Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1996, p. 18

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u "Ii., it-. Motorcycle, ridle for charity .*WtoI t. k1om mm flu" Ssvcs w i on S*m% Sepwhibr 71h._ gather groups of riders in Msisstssauga. Milton. iGueipfi, Cakibnidge, Kitchener, Woodstillk and othe? commLtnities along il-% toute Registration fecs are $25 petrioder and $10 per pas- sengcr with participants encouraged tu colleci dona- tion piedges front sponsors. Registratton fortos are avatlable fîvim ail Royal Batnk branches. Sphool info nights Hundreds of molorcycles wll roa westwurd down Highway 401 on saturday tn thse foueth annual Onitario Chamber of Commerce Motorcycle Ride foi the Prevention of Chtld Abuse. The ride wili grow in force ns il moves from Toronto In Windsor wîth riderjDsning along thse way. Lscal rîders cas joîn the group il a stop in the Canadian Tire parking lot on Htghway 25 aI about 9 arn. AIl proceeds wili go iii support the Investi n Kids Ftiundatiots. a non-profit organizatioi founded as, a fundmaisting focus for programs [bat help stop child abuse befre tl happens. 'Chtdrcn are thse key iii every communitysý future," saîd Pal Palmer. pasi president of thse Ontario Chambr of Cîimmcrcc and an avid mbloîrcychlts* Previous oides avcraged 5M0 riders and raised about $100,(M) foîr cisild abuse prevention. Tbis ycar il begitîs aI SkyDome ai 9:30 am. Il wili Epe Se4o Di'.,oaNwRimn. Dateline Tise Milton Citdren and Youtb Centre. 917 Nîpîssîng R d., holds regisiration for STEP, a paremng worksbop for those wîtb citdren infant- aged to 'sis years-old. Tise worksbop wîll bc held Tbursdays front 9 to Il a.m. Tise costi s $65. inciudîng a book an cbîld rare. CatI 8176- 1244 luîr more infornmatiuon Saturday Aug. 10-11 St. Jobs Ambutance holds a weekend CPR course. Participants learsiWvhat to do in an etergency For more infor- mation and regîsiratton, caîl 578-43130. The Canadian Red Cross hoids emergency antd stan- dard irst aid cuus Part- icipants reani life-sav'ng skills Caîl 875-1459 Io regîster. Tuesday Aug. 13 Came givers ot childmen infani-ageti to five-year-olds are învîied to drop their kids off ai tise Mâlan Children andi Youdî Centre. 917 Nipîssîng Rd., for fun adtivities, play yard # Md Iota o f to y s f ro nt 9 3 0 to Il.130 arn T'ne progrài is 1Wedut"dy Aug. 14 Thse Milton Citdren and Rd., prescnits the Leiaure Tuait Child Care Prograin frnt 9-30 ils 11:30 arn. Drop off yoar kîds (infant aged to llsc- year-0'Idsi for creative play. rîr- cile tint., %tories and song., Thse îsi s $4.50 per cbîld.-' Thursday Aug. 15ý Thse Victorias Order of Nurses holds a font caie clinie ai tise Milton Seniors' Aetiwty Centre, 500 Chîids Dr. trom 1 _Io 4 pm le cost iN$15. For fariher informaitiosn or an appoi ' piment, caIi ý875-l6Kl. Foot cari clînîrs are isy appoinlineni only Tise Mlition Chidren and Youtis Centre. 91 7 Nipissing Rd., prescrnts thse LeistIe Time Chiid Cire Prngram Irom 9.30 tot11i 30 arnm Drop oîff yîîar kîds (infant aged to live- year-oidsi foi creati ve play, c>r- dle litre. stories and songs. Thse. cr51 is $4,50 per child, Tise Living with Cancer Grnup meets ai St' Paul's United Charcis. 123 Main Si E., at 7:30 p.mi Led by nurses. group discussion provîdes emotionai support and praciscal gaidance to patients and iheir faiýiry and frîends. For more informatioin, cail tise Canadian Cancer Society's Noths liallon Unit ai 877-1i124. Leathertown festival Thse fifth annual Leatheriown Festival is siated for Sunday. Aug. 1l front 11 a.m. thmough 5 p.m. on Mill Sirecq in Acton. Adtos celebrates ils leather history wtth local crait sendors. sidewalk ses. comtnuntty displays and lots sif fond. Conttnuous socel entertainment is alsia %et. tncludtng cloggers and square dancers as weIl as a band, a juggler and flamenco' dancers. :FRIDAY, AUG. 9 Biway * A&P, Loblaws Chîna Houso(P) t, MkIas Muffliir : WUIKUND Srnîtys Fille umitu UG 1-M -Nestie Evoi*seIi * Bometag (P) A& AP. LAamJ tri attend a senies of open buslses ai Haiton Waldorf Schooi.l, Information eventllgs on the Campbellviiie srbiol'sN approaei to teachîng junior kindergarten [0 grade t( , stadents will i hfeld Taesdays. Aug. 13 and 20 lmom 7 la09 p.m. T'Me school vs iocated ai 83 Campbsell Ave. E. BEAUTI VU 1,

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