Rsalty Management Ltd. MIhn., Ont., LOT MK &PEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE 643 Woodward Ave 318 Laurier Ave. f46 $109O0* $123,900. SAT. AIJO 10 2-4 PMi SAT. AUG 10 2-4 PMi Real Estate Rep: Andrea Boyle - Publisied by The Can~adien Champion, 191 Main'St. E.. Milton, Ont., 19T 4N9 878-2341 Fax: (905) 878-4943 Advertasing ia-eccaptad on thie condition thnt, in thea avant of a typograpfvcal erro, tilat portion of tha advaring spaca ocmipad by the erroneiotia item.. togaiher witti a reaaonabla ailownce for Signature, wilt flot bai ctlargad for, but the býa'cofteavrîa ment wit be paid for et the applicable rata. Mtpjuaer rs<e"$ the figMl t categorize andt reqa advertîalng. the avient of typo- grapfiýa error, advertiaing gooda or servicea Bt ltae wrong fttnce, 9000 or ServIces May noi be aold. Advertiali ta merety an offer týdot and may be nithtran et Bfy him. Producect on behaf of the vilta, Milton and District Ral Eatate Board. NW KI%#-c UZ4,VUU IExcellent condition wilU many upgae o i coloi md gabeautiful aSUlo on mnainI Town w &hdot teltln $94,000 *U4=1raAir, Garage + aved D ~riveFully Fsnoed Yrd OPEN HOUSE .SUN.Au 11. S2-4 P 81 Milisido Dr. 3 -3 bedroom unfts For Sale -5th floor - 2th floor -Penthouse AUl meking $139900. 10Are AcMa Vca Lot *136.8e.. padock. boca pod ad mu.Excellent vaitue for 820550 Cid = =e e ie t 8764-aa D» 'lw il S24 0 VIPGINIA *!BRAZEAU *u 878.8101 "# = so Eusdu Iliu ail fmi - mimoe =a peilie A~1. dUBT WUT OF tom AM ji »Md of 401. L«pe Col b, $.m dil A& ti AUT OF N&7m amAl0Ta ituW ma iiit* NU WUdt .W.3 .4. 118111M .Z gnnis,. - M ra" las amà mms cu s 45b do&. OO m9afae au. ~tPh Biu ~ EVA GOODING* L!cm ountry aptcated minutes tram fon. $775.0o per rnonth includes uiiispu 'rpadocksCan be rented sp pnice Mil vur depenWgnl how i l rented. --~.--.------ I z) i r- slilj,00o 1