DESIGN fÉr- IVING ; Cottage offers iexpansive sunsdeck O Copyright SELECT HOME DESIGNS S Cottage or retoemcnt bomne designeti Io capture onexani e ns Liveng cn sfu l hi gh t in o ub flns h vii Seih ntiOndast latralgt pandook wîîh mor arhithvedctsyes ml uxroungckm.os1 afordablebnalowrvs, ony 99 ncung montp- ungc and GT) oo or uderk anosin VISA or Maerar easuit wt oai-rn~0~6 9 fax. l604Se132d,for s et pan okt moeore0 Dusg ordl Lingl, /onl 99 Tisendin hamp #301, 611 Alexandcr Streit Vancouver, B C. V6A E, Millcreek Aduli Commuinity ,OiileLiiîq inî a Ajot iljîr flîom Parkc 0 ' n I io 11." 11,, I. -ii,,, Maam lt si a great time torenovWte liti~et Ope-it in MiII Run RockwoOd SBUPESETATIVE ON SITE Hours Sat. & Siun. 1 - 4 pm or cali coliect, Days 0-519-836-2593 Ev'enings 0.519-822-3363 orfuri ber informatdoit AN D COMPARE. mite 1336 Barton St. E. Hamilton 9t35.547-3553 F71448'. ~ ~ ~ 6 "'8I~ rn3I I 1Ca V&P Meeting changing r the quality of le, uni effictency andi atidressi conce r rs - Canadia, %penit uver $18 billion, tuons fast year, more tht dollar aWounl speni mni liai housing industiy. Consumerç are putl into their current honte lthe mneslurnt they has and experience shows invesîmbent. A competitive mark wide range of choice a sumners renovitting lu lifestyle changes ant 1 andi convenience. Innovations in desigu and ney construction homeowners can renov to decrease eniergy anti lion. ullumately lowermn cosIs. ieids, improving a wide vanecty of ways t0 finance home creasing encrgy. improveifients - fromt perional loans and ng environimental fies of coediito home equity loans and rs homeowners homeowners' morigages. Pie-approval; ,pn home renova- fuxed, floattng, and hlended.unterest an haif of thre total rates, interest rate guarantcs. payment the entîre resîden- frequency and pre- paymest option are ait avaîlable tir miel particular needs' ing their money Homeowners may qsualufy for fitiancial s, adding value Io assistance. Ve aiready made - Canada Moetgge andi Hou sing C1orp- tl can bc a wuse oraton's Resîdenîsial Rehabîlilation Assistance Prograro (RRAP) for :etplace offers a Dtsabled Persons can hclp improve id options to con- accessibility for physically challenged "accommodate occupants. imptove comtfort lThe Homneowneus RRAP us alto avait- able to help low-income householtis t and tehplogy with refairs requured tii meet minimum techniques mean standards of health«and safety. The ate. for example, Home Adaptations "for Sepuors' water consump- Independence Programt provides grains g their operating to low-uncomne seniors te, make changes In llep those having difficulty dotng and tenders offer things aoound te homne. 1HOUSE SUN. 1-5 1 1 1I WanuIl Ln, fo Ne.a Si i. Becauselm n 5* Canadians has a medical uteied that shoulti be * knownnthe * event ofiai emertency I ,800-668- 1507 agi SeroneO i iiecoraila. idaod oit, tuU basan iS mhflsNi basanrîni IIII UOMIIY TOWNf ROU 0m NIMM our haslsis MIJCAM. Saisn Ropimaase OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-5 83 NOTTlNGHAM SUUARE Ru, UbiýiGi, neClOI: Guli5h ue o0 MowtWn we5 Onl. 10 è ECK 1