Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1996, p. 6

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rNIONA Bux 248, 191in SIE_ Miltn, Ont A 1.N i; o-si 878-2341 Fax:878,4943 CI.ssslied: 875-3300 te Ian Oliver - Publigher N Sil Ohire, A- iiiiii Pablîilrer Rni Kelly Fdiiiîr *Karen Hubatnt . oh onMîiirra' Teri oan (5hi r M.nîg' Tin Cuole ,sr eîniî Shaun Saune I- i fAirIçn Ted Linduay Ana,! Soie, Mîînagrr A hand up, flot a handout Youîit asemptiryment is a tupie fhira is eltium- addrcssed in slie halls (if ptowcr. That's prirbaty V becase titere are au kids ta ltose halls, antid hecause lthe natiîn's yuutir generatty don't vote, L et s - ' t ' Our sb)-caltod repreçsenaatvns tend to ignore fipligit ut flie ynung anti jobleits itecau&efthatia/ conststuettey is inretevani ta lthe quest for te-ec- T l ut itîpe spnings eemal, 1as- rpontitflhe ted- ITxes ?%..aiia.ama eral gîisemmenl reicased a reporn enitleti Take on shec Future' micir prôpused several recomn- ihPU PA trendatiîîas loi cari ynuth unemptuymn. Wit is encoaragîng about thec report is nfl mi t sirnolt gîve mitre ons lu yutg etrýpreneurs. says. bus soiaît ts ctoeat sa>'. Su mite Oltama may kc stncming aaay frnat talike lypseat youtir jobi creattîru sirettres ut ls spendtng orgies ut ste past. Catraia's yosati thre pass. thre repot tias aaay fmom recumrmenti- sitoutin*t itod titeir coîllectve ireatih mattag for sng massive infusions ut tapayer dollars int a job. As any finit yea e ccionit*s stutienti n tise make-otk prujeets for shnrt-erm jobs. Insteati, unnmpluymenî lime asIl tell you. tfature job cte- tire teti are aîîytng sith tie îdea ut pivsait: sector attuni mili tepenti un tax relsef. jet crealtin uiver stale-sponsoedt handouts. Ezmpluynrs arc eing hammered su haut by Fîsally, somleone ta Otrawa has fumbii fu tire inconne taxes, prperty taons, paymull taxes, andi fas1 thi giîvemments; dont[ create jubs usher tees and regutations titat tkey catit afforsi Wile sthe report s% utty aqt atiioty document fot ire more peopte. Cotnstant tao iac.ases atc tii kc asci tor lte ieselirpment ni a youth sirote-.-e~n p mitr nti mure business incoue, nov gy expecteti lto t\amunced titis tait, il repre- im1sa ess for empliiyec mages. sents a subseatiai change în sthe thînkng ut led- DetferrejTaues ta sie lurm uf federai anti eral politictans anti bareasacraîs. prsovincsal gove'rmenl detrs; are aisti coiriteta One ot the recommendatiiîns, for example, tng Eu tire aatijn's yuulth aaempiuymeni rate u proîposes tan incentîves for bossants ii litre 16,6 per cent. yîîing people. Att excellent idca. as long as As siterest paymedîts un tiesirtebîs% Continue ltîîse racenlîses dont mcai itgiter taxes for lui nmn, ('amodions are lf mîith less aller ras eseryiine cisc lu make up for curporate ion incirme su bay uoh<umer gounds. Antid it Oem breaks, su t any moaey for giocls anti services, ! here Oie picture, hntieser. s. ot ensîrely uîsy. sarely misaI kc on> luejuis. The tetis have atreati> cummitteti ti) spenti $i Tite ont> sure may lu gel yung 'anuoions billion on prsîgrams foîr yihitîverlthe neot titrcc io lthe wîirkliîrce, s tl fe taxes anti iiicr vears a titi reai measuremeal tor success. Andtihie debi 'Puttîng Npeipi Ioi mute mens rctunxîng many ii lthe repros reciimnirndatîiias are pore lao dolilars ir cunsamers anti erplîîycrs tIo pîîiîeaIluhou like selliîn baniks ltai site> comble ihen to purime flie jiamp. VIDEO %MBLING___ -WANN BBTW .: 'Ile, Cannai CUglea, pu eduery W@ea y and Firtapy ai