Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Aug 1996, p. 23

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Landscaping for fun andJ For some people, the oppomnrity la enerciaie teir green tumits is ane af lthe ibings flt prampieti ltent la buy a bouse. Others reog nize fliai kceping up appeas-aices in lter neagit- boorhoado macies file caisier anti incteass prile oi ownership andi camntunlîy Eîlher way. lantiscaping ami gardenmng are irententirus assti tr itameurruers anti will i mprase te ctùaynsent andi value ai yîîur itame. As in makung any impraventent la your honte, the firsi sacp îs ibaraugit planning. Develop %omne basic premises or assomptions about yi)ar aints Cassîider bow mucit lime oir mars-y you're wulling la pot mie il. Witit.proper researcit, you car do a lai on a ftille cash*ant Mo mucit more wîrrk. On the ocher itand, you car sVend consîderable maney domng camplicat- cd anti exalc lacdscaptng lthai wiIl eantpletely iransfon lte appeas-ance ai yoor propcty Landscapîtg is a long-range, neyer-endîng project but stîli. il you laite il sicp-by-sîep, tl neeti toi kx îîserwhelmns. Consîder yaur lîfestyle ami lthe uses you'l malte oif the area aroond yîîur itome, Are yos goîng ta use lthe garden area for enlertaînîng. a vplayground for chîltiren. aulduior lisiiig space. octasional fainily sît-tiosns or pnimarily% a once viets fi) loit ai iront inside yîîsr bouse'. AIl tose uses, anti many more yau Cao tbînk of, stîll suggesl different apprîtacites la land- spîng. Do you watt people bo sec yîîur Iront entrance aiea as sonteiiting distinctive Ioi stop ami broit ai. or sîntply a ns-ai ami îîdy lunclional ares> Again dîlleresi approacits. anti dîlfer-nt levels of cosi anti efforts% Giseendre d W tiauir lyai lantisç- îng dlesign, andi realize tht letng plants, suih andtile elesr6n itappen rmntiomly in a i- mcI marnger can upail lthe appearnSe anti limit ite valir ai yoor haine Macot soit yoor plan alsto tLte inic consîder- ton sucit diverse elements; as lte- averrail loak anti style of lte neigitioorhoodtheir conitiaon ai tire ttil astd drainage yo have ta rancit wtth anti the noise, traffic, anti aliter aspects ai lte area. Depentiing, an the pientises ai yo" plan, lte possibilities in landscaping arr aImait unlîmît- cd Yoo wtil pnbsirly stant a min ai "bard" anti "soift elernnIs sn yor long-range plan. Tire bard elentents seIll jinc lagsfanes, pavîng brc4..Jitalt. gravel anti . in ocit liiigu as dc% trellises anti fences. lire soit clements; wîlI kc plants, gratis, fioseers, sitrais, vines anti frces. In antain aras% sili restricied svivie. tirer may kc niait haiti elements tia wflt, in susiur- ban arcas the teveevis probably truc. In addition ta împroving lthe value ai your borne, gooti. titîugitîful lantiscaping can alto save you money. WcIl citasen ami placeti île- ments can redire Witeng anti caalîng cosi anti redure maintenance cîsls, Trocs anti struits. for instance, est pmoviie scers bo canrel seit, erosia sunlight, sitade and smow. v "Tierç ar lots oi basic (anti mate so)plistîcal- cd) books anti magaines avaîlable on gardes- îng anti lantiscapisg. Alto. yoor local nursery car gravide you wrît valsable information. Ttc resolîs ai carlully, planneti latdscaping can kc funciional. aesitheîîcalîy pls-asîng anti co effective. Getting your house ready for sale iCs almavi tinte far the For Sole srgn ta go up. anti tigne ta malte