Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jul 1996, p. 18

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it - a I p >'our neighbourhood Bar & Grill Wr are looking for gaod people wha0 enîay a filon, sale warkîng atlmosphere and wîsh tai mark full tîmé in aur Miltont location. W. nord servers, coatra. hasl- rases, ta heip us achîrve succeso . , Apply et 45 Chlaholm Or. or attend our JOB FAIR on Tues., Aug. fh tween 2 - 4 pmi. 1 buTTOffice M MILTON based conlpary requirex part ore par sonl X, do variat garerai office dosies Scrtis co)mPutr input required. Coulal tar it ui ful âe position Plase sernd resumae to: office Maniager PoM Office Box 251, Miltion. Ont LDT 4N9 170 Davcare -a EXPERIENCED Daticare available in my ýome. Campbetuvile muea CaR Sharon 954-0999. REUIABLE DAVCARE, luill-ime, Wilson Driva. 9 pears expanience. Ploase cl 976-4978 aaaaaa 145 COMPUTER USERS NEEDED Guaranteed steady woulc (wôrd processing, data entqlli etc.)I -Great income! i 1-800-337-8020 CLAVS A MECI4ANIC, and/for manimumi 2r;d Laer apprentics. Apply in poisoni t1 Gary'. AuZtvOe. 1435 Wallace Rd., OakvuSe or Fex reaumas t: 927-8464ý LOOKING FOR Carer eekng tindividuels Wa FinancWa Services. Full training prorvided. Cai Alan 90"-89749 or 90"-29-1068. Ext 51, W. am c~rny hixing in tilfine boficwing positions N igî slhwaaher il1 p... - 2 sis.) Sunday te Thuraday. PioN and pat delle ohdrt Order Cooka (rotattng abuta>. Full Urne Store CI"r (rotating shtfta> Apprit i peso 1 FIFTN WNEEL TRUcC STOP. t 40 CHmOLI DRIVE, MILTONJ, ONT. 100 aie pteSeviiy daing applications for enthisiastwo ando enetgntic indutiiuels tv tiiilt furi e and pari tiner postios ai oui luit sersit sev e Pei Canad Gasiin" Soe oui "'e etMsiO ii. cv sh lis alt -eraitnd deoiPlasant -oiliig con dit-oî accasoetee antv~e Commsson cvetpanybett Pie adonnbâtr applicatins t resuanes le: Sa. 2108 eo Th,. Cana/le chat,ion 1ci Main Street MItI_. Gni.i L9T 4N FULL TIME & PART TIME Discount Car & Truck Rentalis n ioking for enlbusîostîc, bard working. dependable indînîd uals wîth a neat appqarance. Positions evaîlabte: Fuil Tirne C ounee Represeintative. Fuît lime Car Jockey, Pant Tinte Car Jockey. Become part 0f the Discount Yeantiti Ptease brisg rasane ta 45 Ontanio St. N. Milton, Att'n: Staphan Lund SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELE S AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELI. - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHîCLES IN MILTON 875-2277 1990 PLYMIOUTH ACCLAM, 4 do;S, automnatic? ar/sterea. armacuiae. $3.995 cerltiai. Slesscr Motrfas, 388 Vain Strelet 979-1797. 1989 FORD 1 150, 1/2 ton Pick-up, autoaE P J ,AMFKVmslro, 150000 kms., $3.800 cepid519-853-0584. 1984 CHEV CITATIOIN, 2 door. poiver wamobux, piater doors. 171,000 kmi. rune ilmal. $72 08B0. SO-6O74 aler 5pým. 230 Vehicles for Sole aa 190 LINCOLN CQNTIENTAL, 2 doo. Sodcil mint conition, new >.ic*uei Cali ampce. 