t SPORTS - e UMS l -Va. e Af. Loti &i Sale 31 Kahn@a Fleer 28 lite hîglhkghî uf tpe game cas home tiens, trples aid doubles hy bail sides chit maie for a bagth ccoring gante $Ias for Aîm.Loch & Safle ere Jena Malbnef cith s bamer, a tripleand a" Lklgies, Casses Clancy midi a hanter aicra double, Megsn Jobîn midi a bottereamd dure staLles and n homte auratfrain Kairlyn Jonqaa Suais for K*o leolaers Lu peine, Chissie t-apnld. Kahfn Broca midi four bits euh. -pm"1 PatllTranqstnt7 A aurons honnig performnance hy due Optimia avec cane the liard machingt defease of Petitl Transporn chu hancai liard Ite du m Star for due Optimias erre Stacîr Mamnga. Les Wlisiaat &W Bîchlle Maith ididue cons scored euh. Saith McKiason bail gocid plays an d"fnus Star for Petitl Tcaispani more liacWihum mvrii dur bits, Siephante Williams cdii s doule and single and Koiy Gfencema midi dre singles. Zaa Eagmhfgil lKa" flmen 24 A close fouglit contras ii bath trams pisyiag calt ai bai am ta due firli Sta- f.r Zesta Estgîatnag c.a Nancy Web cith severai catches and ilirer bits, Lynsea Goorfi midi dire bita and Molly Sanis so msvidiatdrme hîts Stars for ICatena Placers ere Lu peine mitb foiur-bits, Kaîttîn Brown ehi ibrie bits and Rebecca Hahfis cuit dure bits. j. seaut Eàaly JO0 biLE Frelgli 23' ¶Yîîb jasi the test hitters la second sad ilurd intimg faîlîaga ta score. tfhe Sconi Early tran biait a arar perfect hsîîiag performance, Foc MLsR Frcghi, Nicole Coolson scorai doublea e acb îina Stars fan J. Scons HarfereLaiera Jackson, Chelsea Early and Aipanda Osniase. b Stars for MLR Prrigbi cec Nicole CouSu. Jerasi' Gadda u.sth s bhomn ns ai trn doobles and MfgItan List Refuis Aalotpln 32 Suiffas LSri Staffa 25 Drapîte ecrllent defyT&We pisys hy Sentinel, due big bats of Bisais Aigo Repaie gave durs dhtu rsi . Stucs for Brian*s Auto Repaie ere Brenda Psrnaity euh ico bits, Btittsny Lacieunil and tirea infusio midi dunie bita Scli - Stans for Seistiset Senvior Station era Mallory, Ryan et a honte ait, Amnda MeKianon midi s triple and drfensis r ihalas ta irsaîfer Charlaan Nicole Calic aitd id Ranis. Rmiai Miltaue Beaty», S Vern'sWaua24 orel battrsg frota bath trai ade due gaia rsustgg frou hegung smnd. Stars cor Remas Mîltomne Resity mccc Samoatha Mssovicb euh ttre bita, Maksyls Toal eli s bit nd gauil pisys in due ield arts Ua Box euhl IWO bitsý Stars for Vemas Wairr ere Elyssg Sinriko eulh Iwo triples. Jennîifer (Siogger> Pîctrrig euhi s triple as dîd Rohyri Wcscelt. Macbette. Siteplierd giait dun bila. Shappee's Dasag Mari 25 -'A gaine savias honme rua hy flancs Jacitys Niediielsi bsade the resait a tir. éeservai hy Stars for Mertz ere lscityn, Nancy Matalît euhi s doule aid o single. Ern Leety eth Nwo doubles and a sînglr, AmmndoSacrews cih a tipla and a aingle Stars for Sfiopper's Drsg Mari ere Katie Wilson euth a home rua plus sin BRI*s, Saisnita Kampa euh wo RBOIt and AManinais Housan midi o durce RBI*s Napine Granais 22 ieruwa iflhltta. A gautdsaliborneetny Naytoe's Eous Baker indue fins insags ueoe of diu r <ghgfas ta thi close gtene. Stars F.r Papier Grîç.wm Bina, Katar Closmla a home nus ai Catay Maidum ia mdieu bita. Stars toc Ingeatoil Iastallations merst Christine Adamsilla io honte nits. Nicola Jdfasan Vill a horante andt Mani Caford villh four bita togeduer miii starongs defensive pias. Saily Pietto sien teoumdi ae honte ai tagedn midi eadier McFarqua. Katherine wants to provej' punàits right Bg STEVE LUSLANC Specal Iu Thse Champllion Milton