasel will once agaîn sponsor flhe i4ent. as organiter Ken Armsirong encoucae hoeun ment teint hoi 19ths weekend. and lim Curley. Wsho colletitvely took the well as J. Scoti Early Fanerai Homnes. Terry ous about the sport to taire in sortie of the week- T'te 1w-da- es'cni, which begins at 6:45 potm Provincial Novice Championship in 1993. Rowley Mechanical anti Guaranteeti Green. end action. 'lie club will hîîst a breakfast and ci Ftday anti nmns îbroagh Saiuiay afiemoon. wîll A total of $2.169 will bc awarded. 'fli wîn- Thc Milton Lawe Bowling Club is ai 43 barbecue Saîurday. Refreshimenis will alsia.be include 1I [ op teams [rom across souijiern tiers of the ('irsi eveni wîll tare lte biggei slIte. Coimcercial Street, across friim Bob's Autoi available. SPORTS n TIMBg TO 010011 A 90R1U Il' h tAR<..AIN TIm.i - 1 @ Ap r' Csth.. à ,1Iinmn MUCE M00N Us 87-28 Demand, interest there ageain fqr women 's triation Now that's a reflecian of succills. Mihton'a Katharine Rammo hoids up the undar 14 doubles tropFy plaq site won In reSni national age-level tennis competit4on comnpetition. She ao fausd well in singles play, comi p secondl. Golden moment, silvé r lining for Milton's Katherine Rammo By STEVE IABLANC Spocial to The Champion Milîton tennis stur Kalherîne Ramnio camte ap tit NXIII ends tif ffk revenge gane (ast vseki at fli Coîrel [Jetlr- 14 Ouldor Junîtr Naitinals Her champtionship cari- paîge leatareti bo(h a goilden mornil anti a silser lînîng The 12 year-olti lîseti up te certain etipKî.a(itin% anti surpasseti îihcrs durns flic seek-lting eser ai the Rideau Tennis Cluain Ottawa Ctimpeiing in both singles anti doubles play. %lhe placeti secoind tîver- ail in lier solt) eîffort anti Ibernt one tit i ýapIurc golti wib ('algary patiner Leannie Rutherfoird. KaIbernnes setnti place finish isus nghi tit n rger ait Tennis Canatias etipeeta- tîtnsao [ti er tasi aceek While inittall rankedtihrd. ske inîseti ap a tiih jusi proel the1 Naitinals% ihen top seeti Mîlîca Staminic chose la play elsewbere ;'Ts put sotie attiittnal pressure on mie nighl [rut (te tari." sad Kaibenue. le lte ed ir touk 14-year-od Ettilictke native Dora Bechlîwanis - the number ive %See -luo knouck aff Kallienne 6-.3. 6- 0. ini te champiiinship finals Saturday ttonting I-lving steainrollet i er way tut ilefînal tur andti hen besieti unscetet Bosetat immiîgrant Boyana Peni. 6-I. 4-6, 6-4 in hli semîlîinals. Kathenne saîid she was sîmply unable iii adjusi rit ber, tppo. nient'. unique andt ettcise style. '*lier sis (tail not paîc toi ihm anti sie retumeti eseryihing I îhrew aI bier 1 goi impatient anti couudn'i atijust my gamrn," sbe said. flic hampiitnshtp loss wa.s pay- hack for Dura's tin sîster Maria. w(tîm Kaîbefinc desirityct 6t-2, 6-I te thre quar- terfinals Dra championship run inclut- cd a 6-. 6-4 semifitial Inripi tiser num- ber onie seeti DeNse Laricqae of Quebec Despîle breectng pasi Maria andti ss rîiher Ontanio tippuinents. Kaiherîne saîid bier best performmance came againsi Bîîyana in l'rtdaysý semis. Aidedt[ailler Armat Rammox, "Hart sliç (Biiyanal been training in Canada for a While shie woult ielititely have been secedi Her laitier came up tai me afterwardi and saiti their matc.h as basicaîll lthe cbamptimship finals%. Kaiberine sait!ilier werving was mn top fart lhtroughout thk match antithat fier haseline garie waa **pnbably die heal" tif ait> uimpeiitur in Ottawa. utis (tours after losing iii Dora in the sin- gles' finalé. Kaiherîne carnet a.lîtîle revenge wlien sire andi Leanne Rutherford downed kh Bechliwaeis twîns in kh dout- bles' champiouship match b> itientical 6-3 set scoîres. Titis surpasseul hcîr irti place ranking. set altier Leanne Rutberfoird's requesi (tir Kalhenne as paniner just isu tiays belote lte eveni. -Had 1 paîreti up with stimeone (ike Dehitie IL.arocqueî 1 would bave heen the top seet." explainied Katherine Insîcali, shle ant iher paniner bounceti oui the top seed 7-6, 6- i n the semnifinals belître upseiiing the number twri ranket Beu.hliwanis twins in the finals. Shk recuigntceti thîs as bier besi Ouidunar Nattoas ever anti ses i as a great.warti ap for fier word champîonslip debai laier iis moult. wkeabeh, Mary-Esîe Pelletier anti Dora Bechltwanis travel lo Japan Io compete in the Nil' Worid Chamionships. 'I jui hope we do lit (test we cati Ilis a leam compettiion so we ail have fi play well," Kathernne sait] By STEVE &SBLANC Specîa( id The Champion Il seens local inatilte Itina liaîi andt. oa it grîîup ofi mi lion leiles niay jut hase starleti a iitiri -sdc'tnid in ssonien', aitiics, Alitng wih hushanti I; 'i, Braani tirganviet Wî(in Tinathloin Miltonr ltlis: 'cui mer in an ettoo iii encoîurage mitre worneit l NilÀ enter the spot anti generaill het orn mole c tivSe Ai ihe tite il .s& the tînt> popilically tiesigneil raccrîl i% kinti lite atitien Atller a ctass tif 70îs umi frot Mllluon anti aciîs suuih cnt Ontano matiethe inaugural, event a local succcss. hi'aâm deidied iii %ent in resalib anti a bncI siory lth Ik nternatioinal Tri aithIon Ultitn I ITL . tif which skeis an ative niember, 'fli resuli Militn's event is the sole ssomen's-oinly inathia n ii, longer IUm nti surte if rthe exact date or ltiontu but 1 do, kniw tai k> I'l ke liasing a sannlar Septenibe-r." saîid Braam. shot has compeied in the %port ai hotîh IhcýqaIi.,nal and %ourld les el ftir miati y cars. She is alsti hiîping (t athletes in %ither uaikntries hase sce n the article anti nray decide to irssî Canada fur sonre rsriis compeitiiinw Millom's esenil will bc held Suntiay Sept. 1. wih an 8 arn siarting tîme ai Kelsô Conservation Area. Braam (tat saîid before last year's% eveni ibaitsite wasn't quite sure sked organize arlotlier one. but alter (ast year's response andi rave revîews [romt many local women lier doublts qdickly tis- appeareti *'Il \vas the women, [bey "177erq's a ruai enfse of onltkory tisa cornes frm cornpeting.t - nim flrbal werc so delighted ihai there teas a ciompetitiiîn spectaiUs tiesigneti (tr thent tshich iýs sale atit nui ittimitiating. 'Sa, man ' partiuipants came up iii me atierwartis and saiti 'Tii sas grcat ieres% goieg ii (te apoiher tue nexi year nghi." fIltiook onij, about iree responses lîke tiî iii cuinvince me iii irgaiize rl again." she etiplairietiý ibis yce% eseni %silîNiave a ncss twist toilt wrth the ati lion tif tiuatiiloq ciimpetiion as well Braam etiplaîncti thai %sotien who canit swîm tor simply [cl unciîmfortable in the waier can now tit a hleig rnnng portion instead. - se DEMAND on pope li Cqger clics ai MDHS. for high siolol girls seu lle a; bgS Mt Distect MRhb Sebriol wUli bc beid Moaday *osigb Wedmesdsy, Aujl. 26, 27 anid211 nt the udoli Euch esa wifl n fte 2 Io4 pin. Aiu #drs ialecome in smmdq4 ae ucicome. F~or mmn lén U - 1 - ObumGl!Uu 115e27114. . 1 illi ( \\ \I)I\N ( il\\11,10 1