Milton counciliors leery of election to-r Halton chair'- grti WE COL npgt'pr ine x ulf addt triimxm a s fur COLaotppiM Kmanz Agreed and added such an electioin mould spt<ur ar ulÇe addts. and represenîs a lac oedmncai gssipratfr chair uo bave expenesnce un municipal gov- federol nidinsa and se Up thr mimner as a major pomerbiroer un processç wrote Mr. Chalirt lHe also called foion acîrcl& emment fHe naid kc dsiubted the peopile an sorth Haion knom jiablon Region. meetings un kc held ai nighi. tri altoni for greater public partipa-~ abat the chainnant dot-s or who currenîly fiIls tluejob. "i isir motn I bt d sHml on-Wnmrh." sud tin Cuiwsily conimîir and coicil meetings are ichedule4l ti, Wrcoutd end up mîtb a ceIc>nîy. a sports sta, or ilue media. Mr. Kumuou. 9Qamihmughi5p.m 4 ir a sunging comboy, runisnng the region." saud Mr. b.e. '*We Town Councîllor Boan Penman said lte stgaus quo sýould pire could cnd ap euth somecoe ebo doesaPt knom duiddly-squat. I va>ail lue provincial goveimment decides iitkerei.e He suég tIsa ser party pobtics treepung us even more titan <bey, do nom?* gested ilfat fthe idca for an id-large eleciétn ni <ke chair us beirsg tW puslue un Burlîngn. cher local politicians bave sîalud flue sie I - HISTORJC TV nî n nom nated of k" acousii i alif and creaLed polhuicians facing unemnploy-i.n I ,' Onttzrio hum regardng tir elaun nf reguinat chair, bomever healtPéacru i i m Oîu i4 1111 fo r O t h o a w ard supported tir change <o uequînsg candidates lo ic elecied by ail more ihan ,q gr-et ovewn'. e sta7y Iront TLE VISON on age 4 ialion souds - a . front ELEVISO on age 4 lte regional chairman sbould be elecird au large dunng tir Fatrn municipal celcion process ibat takes place esery theer yeîrs in The annountement cas made laie last montb h> Dan ,. - . ra l -- Corsjcchia, d'grelot otf be 'Ontario Entrepreneur tuf ihe Year Prigrain and masagung pariner nI Ernst & Yîunig's itvireprvuueunal Services praclice for tlie (irrier Tonirutu, Arra -Wib conibised sales figures ofi clutu $3 billon and grts îng. tise entreprneurs rc-present sonie nI tir vrry hcsi Liémpa- rue' invh <l ýic swc Mr. Cornaccbia sid. -People flic uirsc tinalusts are responsible for tir umemeindius grrîetb me arc seeung un tie entrepeenal.saune un Ontario. YOtJiv us% mètre gitan <lie creator iif oru portable Iclevusuéts sua dii 'M Thfe e-year-old cont4y's system ni data ma-ebrusing classifies. sènres and reirieves video data colredFçd from ihe l.itenung Post. esplained Mr. Peacnck, mliii lias a backgroun<d un céirporae communications. Irl systein bas bon usadiun market reseaKch, consunuet po- Mullons. terlevision pmograîmung and personal entrneni fuir compagnes such Ms Apple Computer sod FammousPlayers. As cr11 ut ssas a piltorni for vnuple searcli promoution for Cruspy Crsinch, tir Waslerloo native saud. YOUtv bas also mold Speakenýs Cogner technoloy un cV c tlion cliti CITYTV <o television stations morkdmide. Mr, Peacnck, ebo operaies tir business eih paginer%, secs YOtiv srrvucing a globial martel,[fiés business fus already taken hum amisém [be world, nid aller only a 1cm yeaes, 1996 revenue priujeceuiins have racbed tir l"s seven figures - more "ha a si million ami less thon 10 mtillin, ir moud. Acard recipuents [ronm eachcaîegory miii ir announced at a bsnquetiun Tnronio flursday. Oct- 3. 'Tirs one ni tir 1) mines mutl k nanted Onlano Regional Entrepreneur ni tir Vear. 'Thai peirson wiii bc eligtble.'along méit otiier reguonal amaisi recîpuenus from across the cçunîry. <o be named Canàaru Entrepreneur ni tir Yenr. Loni yeae. Vie de Zen of the Tornîoased Royal Plastics Carmp mas gèves dhm national til ,.,, Mr. _Lnanur" crie in a Icier <o ftimny Kitchen. a coèn- slhai)hoversac Halions% reginnal revins ciummitier _r. .u tir vîtes ni Haion rather than by ami frntm umu'ngst 24 uihLr memusbers ni Halfon reginnal cauicl. places a grcéueu degrec uit acco)untabluty on tir poitiuon and may atact Mounities ridin g-at Mohawk for chaity lle Mountées arc cnmèng ftarsdy, Sept. 11 lise Alcoluo and Doég Recnvery Association ni Ontatio (ADRAO) muli prescrnt 'he RCMP Musical Rude ai Moîhawk Rakemay. lt 5 evdfiî miii feature <ig Mounties' famrius nide as cil as humusi squad nid btiashalyzer dernnnssrs<uons by local police. A lavish dituter and auction ticludusg coIl-ector's items such as sîgikd sports equipmeni drinatied by the pros muli bc hed. There miii alsn kc mrusiçal liands. dancers amdiunformatioîn busths liy various cootmunuiy gmoups. The Septembher 12 ride ès partucularly unique ircause the RCMP mon't hnld ut again oundtl the yenr 2000, organteers say For more information and tickets contact ADRAO at 1-8M0- 965-3307. 84 SI 5 SHOR OM T D V #&Çm7O773f0 THUIlS 2 for t Tex-McaFood (Clip Ad?> plus b.l.-Llîîle loirt F121. Ucaîher Sitoh Band CD Tlgltreppe SSet. Une Duce wilh Judy AFDonald - orner ouit %ulhLn CO TI(IN A DPA T fl TO U S H ERIDÂN COLLEGE* ai a World-Class College! Ragiator today ina àNlN9 counas or workshop. Important Dates for Regisiraîion: Augual 12 Mail- m/tfafdrop-off registration begini dey or night.- Augustî19 In-porion registration begins aI the following cavipuses: *Trafalgar Pied (Oakivélle). 1430 Trafalgar Road -Dhavis (Bramplon>. McLaughlên Road and Steeles Ave. W. Saptamber 9 The malority o> classes tant thés week. Fax your registration form ta: 905-815-4027 (Oalovulle> 905-814-4314 O8rampton) Have n't Reoived a Fali '96 Community - Calendar? Act Now! * Pick ap a copy at Sheridan Colle#. or your local luhrary * Caîl: 905-815-4000 EOakville> 905459-753, agit 4008 (8rampton) * Fax 905-815-402 * E-mail: infosberldaMlhenrdanc.OS Ca " Internat httpjww sha # Vl .p4& ta M te' j ton 3&MLKZýýý