tennis sensation Kaîherîne Rammo sur- prised the odds-makers and experts last summffer ai the Corel Undepjl4 Quidoor Junior Nationals. Ibis lime around, she's hoping; 10 pTove 1kmfl righL. With an extra yeae of expeni- cie under her ficî. the iocal i 2-ycar-old us oi only seededt tor ibis sck's Nationals i thse a Rideau Tennais Club in Otî.wa -but is une ot the favorites to corne acay clifi a medii. .Site as the airdi secd for ibis wcets eveni, whîclt began Monday cîlli opening round- mýat:cs. As a seedcd player W sfi cearnas a bye in the fîrsi rytnd and began play yesîec-- day (Tuesday). Last season sfic Kathorine Rammo cient ini as an unsecde ttry ber liest singles performsance ut and shocked the espts by the sumamer ai the Sotîhuit knoelrmng off tke nireli and scv- International in Englànd, chere enth ranked players and lin- sie made tl ail the 4ay to the ichril clîf a top rigle placing. quauierfinals fiefuce loiocîg ouit Her high raniing Ibis tinte toia French opponent. troond corntes on the strçngili Enrout <o <the quarterfinals ut ihis springas hronze hscdal shte fiested competîtors from sfluwtng ai thCCooel Under-14 Gtea Bnitamn and Southi Aica Indoor Junior Nationals. Alter la doubles action, sie and a sieong 1995 campaîgn and Mary-Eve reacfsed the second comeopf the top seeded players round chile some addîtîunal going overagethîs scason, Under-lit singles puay'sac Kaîherine cas actually ranked Kathsenne finish veitl one cin third heading int the April and one lueis. chocse and iived up tu ail Tbc'tcamn's ituropean swing ecpectstisnts. fiegan carly Ias; muaifi in Panis. Ani chile an equai amounti aith<fe SîadtFraacaic. Whîle of pressure bas fiera placed Iositig in îbvflrst round ut bots uapon her for tbis crci's ibeunaîn draw and consolation Outduur Junior Nationals, playdpcnc, Katherîne and Kathetine cerns just as cunfiî- Mary-Eve (bd make it tu, round dent - if nul more - tn her tan> in doubles, chere tbey feli afiiity to fing home sortie tpairench duo. mure hardware. "Wfle tn lPais. cie alto qit Thec 'Ttain reason for ibis is lu tisut Rcgaad Garrus chere the vasi arntolnt o tup-flight the Frenchl Opca s pi ayrd," s complatition she's enjoyed orer catd Katherine. chu dIl quite a the past fese ceellas a mena- bit ut sightseeîng limonifi. fier uf the Under- 14 Junior "«Wr rnusaly played un clay la National Tunng Teamr The Europe as upposed tu te bard tIamcas coni lustcu court surfaces ta North femnale amdî<bie maie players. Amtcea flis matres the gamne Meufifership cith ifhe squad a lot different eamned Karfierine a trip touitrage "The bail duen't get the separate Euiupean events. thse saine distance it dines on the latesi ut chicli cas fled just bard court and fla more ut a W ico cccix agu la Hartiberg. spin lu iL, its a siowef gante se Asiia. you need mure patience." There sitc pîcked up the 14cr national icans member- bronze niellai ta doubles action shîp came alier an ouistandtng ciîb national team paere et(ort aith<fe NIT Wdrid Macy-Eve Pelletier ut Que/tec. Quaiifyîag Mc(in Pucrtu la singlea play site fiest bouf a. Vaiiaeta, M >eticu ta May. As Rornaniai and aisla oppoacatd une ufthife Canadian Tesa tu quaiify for Uice main dir., nses sfc mon a auntt of mIsere dei dowmnaia- Auatrian Méatches and flelped cara native in lte firs rund betoSé Canada a clIve, miedlai and a lceirg t ine uf fier tramstes trip te thle Nil' WçIld in rounid to. - -Cflantpinstiipa early Iejt Ptlor t tiis gaie put togetiser * ae RAM on pagai0