siloe ~/./1OF 'Sprng Nàpkins, 'I NOW ýÀr Cor & Table Ware *evOPEN c:0, L Setected Kids, -;.IzISUNDAYS«. Of- Birthday -'a 12 Pakig @Rear 355 Main St. k. 875-0500 A o"m adQwn S,* 0f WIe et. oesi gmh a higwug hn lhWa6mn*.us tsIl os, In MILTON GOSPEL HALL -HOLY ROSARY rae 309 Ontario st, N ROMANe 878-22RM r,î 0:0m. -BrangBread CATHOLIC ,ngrca il:45am. - Sunday School gIUC C uchn :30p.m. - Gospel service CUC lï Wednesclay 7:30 p m 139 Martin St., mîlton 37ManS.EMlo PraYer Meeting and Bibi. Reading 878'553531 att.EMlo "Jesus Christ the saine ymsterday,, T.T.Y. 878-9044 Rher.uo tr. Mark M878r211 Spd "édy, and forever." Mr cemf Heh il i Maso nt: Sunday Services 6:30 pro. Selurday - Uune 2- Sept. 1) SBAHA' 9 am, 10:30 am-Suid8Y 8:00Oem - Holy Communion FAITH. OUR LADY OF VICTORY r. -rgrm Faesfur lirtst No Surmay Mas.s ThUuday 10:0 .m.- ol Communion '5 ,,.~r, ST. PETER CHURCH ... ..' ...... 'Oth ilne Trafalgar i' ' a ~L:~.: ý No Sunday Mass - Cai tt- Chiri fie ia.oesii Ministr-The e-. RorLewi 8161Inor3Omdicson <OaaMLaTal iorooil d PP Nai M Aen SINAW- iI @voie"EVIETME 123of MAI P.. W..N ONTl.OBren TuHEr & IS ir OuF a di ol 930 aSise Audiry ri8 Phri, 7-ff aeari SMiMa Grni -Oi Cainin on - u,'i Parin0 Mare SireMilo uSuilysuaisupiudl Ci.lWiep Diacona, MiitfsolenS ih Lha,*um llceie ciu aille 1030A (ulp i5s M nrt 0a.yRd -Woreliip n QrMim HeS due b refuuitishe.of et nctuary LlYlU 8M1111111 PAIN AND DOMT Nurserly Cmr Aveabie Tlwrsdoy AUGUST 15. 7:011 - 7:30 pin FELLOWSFiIp ROOfs dNFOPAL SMMERt WOffltiP N- t*q pft » lxporigsfor a=u un hie rictei a tofh.U , 0». « - aMt 6620 %RffD UNE, UMONLTSI 2X5 Phone: (905) 070-3360 TTV: (M06) 878-9364 8UWMAIuu ilUS , lm9 1&~45am THE APPÔINTMENT WfTH 000 Peator Rogg. begina a NEW Preeahing Son.,s entilled.. 'Moses: An Ordinary Man wilh an ExtraOrdinary Job' itit a Sermon en tjed. #HELP FOI? HURTING PEOPL E" NEW LIFE DEAF CMUPCH- (Ail Ages Welcofm) NURPSERY CAPE <Agis 04f) JR. CHILORENS'CHIJCH (Aglis 3-5) SP, CI4ILDPENS CHURCH (AGES 6- 9l EVENf EVANGEUSMI RALLY roo Selurday August 10 Joîn us for an arhaomie*day as vie head to lte Elera Gorge for an exhilerating limeof '.'. vti;Tubingasawell , -,~as aBBQ0latterin the ellernoon! Why nolgel your young adule~togélher arnd jogi us? Cool for 1h. day qç $10 V*will bit leaving lie citurch ait 999 am If youaère ableto go, or moud more inifonmafion, ou» PScNalO in the. 0*rhOMe .78-3M8 NENLARGE YOUR CIRCLE 0F LOVTM* C. uld be*a ai impact of cutbacks -frais LOCAL on pmg(B .ocf uni leteral action and is refusaile1 aclmnwledge tisat lthe demniad fgr medca serices fer oul(rps fuiaing" hc se»s.. "1.Jnforuoetely. meny docibrs are being forced 1u linsut thié inedicai services titey provide in order tc, it the goveromenî's * buget for patient choe." The govensoent is fading lo fonid ail lit medicel services Ontatians need and expect. Dr Rowlaond says. He says the'Minisiry of Seailits eau figures estimae ihat the jainlu of moi- ical care patients wili rceive Ibis year wifl exceed tbc government's budlget lsy more than S500 million. "If the goveromenf i net prcpared fond these services, no one can expefî physiciens to provide them for fièe." flials year*s budget for medical services us $138 million less titan wae wes spent in t992, accrdng 10 te OMl. Sînce dies, the Ontario population bas grown by 700,000 and lit number tof people over 65 - when mcd ucal nced typîcaly increase - bas grown by 140,000. Ministry actions lthaI bave, led Io lthe impending crnsis includc e rrcSn impo- sition of bîllîng titresitld sind a continu- ing clawback on physicien billings for su. vices elready provided, Dr. Rowland says. -Wc bave beard of many situatibns whére doclors arc no longer absle to, pro- vide [bc fével of cent titeir patients are seeking. For instentée, if a family doctor works exta lme M% an understaffed orer" gency ward. he or site risks reacbing théir bfiling Ilsresbiond wbicb would Jeopeîràice titeir alsilily go provide cae to théir o patients,: Doclosqe enn less- money. but "our over.s still says th sýme,' Dr. Maley says, edding litaI i c as recently fotced to close lus Campilville office - leymng off llsree people - end now oper - ales solely od Main Sireev T Ihe OMA hopes takllisith govenmf'm ever the lest severel weeks willilcad go reforma amd funding. In lthe meanimo. Dr. Meley says the sit-' uation is.pulting dengerosy lîigh levela of stress on physiciens - ancito fac% docte.s must laite inSu csiderauion. 1I bave lo tii< abouw my uwn heaith and My fannl9.he sYs RELIGIOUS SERVICE DIRECTURY I - 879. 1.1fi.1