lii Main Si E Millon Ont. L9T 489 24fi in one ai Ilie Mnoland iining, Paloitno & Dhtitittg Ld gtnap ai subabaian nalanch tnti 'x Aja x / Pickering Niewx Adaeîtîsen. barrie Adinne, Bramptan Guardian, Baringion Pool. City Parent, CalIngwaad i Waag.a Cannentios tEaai Yonk Mirrai Etabinoke Gua(ain, Georgetown indéendent/ Actait Fiele Piles IlînustanTis Weea Lîndnap Tis Watt Mrhan EnnOmnpa &Son, kditar i Penelînaaiatea Menui Mînatasoagfa Nenet Newtnattse I Auar Ena Bannet, Nornthumberland News, Noarsh Park Mmifrr Saboull e avai. Otillea Today, Onthawa I Wtntby / Clunîngtan This Week. Peterborough Thtis Wat Aiettnd MIf f Thoniiiill4 Vaugitan Libenal Scaîboraugh MPAîtr Uobnidgt I tstPaîifllt Tribane. TWalys Senaiots Aaonitisomg Io innepted an the condition triat in te ervent ara tytiapini eror mat portian ai the adieiong soie annpied hy tit I(rtianen item follette, waît a îtiaaniblt allouante toi signalane, ual nat lie chanie ton, bat lthe bainerai the adoetîaeineni wîll let Pald lai ai the applicable nainte pot- Ilaten tenenses lte agiMt la ulganze idoetlaunrtnls ai iline. M-LK 4;r E;-êý : ôN,7 lié, Serious questions on pare6 ting 'Hc coutin't stand floc baby's çryîng. Hc mont cd peace and quiet si hume, ant il ttruve it nie a rage. MMe rua i atratti ut hW huslani' longer tirai sied ajjed putrng sumnsting trac titi baby's formula 'Io ktp quiet lier clown". 'Dr hnity isjtom dcad. oie motiter s n prison to Her story is panr ft a reentt ueompremieasivn report oettital clitit abuse cumpitetri tslie unîl- eti Stites. Ifs caltcd A Nation'o Site. batai Ciîl Abusoe ante Negfrcr bavailable it> cattingt 703-1585-7565>. Tie ittatitits anti coalxiinr buo titis nos statfiyre au stazgeng. ste stioco% ' gat-wrerchtfg, trading ie Icatis yîa tIo qui' lion the basic ngh ut stme parnIs lu have chil tien. Yu sitoutt derive nu cunfife sitissever Iroi lthe tact lthas itis is a slti>y nul of sthe United Siales. T'sitme stores are hiearny day aIl] across tConada. Tire report doicuments the tullssiag: * More titan 2.10(1 citiltirea per yeae due at slie itancts it lhiter parents. * More ciltren are killti by liteir parenis trit due front alîs. accidents, eituktng. suffocaioa. T/we gold ini parallel parking goes,,,;.. tL fusaINv tiaaed on Olympic lîrganzers irai tm.Iie future, mien peuple make up anti sec siili syncitrîînî,eî swîmmîng . s an onymuron. hua little credibîlti> esen the legîîmate sports Thîs ye4fr. cîrmpeîîîîîîn in lte 'spont' osas limuteti have in tic Otympc-ç,due lu, ihre association loiai as. Soîlo syncitrînî,eti saîmmîng i% mut wi atir pseudu-sposls, tirn liings mîtl change., mewrely iiculouirecaasic lte compefîtur isni. 1¶eaunie Perlraps ithe youiito nIlthe nexl getraiiun mîi Mtrictiy speaking. syncirrai mt atrytne. tus l oute ai sthe nlymptes ane buits anti sec tire aisn) rititeatous hecause minaers arce caîreîy 'adccay We antýireadei clown the sanre pati as tke tiepentieut upon sire mili ot the jutiges. A viclue> Wih î.gÙ r0lmfc Gamnes, micit tigenniatei toto, lirai s jutigeti ratlier ihaa eamed is flameti antidj huge festivAlS akre aihmetie mentltoute a bock stands orpen me cunîroversy, - r sciât to spectacle. But tsy lui tefine sport, gâm or 0f course. oyncitruntet =mmng îs'ie 'paittime anti yuu'tl qîaiekly san ie isut easy. (>ni> embarrasstag pseati spr mici altoas * tfaemtn tnsent spitting is objective. flice Olympies su make a spectacle ut itscf. Allti 1k thre tr is out, the 'sport' s rcatty on nohi- 0f course, itl anoniein 'sport' flhât itemr event