into the Inter Tii. Champilj A couple of Town of Mihon employees look in lialion Region's interne( seminar as pari of thse og- ing tiveloposeni o! computer semvcçs ai Town Haoll.o 'flce townls geuting a wbole new syntem Uhs (aIl." sacd Mjllon's direcior of leisuce nerv'ices, Jennifer Reynolds. "We will lie able tu finti out whai other municipalities are doing very quickly by using Ibis îecbnology. Il wepn witli repoets on pricing. policies and Ms Reynoldis said the curient nystemn ùaet by Milton relies on old mainframes. rallier ilian PCs on a nelwcxlc. andtis "prt. iy archaac." Yfflold Alnleeseminar was Pat Kosmp, recently hired by the tOwn as tlie cooriuinator o! techniology services, witflbe tesponsibujity of hant- dlîng the computer switclis "A connection te the inteinet is sometbing in the town's fuature, sid'MsKossup, wlio ulid ade atant Abetter g rabbit cage Joi yoe who ite producit manager *, fKagge Vet Supply, a wliçlesalr oui of Mr Camhridge. lie look a quck lok a( ile vdec andsaid "Mis thng s awinner. ' " Sis e gais ng a cmmigment front a huyer -which Ms. Gulak said was th1e liardesi pirt cof lits business venture - Ue cagc s inventeîr bas found a manufacturer of basrbecue grills isho agreed te make tlie cage parts. Mr. Gulak does tlie final assembly ai home. White lie was husy wîth Usîs, Kane Vel ' Supply loouk 11he ides lo pet stores anti tradte shows in heli Canada and thse LinicŽd States and now lias efler liuyera ail across castern Nortli American andi even elne in Germany. -I jast fintshed the final assembly on 500 cages. wliich come in Ibore dulferengt sizs - regular, large and full fretoni. Tfiey are pried a( $65.99, $85.99 anti *$9.9," bue said. 'Ibis is comparable ta i Iffont cages ibat wete already on Use mart- la. fihe cage 1 originally houglit for Willy waa around $80. A special full swivel mfouni water boule is aLso avaiable."* t -Willy apprsnbostat horne inliafull !reedom cage. Young Bïen said lie Usinks his twoy-yerold pet enjoya thie new cage much moge dma Use de ua fist kept in. Ljlink il was neat «(ais macde the cage)." beaalid. Mr. Gulal bau invested roughly $6.000 inte hii creation since its inception, and fig- ures ïIe*s juai about brolen even. As a linanctal expet wuls a Mînssauga engi- neering firm, bu tioean*c sie Sylken In- dustries beconsing a fulilime job. lie dccl aun hossever, Use psi years tieveloments have boosted bis cage idea fmmi simply hobbytoe a snous yet enjoyable venture. "'va lea=e a lot about the business wtffl over the ast yem5or so, mosi impur-- anly bow liard il is getsîng tua conimit- ment from someone t0 tale a cbance on your product and boy tl N4otbing coin- pages [0 Ibis. 'Thbe test o! the venture, maiang l1e ltniduici and vic anti finding a mi Iufac- tutres, wa challengin$ as well. Anti on toM o! everyibing eIte, tî *as reward Il . 3115 malte my son a cage te keep hts pet in," 'said Mr. Gulak. iuping w piug ,net: Reynolds C9pe want to talk cd ta sec how business hau usedth de internet. "We tg g e. c rdi e coulti posi development information, an weIl as Ùps ~ ~ ~ ~ ge card drivereopei nfrwi youintglit wan togive to interesledl people." B 10anst two horms a day 4aai Halton, lelji Crime Sioppers bave investigalors in Milloti wondng eni to thie hy providing th1e nl .if the entnies were committed by thse those involveti in these incidents W orking on the 'net saieperson. If you have any înformiatt a During the daylight bouts on JuIy 12, leatis go an arrest in this or an fro gai 1àsidedoor was for pe i a home case, you may bce eligible for exampke of how th1e Internet ta affecting tse way busi- on1 FisfU Line near Britmsnia Raad. reward of up tj1.9m0 ness is lletng conducteti. Custuiirs hegin to reiy on flcflsigdy os nDn Yu ne nigve yotu nai thée up t0 date information do udm Interne,.- Road rteae Trafalgar Roui was entered your information wiIIh Itrcaci Mr. Bayoumi saiti any sales contacts wbic are glin, hy a tbief acho foeced open a front door. compiete anonyuiIy Crime S erated by a web visit sugget glia cusiongers de"pe The tait o! stolen property includes does not subscnhe tci cail display qualified", having clone their rescarch, &W am, rcay caming geu, camreras, a compact dise Cal! 1-800-222-TIPS or 825- lo deal. "Entering your wehsite is like enteuing your player andi several compact dises. .Crise Sioppers of l*aion is showroom.ý' 11e ad. "People whcs use th1e Wes seem Detechive would ligie go speak t0 a b - a boasrd of direcidrs mode s, to prefer wcbsiics which preseni information rallier imn meen driving slowly on Fuftb Line c' v' Aians frcm uU4areas of than liàt sel magraeting. ai 10 &m. on the day of one entry. Thie Region. 7W rewarslfind resu, 1Mr. Bayoumi joket Uai thu Internet cari seem con- driver acas; descnibed as wbile7scruffy the financial stqpsor of bues. fusing because it was inventeti by rocket scientists for looking wiUs clati bair. lie was drivrng tny, serv'ices clubs and pn vatec rocket scienicts. lowever, 11e a&reet il is getting east-* ang older mode!i grey car. The bo<ard of directors rais er to use ail th1e ime. For more information on upcom- flis type of crime continues te bce a monry. 'decides on the o ing seminars. çaIl Use liaio Business Developmitent problemg for rIqa rensienis of norih nirivards, and acis pays Mhe Office at 825-6000. DEN IE l1 c ILffIC GARDER onthlal me and- cd wmll toppers 'ps. peraîrd (J front es the uni of