906- CREDIT PROBLEN? No or«i or bad credt oi UIC. FBA. WCB Bankrupt? Need another chance? Wei can hae Futurecw AuIa Credit Malle It RICHARDSON CHÈV - OLDS - GEO SFor Your Next Car Or Truck Purchase 878-2393 [No WClaun lng Franchis. -~Macige Shop - PlumbInWWtor Tiretipt file have a number af conipanies for sale in lte Miiltan / Guelph / Ca8ibbndgear. If interested l eilis cuit, MAMmA» Merger. Aoqulate- itS. - 1-51 S.707-0102 280 Wanted to Rent CLEAN single parant falli parla à rafarencea ta- quires 2 Bedror in Million, undler $750 bor SIp tambait 1. 878-4151. Fo ýRent DEL*'TfWUL 3 bedrocai Action aveal"t for Septeraber 1, ham gas til hanKYmag, poe ID parka and schots Nôdoge pluâe $896 pliai ublibes 519-853-41175, TWO bedroore contry borna Rural Mitton Appliences. Pralaer midole &ge or rehrad coupta. Anailale September ici Relerences. 878-4721 Prop. REASONABLE INOUSTRIAL UNITS tor rine. 1 .200 - 3,200 aqi fil Secretena Seavicex on premiex 906-875-12200<o 1905-277-9347, STORE for raent Approoanataiy 500 aq lt tEo Main St. E. Aug. 1 59 Appir V. Muta 979-3209 325 Real Estate NEAR ROCK WOOD Scenic building lt 2004x 165' wits reu toi rêver and pond. Onl $Î59.90.- Cali Frank Bentagno> Roai Estata LIal Broker 519-856-447t PR(VATE SALE, 743 Laurier Ave, 20oesqf.Il backsplit, 4 bedroom, 2-4'pc bath. famiy mont. fireplace, forcia air gas, C Vac, double garage, davewa. fencedl $11900.7-3559 * ALUMINUN AWNINO excellent ccndito, brick fradand.hit,tOt'a 3ti$1 00 Cfj 335-6135. ANTIQUE ORGAN $0 OB.O..Vs Set Aug FREE ROCKS lot taidecepaig. garden etc Vou faite May Brolaiàe 854-075& HEWLETT PACKCARD HP 32Stl RPN Scienotic Calculator and cornersamnuel, $75 complot@ 975 9235. LLYD'S Portable Siergo, AM/FM Double C- sette ,lodr <ogînU Box 545.00 1905> 878- 9235 TABLý IHexagon iand two chairs. $65 0 975--,, ,4s WANTED.dtj itenor do«, talfe rnouse/, hamnster cae or, targe lizard aquarium, 8711- 1 134. [The office of the Canadian Champion wiIl b. closed August 5 for the j Chivc Holiday - -j 210 Perso-na ABUSED and afr.t'dl For balp cail 979-8555,a 24 hour cris lina for abusad womnen HaIto Wonten's Place la ai rmrgency shaltar a%"i alite for abfed women aid Milr children in Plat- ton Region AIL calta ara confidential. ARE DRUOGS causing pYou-p-robleis? Narotce Anymoa cas help. Vi.l molet FodayWogta aI Groce Anglican Ctiurcs, Main Street, Milton, et 8:00 pm ARE YOU BEtNG affaelm ysren be drtnktng? Ai- Acton Family Group trmet ai Mondalir nuglt 8 pm ai etSt Paul'& Unitedl Church. back dqor ipaeking lot entuite I 1-800-891- 4862 EVANLY RAYS Police Use Us. Rated a1 blu- bons on Cwfr, Relatiolships. Healîli, Lova. $2.99/isnute. 18. 1-900-451-4055 FREE ÏREGÏA-NCY-T-ESTrS. Phono 975-1245 IS DRINKING ceuilng you -probterna? At- coholics Anonymous n'est Tuesday nights ai Grace Anglican Charcb, Main Street et 9.30 p ai 1-800-891-4862.il HEAVENLY PSYCNIC ANSWER1S. Servin1 suer 53 mililion reaans Qity $2.99 min. 24 bis, 18 vexes .. 1-900-451-3783. 