sure pour bouse mIll kc looing ils bes mires the firsi prospective purchasers sealit titraugt lthe dom. A clean, ottelutiereti bouse looits tîgger anti more invît- ing, so itegîn by packtng awap bulky or unuseti lîsmîure anti taing lte besi use oi your spaceý Be ruIbless whien pou go titrougit closets. spare motes anti cupiroards. If pou baventi used lthai breati nakrng maciîne far a r mire. amdi f poi rgo liitely la serti titai entra set ai china or cutlerp in lire test lesv meeks, pack tl away. Those kitnck-itnacks an tite manîle- piece may bave sesntental value la yîîu. but ibepîll jus( lookt ikç kinck-knacks la lthe peaple who came titraugit poorbhome. Take adeepitirai anti mase tem oui of sjgbl. Yau can make a heati stari an packtng by caning off brrrîisbelves. cleaoing daottes. sbires, euIra towels anti ked ding (i oI cbowss anti bring lthe kitis laps, oul-af-season spiiis s-iupmntn anti garden tiii rI. Take a toutr of pour haute anti malte a note ol iboyç easy- ta-miss spots lthai neeti a goti cleasrng. Wash domr walls, windows anti woadmark. Sciat sînits, tailes. bathtubs ant iqchet appîrances untîl tlrey sitine. Clea oui tir cup- boani untier lthe sînk, dore tire tops ai baseboards anti masit aI mmntias caseiringu. Tire mare titorougit lmir n- ual dlean-up, tir casser it wmll Nc ta iteep te hauge loaluing mît besi for visits frant yaur realor anti prospective boyers. Nase s lthe tinte la ls lte cracteti ligitî-swîîlcb plates, broken tioar itantles, leaity iauceîs anti sqocakp doars pausve Icaiet ta lise mt far years. Sitabby iiciten cupitoartis anti a gnsbby ballmap mîlI tes- clit leont a iresit criai of part in a neutral caoor - ibis is nt lte tinte ta starn rxpenptenting with drantatic paînt sellentes. Sîntîlarlp, heavîlp patiteed wallpapej or beîghtly calouitti accent sialîs may tend ta dis- tract bupees iront alther ira- lunes, or malle il bard for tirent la imagipe hase lhitr klong- rngs erîl "a in the morme. If po car, repaîni ar papier lte maIls in a subtîr calaur. li's offert mot replacing cas-pet or fleuar cavenings flit are in reallp rogît sirape. If te stage ai pour ititchen f[bar is lawening tire torse ai lte seraI ot, lar exemple. inexpent- tise, stick anti peel files cas malte a dramatic duflerence. Reahars as-e lamilia- mt the hantes' marktet anti car help yau decîde wbîcit improve- ments mîli be appealing ta boyers. A majar issesimeni - addîsg a garage or tieci. for enample. ltap rat kc recas- ereti titeugit a higiter selling price. mitile sometiting as simi- pIe as replacing tort sierment or filling cracks mn walls anti oeil- ings can addt cantîdeeablp ta pour battes salabil.tp. ùzctiondlity fl..-' 7ii aJ?i pros'idtd byiecal Reaitors and 19Mi treMlo the Omio Reasl Litait Asiocie, n (ORFA)forI thre berrjii of cartsmwCr in the reai -aiate tr tiffnrdubl, tiit i a Moduler loe lPark PCTRSJEA A T,- ed,-. T-. lathm 5badtw fntbdelW*uuth2ar garage n a/4 I acre. Eat-in lhei. living andl tamiîly th fimM,"MPO".CalYvnnl 8-M5 N-ltia j.i molylrsnap ti ar m tre. *idrtrid43 otti ranch.Comrplet@riM * Wrpond pool. tiroig poire. urique enntucsno & etcOPýtvotu. otsot Sinforguetta *Enimtantsar ai lis BEST ARoUCED %%4,9t)i Vi I nOEm iSATIA FROM 1 .4 Pi. ni cal JOEA. BOERSEMA, Soua Rap. 3333505 REALT WORLD MUMILPNIRALTT INC., REALTOE 500 Steeles Ave., Malton 876-0633 24 Hour Answerhsg Service

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