HARPER, Ouinn '8 Lemon (ne. Doiron> am pleasadl Io annauace tha bsltt of lheir son Iyl Quinn, wuighemg in aiS 9 s. 4.5 oza. ai Royal Vi-I boril Hospital in Bam.., Ont on Augusi 3, 19M.1 Ferai grandc>ald for proud grandparenis Lac &L Barbara Doirori of Milton and second gravictson Mor Donald & Lais Harper oi Woodsiack. Ontario WOODS, Slave a Lita mnd siter Nicolea please<l 10 announe the eamly but salte amiral thir son and brother. Chrisiopher Joseî William, weiwgmig 4 Its. Il oz on Juty 23, 15 ai Miltion District Hospital, Proud grandparen are Joe & Dora., Wilson and Vent & Shiml Woocis Ttmanlmat Dr. Robinsorn. Dr. Marion Km and Dr. Suppat. A vaey speaiai hsnkytouIo Di dy and te OB.S Staff 05 Birthdavs 131RTHDAY PARTIES ai Springrîdge Fan Wagon nides, tarinai mais, coleci a dadasm egg, tiayatadli jumpinfg. privaI. paly, mont a lunch, Milaon. 678-4906. iau ame cuurmall inviteain OPENNOISE un huinîur c ED PARSONS 90th Bihdmv un Sauimda, Augusi 17, 1996 fruni 2:00 tu 4 00 Pm * ai th,' home ai Allait & Donna Partons 8306 Walkers Une Campbeilvilç, Ontario &est iWishes Onlv Please 1 On Jly 131h. 19%, Terri Chela. dasmqhter of Paul tir Iree Ciiesia of Milton. and (rârreit cearsno o hand lyn mae air ofI Ocaie, eon aipl me anr LydFearioly Roary Church. Milton The receptron ai Hation Huils Place, Milton was a great F' Ouka ,, Party rh.nuS Is) I-sony (,ornilka & 1 he 1hiaaP.,h oi the Uuitcd St.[,,,' Ma.ny many thanks 11, ail -ir fanflu -uul frends aixra special thanlus taie oscruarns IN MEMORY Vour lIn Memoriam gi pays finhale ta the memory of a relative or trlend and proades educaluon, research and hope Io ail Canadians. OIOakvill. District Branch 10Et 60 eesR S Oakime. Ont. L6L 2X.1 ou,. Tel & Fax 905-338-0214 - Lo iÏL y zJ..oray 40 Card...ofThanlcS * Lok»V'h~ îiriuTHE FAMAILY oftthe tli Bruce Smithl &auld tite for theïr caia and aindoosa cuing his lii stay ai J>frt! Milton.' Distuic tospital.i,.~ Aso o1haik ait Our ind1 Z -"'eÀl""M ha, 1 friauds and aeighbours for toer carda an idt te 'l. ssss ,jss ss dJrin r lts Id" *dOis,5, you *gain, ay.'s/t/ 5à Fou*. de thÀ,., . , 1, 4 THE FAMELY of thas'4rWCuti ihI rd5t,5/5//ss/ -s 1/~ 8a love, support anid litiémes durig owt an Im of sorssA The flow:::a . cardaadmamta of0,'~,t.,, / donaborns aIrs greauy apprecuisd. W. aod ,"r0 also Im looisond a speai 81al you io boit s, _____________________ Scott à tUsc5eâo Early of J."Soli Early Fumqral er)an Puli, Michael, David & Lyan Bcs IlpubsSAIN. Larry F. - Suddenly ai las haone in Milton 50 Comina Events lobs .îIru1îý. aub band ai Ilyea (Lea) Baina Oer son of Frederidm BUCK & DOE vaarna tiaD avid Sahibs. Muchella and Craig. Greg. ROCCY DELORME & LEESA ERVIN U~sa,..a 5&Grien, Juif amd Nichai. Dow bro81e of Joi, of 94 o6&Bain. Lovad by grandchildren Ashlemgh. HAS BEEN POSTIPONIED phChrialoplie, Brandon. Meali and Jes. Resi- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 9Je gaiteMeKerai.-Kodma Funeràl Honte, 114 CAU. 078411 tg tAuO O C.L ManStreet. KAltomifom 3:00P.M uasil dmer- _ _ __ _ _ _ air Yu 'Ak on 6 A iidi vce ame 4:0 P.M on Fnday. Augusi 981. TRY our unfiatable amiuaeimnt bounce lfo that ng 19M. Cremalion. If dsrad, donations lo dut On- specual occasion, W. speciafîze in Birihday ad- lario Hebi and S"Ile Faundamon wouid be ap- Parties, Company picnica. promotions and Sistid by 810 famly. tundransera, For information and raies cai Cate Amusements, 519-853-3197. 31 Fu'ieral Directors crce ~ EVERY SATU'RDAY MORNING Low, 'tour Chidren, Grandcftildrsn UTLOT 6 & Grfat Grandchildren DOILJG CAROLINE ANOREWUTIOC.21 KOCHERI KOCPIER KOCHER DO N W ML Na 12 PhotocraDhv MkcfKersie - (oc&qr - FRUION T N PPEOTOGRAPOiY FUNERAL HOME *VEGETABLES Weddings, portraits and special occasions, Reasonabty priced. Refsisnces, CaotBâti or 5Cremation * Burial *BAKED GOODS Louisae (905) 878-456. Traditional Funerals *CRAFTS - FLC5WERS 14 W dnc Srvices Pre-Arranged and WEDDING PHOTOGRAP4Y - 100- 115 pinotfs in Pr-Paid Funerals 876ar0581 album plot negaruras. 1irriea xpeutenoe. Raff' sble andi asonable. Pcurs Perfect Weddint1; ANS. ITN87.42 Anhvrjr (ieUeCafe(.ai Plmolograpiy. 905-63947110. MAI ST., NOT 7M LOVE ALISON, JIMI, .JACKIE, OrClassifleda worc for youi -REMEMBRANCESMANSR-TAKE Whether you're buying or selfing. i en the form of donations to PHN 87-30 t u OFflO OF lm CMI*IN oeua PHN_7-30 Îhe Milton District Hospital, quac NMY =J AS ORSEE ,J I Foundation are appreciated.1id V HAPPY ZZND SHAJONe,