tin urnes Bd Nlght Frldey end Satsardy, Aug. 16-17 et 7:30 p.m. The ffhl. !y-rbnd eertngewlll foutue motre thlen bals. Puppeel ho uid ~lie Escarpment safe says an environ Tie future of Niagara Esgaapmneal luni is ta jeop- aidy, say metniesof environtenlal greups. Bilt Baker. otlgotng prcettiof e CONE (Coalition on te Niagara EscLarprnnî. highligited itis concertis regarding provincial budget cals and te conlînaing itegriî y of lte escarpinteni envirogment. Thse provin- cial govenîmeal is expecleti te make announcemenis regarding lte fature of the Niagara Escarprafat Com mission Ihîs manth. "Budget cals l0 lthe Ntagara Escarpment Com- mission (NEC) ant conservaion aulitonlies, anti lte outrighi canceltation of sentie otiter escarpiment relateti programs have createti a test cnis.s, Mr. Baker saiti, lnconting CONE co-prcsideais Davîid Hqait anti Uinta Pira saii ltai reduceti govermmeal cemmitiment lo envîroamenaul protection presents riew challenges 10 gmops like CONE "Peuple are atways coacertid wîith change," saiti Hallon Norlth MPP Ted Citutieigit "Above &Il te Niagara Escaepmfeal Plan is heîng pruiecleti. t'n com- miltle, 10lthe plan and.ilhr îîvemiding legistation lthai atipporta Il.".- Mr. Citutlitgit saiti titere have been a aumher.of propoisais regarding lte future ef lthe NEC bai he is not privy le specific decisions ai iis urnie. He saiti he *would bce surpriseti if the commission was ealîoely dis- *bandeti anti agreet i would likcly lake on a narrower role. gUards sagging, - Piental coalition CONE is a coalition of six environomeatal groups andi scores of concemet intdîvîduals whtch bas etîsted since 1978. Tlle ergatizalton titis year recoîved the =*uenn Governors Award for Conservation. mec- oatgexcellencertn environmealal protection and resoure conservation. AI qheir receal meeting Joan Little, chair of tise NEC, spolie. ouîlînumtj impacts of budget culs annotancei fie last yeae. She moiel the lom of 16 siaff members anti outîtord effots tu mainlta lthe NECs mandatc. Ai th saine limte members of treescaripaenl comn- mifler of the Hallal Norti Peet Natiaralîsi Club have expresseti iheir coacerras lt Mr..Chiatleigit. '*Our inentiers do mil beta ita limthe munucipalities saut have lte resoueco la ainsirer the Niagara Escarpimenl Plan," saiti commitne chitar Sydie Young. "The overap ant i nconîisirncies whicit would relii front 37 municipatlit ant i rglt couiniez or reglons indiiduatty unierpreiing the Niagara Escarpmnt Plan anid havtng tu hire separae staffs Io admninister jusl Iltir potion of lthe escarpmeal, saîti tend 10 grealer ropense lu taxpayers." Accortiing 10 Mr. Chutileigh the future of lte NEC 'Will depenti gteally apon those appoinleti. iLtty witl forge ils nesa direction in keepîng saîlh new provincial policy anmouicettett. soutt EBCARPMEN1 on pfge 10 H ALT taBuF W wanl you lii lry Halien Honda tenir a new orased car or nSd FAmiLY OWN SE SERVNG YJ RIGHT M TH 1 2300 F NHONDA I 0F LLINGTON î --zý-QMYOU IGH WC wîll gise you th.fuis -servic & cage. berfore anti afler thr sale detiai to ail otir ctsittrrs Wfe lte largesi sInlumr Hon" [mule in the ara, amti wsilt IComplcte wt ail aivcrliieiroffrs. Nu at o H onda briârors iii samoeny tn atitsîng. the nexi lime you neeti ta purcliase or Iservicing tir parts for yszar Honda. ED SINCE 1969 LE SAME FAMILY OWNERSHIP SINCE 19! lirview Street, Burlington ~32-5371 î andi le ane s'orihut oIe iha. you nisr mgmned HITHERFIELD SCHOOL, luit nortit of lthe village of Campiteilvitie, is locateti on 82 acre', of iteauliflsa SISTE4'S CLOSET RSALE SHOPPE 'Tour Fwrsi Chotce for Second Debut Fash ions We believe tIsai ciltdren tram best when they are happy, andi the interaction between teacher and student is fuin' É % F damental to thns Our smaîl classi sizes (o more titan 15 in the upper "cmol) aliow ativancmeni ai an arceler- 5 OV O FFA ateti pare for those wito have te abiliry. anti enhancedaasiance for those who neeti a modified programme. HeIp anti guidance are always available to the ciltdren as they learo and gain confidence Skilis andi knosvledg, One of tht greiti siregihsofH e i ead ts l : v si ni cl s n tenjaly 1a sroft working Fabulous Sunumer WeI/BruLfll WearI If you feen iRai your son or daugiter mighi benefil frontOur Programme, please phone ý! prced 10 clear! (905) 85440890s Fail AppointmeMs now acceptedL lFor an appoininent to corne and visil us 42.Bfe St S., Unit 11, M111111, 2439 Tenth Sideroad, 875-0232 lCampýbellvUl1e eIon. une not f401, west front Guelph LUne 112 kn4 --- ----------- --**-* . 1