* O UR READERS flmeý f0 riflte hydrorprobtema Dinr FdIlor: Ils. ticcurreti ta mie tlial Ibeet, seemns lo be tonsîderubte publie apaihy tîtards tht Milton Hydît ti.kiiut. nia in ils iLventh ae 4 In spîlli of articles in T/te Champion amdiflyeîs in ur maîliînes. mai> peuple, sufil rider iii the bydin ssoîjers beîng onui on sinke'. anti il was six uselus befitre a lelleî appearei fin lasi Wednesuay's cdi- tîont from a Miflton resîideni cîîncernîng Iii issue. (lîeibaps îlîîs appairent ipali>y s beeause the public bas nul yeî been ativersel> aI fctied b> tlle locloutut - olur service bas nit[ ben inierropieti. anti ss cîtiuîne ta enfio> tbe ctinftits <tit ben ef ils ctr oi efeutieaf ctineniences, t f reati Mr. MacNab's fetier a sectînti ilme. earching luir bis potint île bas clear- fiý reseancheti thutruuglf thle isage seafes ai Mifluon flydtu, fie. piai's tht'e cummis- suuners. f ii exceffent pasi sersice puoideuXý b> Miîlton Ilytiru. INn iNn ici tiepîure th uion liir -ahalîlseuincuied aller a thîrt icating. bfac Mi, Mac.Nab's pur- puise usas la extîke respiî,ise Anvîtie ahi lias seen oui listrît ciesss rotuninef> %sutrking in any anti ail useatir ciundiiis. or.pérlutrning da) anti nîgbi emergenicy repaîls. knoas il i the unioni membheis, anti nol the comnuxsioners. aNa are aaîkîng for oui benelil. 0f course lht>u'rc aacktng for ages fou, bul tIr> arc peoviding a public utîlîty service - a ser- vice re*ve possibl> taken for gmniet i n reet yt&s. Yes. a4ve been caioncaile anti secure ailli the funuilenige Ihaft ky're tait their foîr us. avaîfable la reslaEe service, slioalt il ail. As ameIf drag ait for lhLe emplîtyces. I question bita long il atîl lie befote prafi- lems mîgbî arise due ta fack af regular maintenance. 1 aunder il nianulgemneni and sIudents wmouli ble aille li cuipe aîlb majori. tir ade sptrai repairs. shouid lte> lie requireti. Is Ibal alien tlie puiliftts apali> aif f change tii assaenessaNd>tîncem' is Ibat ushen the cttltiisstttnels ami management m ill injf- ly showu soit inleresti n seiling Ibis tngii. îng dispute. inueati tif tiiscusstng proibable future fayijïst,. I beliese Ibis issue musi lt resolseti clearl> and ti sil>. sstlbttul nmîsi anmatbotul deJai> Alleî alit tait nîîînths. ur Miftun Hytinî ssujkers Innsi suref y hasealiecime dîsappîîînteti anti tiitusittned,usýeî this dispute. Sandra Uar//ng W/ton Wfrrrr I syahd Funther lu a citter b> Bru .ce MacNab regaîdîng ,the t *lt. Hydro lockuaut The Milton Ilydru ('imîn practices the WBl ai hve the :1rgh, sa- phlkNuopt as the Mike'Hains govemment îowards their air, f0 do what -ýa .sI ra hm iemsnm keep heinl h dt anti fcd 1km Nope crap Oie peuhlcu'g usthat tht> c-.ult -caeu »r see -as rigrn un thc dait in more ways ib m > l'nch commiuman is ian b> Bill~ Dms Edit Rowney. and lus sîlent paniers wbaa's bis.naine ani waats hier in responne 10 the citer from Mr. miane. The appear ai election lime anti bhen disappeat. MeNali published on Jl Il3: inm pleasei Thle local papier. reprceet b> Rob Kelly. us skîn n ihl mi-. bo sec akomnunîîy membher lias hati the tonial page abat the cause of cibis lockout is. Is tbere more Iu il, unhiâset oppodtuni> tgu express bis opin- WNy dues Ne tnt te> anti fulfili the funcîtan aif a communit> ion on thet actions talcen agahisi the woqk, neaspaper anti attend a Mii'l-ydio) Commisuun meeting luc crs ai Miltoin Hydr . I a as tîîW six aeekS- fid ouit Wben is the las 1 lime our local iag aiendeti a listiri a i n an opinion in favaur tif Multin meeting. 2<> years agu? ;idmo's managemento netIse'ý - Ic libis sinke lias gttne lin long enitngh anti think flic com-n I arn a Pydrtt linemnan for ibis titn. I amn missioln shutuld hust a public meeting ttî.xpfain ibeir postitti tgt nl a juige. liai dit I hase the ectucaltion or the Mîiuton Hvdru userb. theaawneesof îhe Miltîon Ilydni sssienî i kusîwfledgc neetiet Io decide ànmiiher Kr-. ie Mifitin.1dia cmpltoyees hasec jutîned a unioun '%t heuci son's legal nighls But 1 knita my r'gbis chotte. The union bas, hati a legîtîmate griesance in pîiigres titn*t îacklc proni> tiser ibuse ct iibers %htn lbeirîciînîiacî came uap, ibe> %4ere asking tir a lait Kur cet Maybe thi, ctnirnisiîîners antd mariage- lnrease, nui fias mg bat] an increase tîr tour years. nient ai Mîfîtîn Ifydrît base miire'cunstitu- 'l'b tuii offelîretif lth fti&n No uncîea.- a çhahge tîonaf opghîs ihan ttbeî citîmunît> nient- n Nie biais ut aîtrk. aoabange in liealth ani sîiuipa> cuiseage fIn bers. tir niavtbe Ihete bas been a utîstake n aitionî, ibe> svaîcet the gîtesance tiroiet, and lies ItId is granling certain people tait nuch powtrfer i)rto sîga ihe caniract ori bey aitultih l iketi tut Oui lamîltes ar nass suffenng. lusu ttnîh aie flic emplîîyees asktng liri. 'Is Ibis usrtl the' ha. i stand on i th side ofut ouir tre 'le ao ut emplît>es andi neighbu)urs %%hat iv ibe tîttîttsstîti pîckei sîg. nt fui me. hut lite tht petyfe Irving [i pritse! ofI Ibis eîmnîunîîy anti h . 1î As a cq tinic t oun aIll thusners tuf Mifltn lfsdru. t am We i1f bave opinions ant iwsic , Ilese contcent cu I t-li pitstltn iaken b> the cîîntnussut ar aur ophs. su loîng as tht'> dont1 %îtîfîte tu i i ts lime tbe commt..ttu vît dosni and baîgain in siainieune elves. nighls la ,!qu t",ith'iîr empfoyees. anti iftc hfe ase gunni re:asun fori J/m Belon mut duing sut. cafl a pulii mneeting lit expfain îheir pttvtlîuun lii fie M//Ton fpublic. Anthony Gmn, Campbe/W//.e '%*W mai fila h uqid 7% BUT uII K% PUT fa tuf 15%) un rai. pflS tièdes. fldhigfis FOU Aifuust SMIN Cif»l Mutièunmée 2 CASbIM Dimnua- u qWWa of PST&£ ST I.o tu U n cf i 3f.fflp PMIu I, 547 Main St.- E. Milton 87840931. Brunello Ristorante is proud to introduce our delicious, Sammer Table D'Hôtie menu. OFF'RýEnds Set lst!! Limitd tinte only 395 Main St. E. *indud& ta.