Entrepreneurs Ken Gulak builds la bettei'. nousetrap, u du fbas,bâWt Mer replac d . iliith nu filaweight wire. 9 ftwummlangfteiirs çdewu W H N M LI D Nm s K ,as G u s.A x ru x ln lslu d u t a u mb er o r frieindcs mat il bruyteixii humn pet ,Uiibit Wlly aielydher naet5hi.Flm frhis seme-year-ad san Bon isuk = =eoe.scWI~mbsc ltyear, lic would newhave imagined amsawbley. at resCmy ae dms the furny litie creaur would spai aminu ane M. Gulak rea=d&"One i defo a new poduct. fnendsad he dioughtl1hadlaàsale"be Orfor ls, masltr thal thi, r.aso * produci ad "ha Mssing me shminrg," wguld igaite such w mfinteet and sube- Ibi simple commes 'vas perialite or quent demand @crmas due Norths Amnican rusai spar* tlsatea Sylken InéusUne n maretplaoe. and its mlling rabbicageproducs. I bat's exacslytha kqMensd however. Wi5li dit help of another.friend! wlth î!when Mr. Gulakirat vent fo unie loca meia ua expesience. Mr. Oulak ut ici pet stores to pmurcae a nbNt4îcage. 1I woek siaus phoogap amd mailnot a 'vent to soute pet mmis @M basically this video of lMa uSw pmihml5 He "i sossn 12 by 24 inch squuc cape 'as ail thaï 'vas ste movenusof thecagp is ually deuksy avelable," he recjlied. He sens in videas to vaucis pet moms Despite nos having much pelar buildin& thmoughous the Gmta5ir Toraom Ar« ad expenecnce. he immediasely set Io wosl "~eVed ensag ti e sione frin otan- cosssucting a morepciu ae d s mid passons. Howse.e, dssf, w yet ati«"i lt wisal' bmng ale l dçaed anouier ssep lo go befuice due cýges ris due build a cape ts due idca for dui rollmng stand. rabbis cage 'as lons. .?You can't jusl waik into a dore and Hç Iigurcd uch a cage would alhow sta selle aprshuc "a 1 hprnud la W/illy ta main moi frsely vid get saie dist th e duisaels in businessais md ht-Pu ~8 freMh air and excecise an due fmnly's finis thane churmels amt dure forgsai Losqi er*ehmu Kmn GaiakktwN. on - a rolUno g - aIl b on théaie 1saaoon. Me oelginally oenunscted du e 1vtt " souk due Caile go felloaUlaus L 1 lhe apUon MUna sa eagad ra to *wes eurla oom e l anlnln 80, Her~ plywobd as hast mnd icen mvre for m Ba ETTR on !ag l Mr. Osia and Islmbkit, Wtai hakmnaitw prout. PROPOSED (WARD BOUNDARY CHANG"ES ruCoa of ai Corpoerlstin of ent City af Sulkgn ai bis onWdiMwM uriMady l agi Ms a Tssaadoy, AigMt 13. li s M7:00 pJfls ClO HON, 428 Ucauint SteMe 10 ME >Anyona msaeraat in abtiasN a CaM ofd tpOPaaad WOrd bastndary chagas maly do sO by cobnt.ts du 0" f du Citlo Cam on or afer ,egoIMVTuaaday, Auguat 0, 111111 nt 33&-700. mi ou usim to alisha Colocia etsa b isma qnmaae as, o themy aqe cÔVward bounday cisanffa p"»ana » 0it d» is by.alui 335-7098 ShA"a i4re we Mt, ea'vWad Ckyofa&-fO!o 270~ ~~ ~ MANS.E,8886