Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1996, p. 12

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Group probes for, eviddnce of extra-t&rrestrial presence. ~BVBRAD REAUME . MW~ tisutis usot lucre. Extraterrcstiials, unexpWancd gisenomiena, Salled govemmnicover'ups: Milton "eadent IJenusifer Jarvis tslooking for ansarers mnd is ssii tng to travel the world Ioi satisy bier curlosimy. llie Laurier Avenue'inother admits the spiesi for extraterresial inteligence cmn sceun a litIle 0 outlmish go tisose wbo bave neyer expertences Sanyting unexplained. Hoarever, she is amaed ai the ouiupourisg of unteresIiun hef aétivimes, usi Sally frot people arbo dont[ know arbere els*e lu taris By word of moautis sbe us isecwtmg sonne- îbmng ofi a local toucissione on ibese issue>. lser aras a significatif sugbtisg utear Georgetowns lasi ycar arbîch site invesigaled. andI w.cral pe"le bave approacbed bier wmtis their sionies arben ul Isecarne evident sbe aras inierested and dud noi consider thoun crazy. OtginilIy groin England, site emirated Io Canada un 1975 and iscoame fascinaWe aruth cru curcles un the early I1990%. Fourid amund the arorl, crop cirrues arc large symmnicral aras% ot prcssrd-down vegetatton. Ms Jai'vis luas man puctures of Ibis pitenouiseiss, wbich occurs in stailtng pàtemN. pie dceîgns are offern quige elaborate and appear on a large scale. One design looked ike a siratd of DNA mnd aras moue titan taro football ficlds in lengtb. Prausksters mn EnglaM bave admittesi mc creat Dr. Marne TuFýrneî and stiFWwlsh to tannounce the arrivai of JENNIFER ALLEN Reglstered massage .i Therapist. :She wll be jolnluso Or. Turner inI mer: practîce ais 95 Main St. E. We hope 1 :that you wlll help us In welcomlngu iher. SV Appolnisment Only. 878-e4 WITH THIS AD RECEIVE ?0% DISCOURT ON il7 ASSAGEt One11 per customer mmsg sorn cmop citties bull Ms Jarvit' receazch '~suggests nuie ail ame ceeaicd in flic mcdsods d-ccnbcd by thc peanaters. "lIn any cuent tiem aie recclrds, of these tlimsg fusin as fat baci as tbe carip 1600s," ase said adddmg in recent tdu is aier "m ica ntilitaty insstallations. "Marly otisers prc-date tse obvions; Trip to Engimad i Ms Jarvis' r es Il, wbîcb ncluded an Il - =eektLnptoEnjldîn 1994 tustudy theplie- nomsn. l1ed ilhl. direction of tise Cenqî f&~ tise. Study of %ýrrestuial'Intelligence (CSETI), an Ansetican organization beaded by medical doctor 5leven Grecu. "Dr. Gregu stands go lose a loi hy standing up fur ibis,' said Ms Jarvis. According lo a CSEI isiograpisydr. Grcer graduatied froin mnedical scisool at East Tcnnesseç Stage University and has worked in eunetgency miedicine in North Carolina, hus home suate. He now Pracliues nsed- ,p icine part-time mn oiller go devoie moute energy Io fiepursuit of CSEI1 reseameis. CSMT has two objectives. Firsi, tise grotir yseeks govemunent inforumationi on extraictTestflal contact mnd higis-level *knowWegnenI o vari- oùs prjecs. Second, tluey aie attempting le establisis two-way contact with extruterrqtal Intelligence, lA arvts said sisle attended a recenti setiinar in ,iéom, Colorado and baU a significant UFO CORRECTIVE NOTICE UI GOODYEAR CANAD3AJNC. The Director of Inveétigation fnd R~esearch (Competition Bureau,. Induitry Canada) bas informed-us that savings dlaim published by, Goodyear from January to May 1994 in. varjous newspapers across Canada