r r ýRVM>X 1 VELY 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSL. Finished basement neutral oadlconm. End unit with garýge, ai(condtioning. A must see. hUOOK(IiLHfUNGALPW Spic ilpn 1 bemn hointe on beaX*Adi baçed km. Kichem ald rm vaieil vie cun col aktellrny HIgNyM of ite barkyard is 14 V pool m&I(dei lochor bock piano aoi pana cy hlioe tanteb nwneim pce éil is à l pleame Io vert. Cal ne iao aIl tie eir4l MMPUJCT. YSa YiII fait in loe *ili tho 4 "oino trad itiSl ilyl coi buo borne. 2 full ba#hom. main ficicr famdy mmn fîrey4re, Im ni.g mnt and d mng hi new mai hen miii winuoilor large exidiely pnvMe bakyad wii hot lob Mu ie ee tr fy wpec taie ROYAL LAPAGi CAMPOEIJILLE Tkip1.Ex - Ceniory home mili modi of m, original charadter awados yoon personal lutch. 3 large apaiimeits & ipalte commercial Imodîn Excellent imrne. Large amurmable lis morigage & venibr e bock - Nlove in cond"to. MusItbe arie tu be appoec.ated! For more evv, please calI: