Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Aug 1996, p. 7

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*O UR READERS WPJTE SCHOOL US MCK AI- NIA LonK 45 UMMU TO MAXIElI PAY/.810*~73J Summer la no cakewalk for MPPs, says reader Dear F.dilur: I arn wniing ahiiuî Mr. Trudellîs leller lii Thte Chamipion pablîsked on .luly 24, in wbîch ki suggests litai ur eled representaies.sitould kc lired sînce tkey bave taken thk sommer off l 1 arn a memkr ut lte esaculîve cîimmîtlee ut * lthe Ililn Nîrîit Progressive Cuinservalî .ve Assucîialiîn and îiur MP p s Ted Citudîcigh. I bave been mosi împressed hy lthe entitusiastie mariner in wichitk hastiaken up bis icluinstbîl- ilies Iidie public ki represenis. During lthe summer inînlis aid pniie lu legîs. lation, mucit of the coinsultaion takes place cun- ceming pending bills. As chitar ui t he resulurce cîimîiiec, durîng the sunîmer î,ur MPP wîll ha.ve speni many weeks on thk riad across the province in addition 1lits lime IN bis legîsltitîve 1 bave paid sevral vîsîts recenlly ioih ck on- sltuency offiîce in Milton, wbîcb s% always a bîve ot cliîyý Alsiî durîng thk summer, special .ppearance and cuimrunity events double oîr even triple for, m.iny MPPs. especîally when Ikey must attend Up Io iitree fonctîions celebratîng [ke samne eveni. as ssîtb fl auir% Suine îî lte impurlarg issues wbîch have kept îîur MPP busy in îîur niding duning thk Hîîusc ajuimeni bave ken bis cuinsîderahle effoirts lIo ensure thai litere is nu dump injite Actîîn quarry and mn deatîng wîihth Mi sltoin waîer sop- ply. a bîgbly conteniomas issue. Mr, Cbudleîgit bas made biméselt readîly avait- able 10i bis constîtuenîs. Clearly ie enjoys bis work and is ptuud Io repmesen Halton Nonit. 1 woujd nui bc wniting this letter if 1 hai wul beeni very ntuch îtupressed. 1 am."oer Mr. T"udli s nul happy bull1 sugges4 Ihaq if lie looked m, the miaiter fuflther ki would ltnd hal ictre is ltile lime off for our elccted representatives. Paler C. se"e Miltan Why not juat Wear labels? Dear Editor: Wiîh regard Io the Hallon Roman Cathîulic sihmxîl board pulicy on siulcouncilà. the pub- lic is aware Itat.aAîscnminatury two-lieremielec- lion procedure wilI lx allowed lor Mi1e eleciion of of up lui twoijwuxCathiilic prents or guardians ut children allending Caîbulic sebools. One other disturbing aspect of Ibis policy camte Io lîgt at a parent's meeting keld recently. Wken questioned, (oe trustee informed several parents illai the citildeen ut parents elecqed Io lcitoul councils mnust b api,4 Catholics, and thi the childrcn's schuul records could bc checked for tbis information. ln effeci, the Halton Roman Catholic schuol board bas decidcd that il's okay lu accepl the tax dollars ol sucre familieb but jîon-Catitolic peut* must move to tll back of the bus! As rar as weeding out indivîduals ihrough the use of the cbildren*s -sch(iul records. wouldn'l i kc casier lo htavé, qhkm Wear identification lakels wben on scituol propelny? Ha% il uccurred to these trustees tuit inter-faitit lamilies may consider sphlitng tkir tax dollars invtcad of piraîing iteir full support into the Catbuli. systemi whucb rejecs ihem? As Catholica We profesa "I-oly Spirit, the Moy Catoli cao anyunie declare Ihis belît emlbolicity?, Wanta Iaw chan to get samples DUr Editor: On Febmury 17, 195. ur wîte were killed in a car acc B.C. leavîng twîn boys eîghl yî Tke girl wbo killed thkm lanus uft raffic and smasited suere kiading out fora Valenti were kîlled însiantly. 'Tbe bhing dia would have 1 diîusty wuuld have heem tu doul, lit ihe persun wbu bit t învolvcd wîth any kînd ofl klfore the accident. I do nult k drawing blood for testbng cane thk police officer bas reasan t alcoicol use. Tell me, wbat would make a pect drug use? I know if aleot could smelI the alcuboleunleus thky could mu - wbat o utia? WC need Section 256 ut It changed tu say, "Wkn there an accident - blood shahl k drivers and tested for drugs knîîw wîithout a doubl if a mi stance habeen used, Seci Cjominat Code needs t0 kc btu and are we live in. Our Belief in the 1 amn sure my family is not alune in Ibis ce Cburcb.How demand. If you want hk snie dot1.. I ask yix u! cf yeî nul pracqice pilase write 10: Honorable Allan Rock. Minister of Justice, 3rd E&lizaeh Wilson Fluor Justice Building. ?,31 Wçqltngion Street. Afikon Ottawa, KI AOHI. Nuthing will change unless wc gel tiigetker lu ,ged make il cbangeAlW4 Thunder Bay, Ont idenm in Duncan. Wants oldph t a i 1fssd vr hrein The Champion mie 1kem as tkey Delr FAUtor: ne weekend. Tbey Recently îke Wednesday Champion amfved and I opened it Iu look ai the pîcture ifukn ielped mie ttcmnen- back- but ite was a cartoon in thai spot 1 wa know. Beyond a rêèIly disappoinqed. kmci bad nt been Many of your readers aec uid Io wn residenIs drugs or aleiJbol wbo faîtbfully read lthe Wednesday edilion. .now Ibis becauçe If thk readers bave Ibis taken oui ufthe palier mg k dune unless and replaced by cartoons (wbicb msunimes are o suspect drug or mud[slinging politîcal unes - that are nul even funnyl We bave fost, in my oîpinion sometiîg police officer sus- iba, w*s special lu ai of us. ol wip used tkey We don't always bave Io hâve ila phtofrot it was vodka Ibmn many years ago -, even unes frum tke 1970s and 19810s would kc a llie Fbange and more e Crinbnal Code readèrs also woul appreciale the years thl1 tkey as been a death in staited reading the Wedr lsday paper faithfully. drawn from boit Il wus1d kc nîce Io know if other peule would and alcoitol.- To lîke to frave ibis weekly fearure put back in. ind altering sub- îîopefully, more people suit wntle, as I havje. lion 256 ufthIe requcstîng tbai. ight up tu lthe day Donna Coulter Milon

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