ïAmbitious stùdent earns $20,000 Guelph scholarship By UvS VE LUOLANO announcemeusis ansd %pent turne tuloring fetlow champoitap un Kitcitener. Hus atltetuc anudaca- ýe Spe.cualto 7%> Charrilom M O U stualents, and escetled un huotoy coospetutions. demîic accolades eanted hlm both the ouale adi- maýn~ yowS anid moith corutests. tee of tie year ansd the soucient excele j Vicior Sprenger will hegin an amitious curcer Vicior "ls voluntechis tunie iowards awalhds ai te sctoot year's CM.' Spaih thus fail ai the Universiy of Guelph. . choot and citurch furudruusing for Citmnas col- On top of ait titis lue worled;,é-time ai SRecenîty tic found out lit te ride Wvilt now bce a letons, and donas" for tise Satvalion Anvy Kuui's CustomnSaw Milliinntown. He han been l oi sunoosher. ai lest firomn a funanciat stausdpoint. D.iift.v Mus ailetic prowess gameareil him mucit atteu- wodding ilsere on o fulltiie bais itis summ&h J 1-yor-ldMilfbn district High Scitoot d lon as weii. Witite hilis scitool - ausd lthe hots of actlvlibes geaua.te I b u a wt u pr-ned student titis In addlituon Io ptayung foo[Watt.Victoris per- tisai weust witit u- may be over, Victor plans on full - s one of lte laiest recipuenis of lte Uni&er- de e q M bapn cm of lte beat lagit schoot virestiers ta woduing every bit os hord ai universily. For lie sity ofGruelpl's doveted Presidenlas Scitolar. icorne out oif Milton in rectitet yeus, amd certainly cancer poils lues citaen. heuI have to do chocir Jshp. Thle scluolarsip. twuuled moisant 13 rirot- tfIhi*uW te mom micceoful frnont MD. 'l bc lkng dit four-year blo-medicine Pro- yec eusty stues- eaçh yeor>us for $20,000. fuls Pma seaple cappeil ot4an otods ns gramspisch cm tendl to ce" osoic or denta 'rtI be gcting$5Oô0bctyeu wicuwutt coechod Victoironiithefootball fiel gepeut wo higit scluho Soint 35-1 and cpun scitool. My goalis iciolueconte adoctoir, pecitl. help out an aofil loi. i s"uid cover ai le"a half scasons. 1t rend due letters bleote t clent due pack- due sIvier provincial loish scisool cally a suigeon of sonte soit" lue ?id. Of y xpni,"sad icor wo r ierdthe me "us coukht betieve *Wt tu ces 5 eY .howW omaclans of 300 apptucuris t wrose. Il was exlrernely nalaiiWgle said. Y o h fualoui chlua1 wis beung awaistcd witil utin The receus schotarsitip pecatiun contes on Yo u h e tr lu ck s o u t a N eu'iy Juite. 1 fecit realy Smea aSsaut ut. tie luncta of o emarkably succesfit luigi sachool He explaincd lita eaci hîgu sehoot chooses camcer. whicit inciuded as muc wof oculde di A non-proit conte un Mison gaI luc4t reei- among tluem. soud CNE ispokieaperson Barth otsoapplucont (or the sciuotusNup and chtat tits cWom i it did in. . - uy n lise ChiE Caoino Clsanty Draw. Icarodio. year MD >taclers coikecti selectcd him. He Inadd&"on whengl anluoourocidentfWcie Tise Milton Chititren andl Youîh Centre on "As Peut of tieir participation in ie 1996 eaui- was requuài to sendia huographucol suntni' ary of pani Oive years muth an overoit luigi seitool avec- Nipissuttg Rqad will bic otue of 36 charilies acrois no. eacti chanity will supply voluntees to work huis acconphments andl carrer goals an well asn ae ius exceçs oif 90 per cent, Victor wan o merci- lthe l>mvIlsce to receuvetuuoceeds front the charity in lthe casino for haîf o day." sit sali. 11creleters of reféence. ber of bodite sudent courcil ansdhesciuoolt' casino ai the 1996 Canadien Natuonal Tise cosinos wiii be locaîrd ai lthe Onstaruo irons hiology leacher Brenda Trickcy ani lucs for inconug irvitmen and gréuatiusg tues. w&% beld July 24. -CNE groundls andl will bi open front nool ce, 6 Englisit teacher l<eith Picauce - vent) also seniors . e reguiarlv dut cuisy momuusi Lam year's chantuies splît almosi $200.000 ont. dailq durnr the annual Toroçio event. Final Summer Markdowns! Ai Famous Marnes DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE ONLY 183 Lakeshore Rd. E. 845-8911 SMot HOIRS: MO\.-WED. 9-6, THURS., FR1, 9-9, S4T., 9-6- BE IN*,DEMAND!t Mul-fini NO FEE pornd elg.d fo .f ner into sie lc hade end ~>de-rei Iuelndustrile: I£figibl4tydîtrmned bv Hume s.ources Dav.lapfm Canada) 180 9000U PI J u n Utesa St@,VE@d bata: A ust 6-October 4, 199$ %raeqitae iînimum of Grade 12 endior technoiogy or technologist tt'auning un quaIityv assurance, or demonstrutedl interest end aptitude in tiis field. Technlcal Sale apeclallet SiertOEud Dat: September 3 - oetober 14, 1M9 Preaqeuitâee- Technical exorience; a gond coimeund! of lte English langualle and on interview wthé is coordinator. 1io enud Die Maker Susead£ Dmi: AuOust . lm6- Àrlif 2s 197 Pne*eqeiItaac Grade 10 fucsnlivltest required in matit end Engidu. and a meehanicul apitude. You avili lie required ta complote a Carieur Action Plan. C.C Mechînle SUauWj Dite: Septimber 9, 19M - June 6, 1997 Prerabahie Sème asTool end Dit Matier. AWenittio am e tià heing acceped for lwmatvlal Mamnn Ma-à-anlo - 38 woobc abWEed Datm jâty 8. 1906 - Apnil 4,1907 Prouiqelle tome et Tact and Die Mtr. k7iÎibèO1y Requirements for 0@ above eraix. A Canadien Citizn or permanent rasident Î 7 Yonrs of a0@end out of théqiset eu ciool systam for ert jeauit 12 conséicutive monti sinca tuming 16 Vguru of ega; unemployed, currandy receivinq Emplorynsnt Insurence iformirly UI benelits or chose whorecev@didI banefits in thq lest tita es: ;iv. Yeats in the casa of matamuty or parentaleeve.) In Aboya progrants are funded by Human Risources Development Canada. Feepaying acafa a buo available for the Industriel Maintenance Mecheosie Prolgraun. Proriqlsclseci Proof of Grade 12-OSSO or mature 1 LocatIcon: Sheridan Collage Sills Traininng Centre 407 Iroquois Shoie Road, Oskville Contact: Cuit die Bile Trainlug Info Im at (MI6 845-9430. ext. 2202 for furtiser informat ion. SHERIDAN Speclal Counicil Meetng Tueaday, Auguet 13, lmii et 7:00 p.m. Counicil Chemisette, 2usd Flow City Hall, 426 Meunt Street Anyone intarestei n otammig a copy ci lte propoae merci boundary changes ntay dotao by conaetung lte Office of lite City Cleru on or aller Tuiudey, Auguit 8, 1ia nt 33&7me. Sitould you -si to addres Courcd et ibis8 speW amen on the issue of arul btsiundaory chefngea juteuse zegWte adi tit Preor ce 12:00 floon on ffldh, Auauat i. lmi bycalung33li-7698. CI 1 T Y 0 F BURL1NGT---ýN