THE OFFICE OF TiIE CANADIAN CHAMPION" WLL BE OPEN ON MONDAYS UNTIL 6 P.M. TO SERVE YOUR CLASSIFIED NEEDS INFORTOETTI AUCMMO SALE UAL! 63 of WEI. AIIO. 14 AT 600 P.I* SMAP LOCATION la lb AgrWullural Hal ens Rberut Siee. Mil Felrpauntt. Ummil USUAL liEUS à CONDITONS AUCTIONE£11N DON COLI1187794117 Glant Boat Auction smur*1yAugsll oser 300 uswa " ciiln les a rd carlé, aih <510>1,4-112 FIREINOC Hw*od sl gmu a4 o %»ia en 3 buui, Mdr 005478-3M.2 FIRS? qpyuic mam oupet 15.05h*q. ypdý For g ywL ompus nada Cd Jkn 877430.25 Yom, of mpowm r'vu abu le pounds and houe gru. bIrns a dm 12 le ais Sl. Why net you? Cal Mauly. 337-065. INTERNI SUSUMI 1.1S11NM- Fri asunpatyl gagne on eU hiàana Haine Pm"n aw. Fax mmi owinaiy mm. "&Nm aid oieoo number wr y aur Indlcatinq lieur CRnOWY 10: Fax 873-259 or Phoo S734-214l. WWW.ATE-ff.COM 1i ac 2iL_3 - C W - -------- Raeplarelân A I anAepess illAROSINO111 MaL, mansire, und, Vent~ »Os. aJvnib. p»erminhls. &mnu",s »lla guu DEOATIVE PLASTERINO. lnladoansd exOndai. ilest Mina on conmis. ong cansa. paulet moslg calmna. eoraton oA. Irpaca und vualcm oA b your daalg. For aia ai.C plaular ow n âyod si $%mmc. Cal 825-473. BASEMUNT FLOODED AMAN? For a Peemanli Solution une, «ECTOFLEX iniarioeEixuulo 'Estinma ddvovf UIFETIMOZWAANEE COUi Vourutouizeli Appucatwr CONCRET SOLUTIONS 145 nQIMDWM - -NOTIE T O AOVERTISERS lb. Onumio Humai lipln one Il Il I dis- crliination because of o. se, ~wEla aulitserai».o.ed, nagonft. énoay or P iC igiri. hicpin es wm li s onde, no*u- mwpaa raao il in i -i - M U*qmNOU FACTRY WO Brous m$Og M»M fage usosi Ma L 7 - $OJ - FOR: - SPPflSECBVD - FACIORY LAM MT:S Ow Trcild , PIssa lma bc Thms *q MU . .lem & 12 "p uy. caumamuuwfm 315i Mâle Il»ME£agiMau" 'I11011 SYMM SUi PULL TUME à PAR" TUME JOHN PA. TOUWII AUITO AUCYÎ1S. Na cola aoceplad on lmaedyM. 6.75410 ORblYSlOM OL CLU le Iohi4 Ow de- p.sdadsialaiic paillba oà n ain ql- F obr Serve pidaWsat. hO MWi Pmt Sm oUi le,~ Plame biri 1m p.n. la o ib Liu, mo. UmmNO. LCOIWI PmR C~ u aln ks6m a fer Anomal Ser,*s. Fil 5aù ehl - '. Cd Alon 9D064740~ or 1110&2-10111 Fit 51. 100 u OfItafl Sbuilà ECU holifB poIlimxai sFIuellI Blingoul Corpoâe onoelere STmwtpana assi 1 you sNMiM6o*ak "goum ECC O 'sara COMINI Y COA Epus.i ç î là e avag&M. 151h Bida Road and Thiri Unes bougon. AMy ' ç à. uapile Pbmsls Public qaitoo. CO Jarlâe. 8754M9. DAVOARE NEOMNED, 5 liantid p9I, Smn mmeraI vldhlity. Atmdb satool atmistes. 8a1aca.. 76.40. REUIASIE DAYCAME M-Nana. Ulac Dmlv. S yeans s<peeane. Plam cg 876-4078. WANTED lar Sp nb= U=v-u i Nanayl Hauseisepo0pr, bNl csnda.Pr-Id"au agad clifte . 875-1402. WANTE Nau"s Io bai ait baby 1 -2 moan- W@* in 'a N 0 u M. Phono U675. AIUSED and a~li For halls col OM-581, 24-hotu risle Km lie elbuait "tmem =ia Waalnents Plic s' oaui uc he a is - abl. for absd oiseat aid #w* cdit i tMWi M Reon. Alcit am canidmia. ARE DRUOS eauslng Yeu prabsan? Nageai Anlonymats con haip. W@ mme Rley Welleil Oro hAp eaau evri., Mis ai kne Mlo. et am pus ARE YOU SEIN Ola by @aaons eles derlnhlusgl Ai - Asion FaanBl Oss mieull a Menlday nigt 8 pan. aiL et puir d mï adI. bock doer Co~ fiqat sÏme) 1-001>101- 41111 PARE PRECNANY TESTS Rihhe 478-246. 