220 TrantDortatÏon INERESTED in car Pocling to Sheridan Col- Iae (Davis Centpysinl Brampton. Cam o76- 4792. j~~~erL 1166 arer ChiId Care Learnlng CeoMm Teachçar Halton Huis Child Care Centre a -a Not-for-Profit Preschool Day Care dedicated tai the Haillon Community's chilal care ees. Our Centre provides quality care lor up to 77 chil- droit, ages 18 9ionths lt 6 years aid, compiementing the rch expernence'that each chiid bring rmterfml Pi(ackground %ta heriml *Poution:* Reparlîng ta the Dira.ctor, the Early Childttoad Educator wutt be responsible for developing and implementing the learn- ing classraam curriculum. This start up program, within aur existing day cure setling, wili include: parent support mate- riais. library; music; and a handsuon camputer carters. Qualifications: *The successiul candidate wiII have a Bachelar oi Educatian -Primary locus or an E.CE. rquivalency; a camprehienaive iunowledge ai Early Childhaod Educatian Pragrams gaingd through a cambination ai education and worc experience, an appreciatian and undersandung ai the value ai an educatianal camputer curriculum wîth a pre- schaal pragram (MAC environment); an ablit>. fa wark independently as weli as a team player'creative prablem solving and training in tirst Aid and CPR Oualîifed applîcanis should submît a resume by August 6, 1996 ty Board of Directore, clic Ludi Chapertîn 4 60 Park Avenu.e Georgetown, Ontario, 17G 4Y9 Fax: (519) 942-3303 1 BEDUQ Country Aporgan. talli setiarater en n. aitdes tni , alleve. haut à hyào. Deruy/Tratatgr $5=. Cli Ka91y 878-2748. ACTON, targe 1 & T bedoom &pertinents, Georgetown, 1 badroar apairtent. 5194853- 509l1-5316352. AVAILAULE SEPTEMBER 1ST. Near Downtown Milton 2 Beroors Apartment vil balcny. 4 apphancea, parking for 2 cars. $8M -Pusa horst & hydro. Phone 876-0650 MILLSIDI TOWrLRS 82 MILLSIDI OR., MILTON *NOW LEASIN- 1 Suiv.,, Axiatani ariable n bus ioule leunCi>.: deevraird, 2 appliances, en site iaundry, neluden al ou' tues (excnp phon0e and Gasie> Fiee Paillut no pets Rleterences requirea *90"-76-1249 Appty te Reeldent Manager L .........................s NO Bachuor Apartrnads avadtbl mnabi, domnten Miiton. Ptlu» cal 878-8007, FRES4LY paunbd epsiuai 1, 2 A 3 bdroa aptortins. Qumient> eieaiBnngo To veuli, 333-OM4,2 fl- s in m 7igt LARGE 3 Bedroom apartmnent, Availati. Sept. let $9M0 monthy pluai utilisit 978-5300 Luive massage batailln 8 am & 4 pm. ONE UEDROOM APARTHENT, appluanca,.> avaiabt riour Coni Joe, 97-900. RENOVATED 1 Bedroom Aparment.aboya &lors on Mien Street. Apyuly V. lla. 878-3206. TWO *EDROOM APARTMENT, modern bualding. reeerv.ed rbing. appfiaisea. 64 Onu- tlfi Ss-ee North. Miton. $8500 par moni Plus hYdro, ti and Lixtl Reslarences reqîured, Mechard Furlong. 878-8123 -evening 9541310, 295 Sharlg Acmmodation ATTENTION: Recent hvgbscioo grach.goig Io University of Windsor? Grad stadent Lookung o monmmala. Call Kevin. 876-%54. 30 OOMs Available FURNISNED ROON starting at $60 O/sAli, ktcfen pnviieaff for wortung portion Gentleman preterredl Wéooly 878-0225. - bMOOM FOR RENT on bus rouie & lors si Go. Availe eimmedatt>. $350 p.r moflth inlu/dg

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