fingerprntsl rem~et Ganesl yffl ffaimfrlal. sem@vied ooWau. "#0'at twill H"i Paun M a a m iWIrD Pti .dmy ecflyenSêTJ<hepli o fltmme fat w be âdso- éuIOâ~a cmr wbo lIlm *&n mun *" éiS Judge orders hydro tal.ksto resufle MM r. ti ' FRSH STAR?. Ge SOLUTIONS now W.r C" Cod NoedW* o Job or L>aOnt Rnamusion SMaon Cdib Fýw Pd"lur Waga Gornaist ByKtrs - Prsistblocis lndre*t, L. sos SinIff s Soins 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin §%) Milton A4 bknuraiao - Ire.i STAfiT TALICD ..mpff 1 P Cr'nion representative David Shier. fsonyu t ime and we sMIl have àaj% t~ e hld tem aqi." 1 Power Wodcees Uion iegal counicil Don Éady said ai as e le gel a judge ie, agee toia delay on the piclit fine. "Case la* is cisangtng. Tisee as salie deay requareti for plope conatuiqition and for public safety. We don't wanî people trÈîng l0 mun tise ptcket laine." Mr. En1y said. M(r. Eady was alse pleased wilis tise court enrder requtning miediation in tise dispute t0 recommence. He said kc viii use lise courts te enforce the order if nec- essary Milton Hydre geserîl manager Don Thome igt!ed meâatin would be &« ap as mmn ai-pmusbL, A poincial mediaso nwat kc (cod v&~ is salifie tory te botS aides ianlthe dipute. Me. Thlore vas no( pamticuâlarly pinared vilS thé cour order. saying only. Il betier thtan wisît we have now." Mr. Sier suid arguments in an unfir labour pa- lice suit isogt by tise union aganst Milton Hydro vill Se heari Tuesday, Aug. 27. In tisat suit die union as seeking a seuîlement of tise Wokout and full bact ~.ages fer ils 23 members. If the suit is sticessful Milles Hydre couid bc oedered te pay oui IA much as $25t.o00. fie leckeul of empîcyces ty Milton Hydre began on Jone 14 and is nov inita nantis week. Board members are chosen for new ion gaterm health care group An organî,.ai So r ef for pmov.disg long-term nurasg. homnaim.king. thcripies meal programs and isealtit cale i& à big %Cp~"r 1t6 frwlîion. personal and attendan care. Il cornes wiih the for*aon of a new Community 'Ille board nrlemberç will be instrumentalimn csaai Cire Access Centre (CC ) in Hallon. an" wîih the lishing a bester eo.ordinated and more .jîessible sys- naming of ils bourd of daieclor. tern of communiIy-ha'ed. long-teri, cire aremcs Board memhers ame volunuers responsable foe tise sad Burlîngion M4PP Cam Jackson in makint the CCAC - including the staff nid resoutees of clIzrent airnouncemesl Ilese improvemerns viii contasisute home cire ard placement comrènation prograis. greatly Ite e and welJbeing of many people in. CoIsumers will have actess Io ail long-terni caoe dups arra.* servisces tisroujs lthe CCACs, which wiii fswtase ser- Candidates wete soutig thsmugs netespqap ds anti ficcs front cinmfunmy providersi. public meetings, and selection panels of communiy Community-basied long-terni cire s the fastesi asemiser revmewed tie applîcations. growing sector of the kilts cire systeai. wits lthe ý Milte ma memniers of tis board are Werdy kyan-, govemment puing SI170 million into such services as Mutn and Helen F;eruson Conneokt, Now Internuet' Access' *North .Halton' l fasteat * Local cail *No hldden charges *Personal &corporate web pages le Internet classes avallable ILL Account 10, $9.915 $8.2 Surfer 60 *$25.00 $20.75 occount A $1 5.00 set up fee applies to the surfer acçourt under 2 montha and a lite account under 1 year. After the monthly hour limit there wilI b. a $1 .00 per hour charge until your next month begins. o Aztèc computer, 873-2141 348 Guelph St. Georgetown CORRECTIVE NOTICE BY GOODYEAR CANADA INC. 'The Director of Investigation and Research (Competition Bureau, Industry Canada) has informed us that savings claims publishedi by Goodyear from J$uary to May 1994 in various newspapers across Canada for the promotion of some of its replacement passenger tires have raised questions under the misleading advertis- ing sections 52(1)(a> and 52(l)(d) of the Competition Act. The advertisements contained savings claimsý such as: "25% off"; "four tires for the price of three"; "the second at haif price" which were not based on the ordinary sellig prices of these tires in ail cases. Goodyear has resolved this situatibn b>' çnsur- ing that ail current and fu.ture savings claimns published b>' Goodyear are based en the regu- lar price at which the product is sold in the rel- evant market algea. We have alsa established an internaI multi-tier adv.ertising review 'system to support this commitment.