0 DRINKIN suulng Vou probterne? AI- onholice Anaiymnoss mam Tmad@:nlga Nt Orâce Anglican Clns. KI lcia ke t.30 in. î-80ffl-oî8M KEAYENLY PSYCII ANWIR$. Servine w laemo 63.Ola# I 11209 mie. 24 lhs.. +lsn, 1-U000 4141m. A Free home smoking cessation pro- gram sa avallablo through the Toronto Hospilal in connaclson wîth a research aty. If pou are 18 ysars, or aider PLEASE CALL 416-204-1765 IM6 FMR PMOE. celyss posa. 6 apsai. conso~le po0fo niai oWbmo. 84.000 kmn. $13,5W0. Cul 1111-335-M63. llà -4 drTaanpo-L. paveW poulet. br"as aisand air. iS0 .0 i, lady "M 1997 PONTIAC SWISIRD. 4 deor 4 condor, automalic. AM/FU. 130.000 kani.. $2,500 ceailai 1-61946364M. U1.1C. FBA. %XI. Uenkrupl? Need anolàler dmnis W. ams b*. Futaruc Aula Ca@& SALES & LEASING NEW &USED. aie encan AvU. A FAMILY BUSIESS WITH FAULY VALUES - WE -BU - SELL -LEASE LARGEST SELECT1ON 0F USED VEHICLES IN.MILTON 875-227 Male I RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS - GEO FoN VOUr N.xtCar Or Trc Purchmn p5M2 SEflKD TEDERS, orn forma and in mnvelopes suptelied ho the Reguose. plein- ly marked as to contents. wiii bu reccived by the Purdiusong Departissent, 3rd Flor, Regional Building. 10 PeeI Centre Drive. Brampton. Ontario LOT 4B9. until 12:00 nmon on Waâ.aày, A«uI 231. lm6 for the Rentai of Vatinus Types of Equipmnent for Wînter Maintenance Operationa as h.loons 1. Singe Axie Truck. minimum 14.600 K4G. V.W.,,cSmkltewith ait. ca plo and tei foot wing (minimum). foi Sot Plocng. Operated, twenly (20; required. 1&TandeM AxIsCa and Cha"&a, min. 22.680 KCg. C.V.W., complet. with Cubîc Yard Sander Body and Plot. (fo Wînter SandinglSaltint Operutione Operated, twelu (12) required. Spectfications. Form of Tender and Tender Envelopes min, bc obtuined ut the office of the Purchatinl Division. payent ofa S15.00 nues-refond- Tendlers cill bh.oPered in Public in lic Council Chan"rs. 51h Floor. Regionuil Building, on Wednesduy. Auguat 21. 1996 ut 12:15 p.m. 1he locea or any tenddr min, naît necWs uuely h. accepted. te C.T. Delua. Oporallea, Dlvioi. Dqwsum e k bu. SuO" Olse. grumplea. 0.151. ut (9Ns) 793-7800. staaulaa 43M8 LV. l<olb P.C. White iChaimn Mat" ai aea S000 sq. fi Bacltaplît. 4 bedroom. 2-4pc. baellean., doulik ganges. $aed 1200. anodi plus UMMio. jt aind lut Andlabla Aaug. 15i Na PMl. 8734-19 3 111EDROON11 SEMl, quiet court. availlable . -a MlyW. 61090 mSnfi. 67&-51174. 3 890DlooU TONIUSE ner coa shappin«ýgnbal air. s$UV*. Iitie isctuded. >-$l,l00 pu< month plus utils. ams & lait %onw uit duea upan.0 rWli AVAa Sepia01- ber laIt 875-1224. 4 BEDROOM TOUNINOUSE. ceome air. 5 appontioes. éniéw humal Aval"I Sup- fiembi Io. lealIsal 8l.1flordha0 ulie s. Exelaent W-Isn M26215. naimOSNUL3 bedea Am.san b :a lebel 1. hmi glahm ba. lmeso. clse le paIs aid aduola. Ha lbp p-u. Sm0 plas UMM.s 611141141175. IMSE oommi. MAid lm Wi boue Naw dnm parking mml oia balad. O0. m*l. Av%a kmuadyn. 4794131 alea. -100 mi. «eT" a,, *Wl@@&.35 VILLAGI PAR. loup oauds. asedal '.3w 2 - . à -., c a aiplo s à In. mc .uic parilla «e s Evi-.