for the promotion of sorde of its replacement, passenger tires bave raised questions under the n*fleading advertg- ing sections 52(l)(a) enà - 52(l)(d)' of th.e Competition Act. The advertisements. cqntamned savings chaim such asr-c25>i off"; "foui tii-ès.for the price of three"; "the Second at haif price wbich .were A'oftbased on the ordinay selllng prices ofthese. tires in ail cases. Goodyear bas resolved thid situation by gênsur- ing that ail current and futur savings claiis publisbed by Goodyear ame based on the regu- lar price at wich the products iod In h&rel- evant market area. Webhave aIsÔ establis~a internat multi-tier advertislng review sys ?4to support tbis comniitmnent. SUPERPE 7"SO MUCH FUN> &-LOW PRIVS TOC! expleriece Thse gnsmp beiseves such is "iM iuws cati bc prcdicted baud on certain pattel ils members isave4eacisd. "'flic group dmc Mo evaug. wc dont 0 around knocking oun doms wc a -Y v (P t igid bave no pessual ageida," Ort said. "Whilc Our gesabadoai4cacarcit's impossible gosay ebr deas amthse trullit. mything couki tc riglt." Based on tiseir assesansent. CSeTI Iseleves 'evensa in dise seuch for exmaeafial intelli- gence wîil son aovertelge govettilflent pokiy., am tba&mooe ibmn onc cxtraetmarciviliia- lion mn repreaetd in activities on Sati. Sudden and opsen cv1ntut bas been avoided isecatîse mil s eleved a massive disruption of hustman civiiration sùould occur. sse lid. In addition, nisks go tise extraterrestrials tiseuselves arc feared due Io huttan prejudices and a tenden- cy tomeard violent reactions. Ms Jarvise cînÇ t hu of wltU wc Smc and bear on tik ao# n tisemass media a ami attempi, puvunled isy govemment, mc get pcoplc mote congfortable witb tise dca glisal maiikind is 1101 aione in iseiliniverse. Mues of tise training CSETI provide; ai lis seminarsi consista of mnetiods to oveeconse tise ovcrwseltning feui wisiclsofien wclls up in peo Ic baving a UFO expemience, Ms Parvis salU on'tie fountl ttghl of bier live- day ecuewsion go Colorado sottie stglY mov- mng lihllS sea spoocd id thc distatice Thic gtrtup $boute ff mtoog h Ilgsa tdiection. As tite poucd tic liglita dianged cçlour belgi on mme and moved signuficusdy cbou. becw&46 a butgcruuîgc bai Of light. Aus tic ligi etme rmam fcp p d uptoalfad o peplein die group anth Ue igis moyed aWay. Tsrec miuttes cf die expctricncc was capumi on vmdco(ape Ma Jurviasai Fearfl govermmenta Ms Jarvis said govenuncit WC feaiful about a paitky public reaiction ufic presenceuf* extraterrestiials was acknowledgcd. Military, polilicai, cultugral, tecisnological and religiotîs upiscavals Coul cuisue. i'ise gmoup mn Colorado consiatea of peuple .from ail walks of flfe. people W1 0 werc sot gsvcn tu ill-onsudered reactions and iscief.s," said Ms Jarvis. 'lite more people wto come for-' yard and say ai they-ve seen. tise moue peo- pic will bc enuoaraged to sisar gbeir expert 'fseCSETl projecibas29 workitigimps wvod7'wide and s 10-membher rapid ftiliîztion investigative teal'n whiic rcspondsyqtsckly Io gulasof apparent extraterrestral conlacj2;Ibe groups Io" into governiseat activitues and secret utiatons. tisey corclate smgbtmngs and mzy (0 utmsovervidnct' ' Ms Jarvis ackiaswçdges suris a subjcct.can' enicourage zealots. Howcvcr, Ois saud Iltc meaxpicis aqmuit respectable and in some cases tmUous.

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