gynastc esenîs. espectaily ritytitrirr gymnas- bition ut silî anti unty margimall>' abuse the cie- is rudicutous anti try'lI come irace at, "Okay. ttiis, tisviog. bourg. anti ail utirer eses in cuit. Atlataia taureti a gymnastica gîta, tomne- lien tet's see yen do it>' micir tire asnaers are tieteeminei jr> jutiges smong muir figure skassng irats dune for Çnans. Spore me. t cam't dîg a fiie to China. Don sitout iek bonisiret. tf me continue alog thte sajtç polt tie tso meon I have nu credibtiti> aiea t say tGis Ritytrurt gymnnasties ii the equisalent ut Otympies mîttsuon hase mime,.c ionists, allemping tutig iiethntma is supii9 diancing muth a baIl, or nibuet. t guess mien the ptaie spînnees, anti itusitanti ant i ate teoît Timon esents are auraning. întercsîîng îo IaI kegirs ti leati yen knua if's ntîe lo u'rtre. titroiaig scams. 1tean sec te nom. match, ditticut lu accomplisit anti make (gr Any eea micit itas a gala performance, - "Overo Bobtfor earloquism." gneat speciacle. Teyae an exhbt.ion ofstdll, mkere atitletes peetorr moutines in a situa afeer 'Tirnt yen Bryant. Bryant, lits lip moceti on Humecte, nes'>' aspect ut irumanenticavue lthe uredals irase becm amardeti, is obsusty tlues 'B' bus k'tt lmtecty nul get a tinducion as tie shoutti nus kc a metiat sport si the Olymptes. tacking seat credihîlit> as a compesiltun. Wkan jutiges acre taugttîng sou tenud. Nom hock to Niayke tiere siteniti k Otylipie pile ponte- itis gala is mure enjoyabte Ibt ire cumpetiuion rnality," ing? At leas il tdet skitf, Psychology i Y* -druaatmg. or b> lires. * An tacredible 18000) citdrea are permt- neati> tisabtei cacit yetar. anti anther 142.188! arcenscisv sajureti, fronm abuse. * Stresseti or enrageti tathers are tire cause t.l nMost eh abuse fatalîsies anti injues, s- Miîtlers are most oteen respunstble s item child lalalîsies are due su batirsui tinîmnsng. fines statieti by aasupervssed citilmea, starsattoa apti deblydrastun. * A history ut tamîlv violence is slingly trl ecd ti, chiii aýu se iaîaflîîîc * Cid4rýuseuoccars in aboai hall ot ail irnies aitere adtiitvolenrc*icrs Mirrelion400 children are tajareti or kîlieti eait day (in îhLr Uniteti States alune>, ant ins is uni> sthe ip ni lthe iceberg. Tirese sfisiseics arc ônly for the tenuma, pruven cases. Hum moan> tannage suicides are cascd b> paremtîag prat- scei9 'Hum mati> sesoall> abuseti citurea ide- tilir sears anti their tirmeal i Hua mon>) abuseti ciîdren have sorsivei lIo lise utuitappy. anstable iives9 Numeros recummendattirns are matie ta Ibis report. Sore ane preventî'e ta nature. For esam. pIe, me shosalt identit> tamilles alto arc at note. beture a chil*Idi s injureti or ktited. Titis meBes j tirai ony fournI> violene mut kc heuglt lu the attentioa ut sucia service ogencies. (tI sroutt iek requtreti b> lia tirai ay tirme vioi- tence us suspecid tl mustie k eponit, innveshigat- cd anti treateti. Teitrent attoutt ie k euuet by loi ahenever violence îs tounti tu kc prescrne 'Me age-oid notion trotl a ciîtti s bitler 01l mitirlhîs bnutugical parents is kîing questionei. Sitouttilt reali> tç.the might ut amy aduti tui have a ciId? Can me reltpily identify shuse parents mito moulti abuse chîldea tiespîse atil reatficnjj effors- The nutiunNot Probatiun for part'its, ticcmsing parents anti coordnoding citt pruiner- lion agencies midi tenter cave agenetes, arc ing etcus>' diacusçed mn mony quitters. A;, 1 ( ý \ \ 1 ) 1 \ ý ( 11 \ \ 11 Ili ) 1, - 1

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