*~1 Sublnssions lo be sent 10: Uàcenslng and Permits Branch Liquoir VrceceC Board of Ontirlo 53 Lake Shore Blnd. E., Toronto ON MSE IA4 "Fax: (4I6ý326-555S 1 ~ STNIG Notie of Liquor Uceence Apollication Dw&foIlowrng atablisbmmet bas appliedi Cl0 t.bbLq- *Liconi Beard of Ontario for a liquor liîc~ unde the Liquor Ucence A1et: Application for a Sale Licence BonaosDeti re SumuEast, Milton *Aasy resîdent of the nseisiipality may mnake "ntien submîsîon as Io whcther tke issuance of the licence is inm the public mnterew hav regad Io the needilitnd ishes of the residents. rnsions n;ust be receved ne later dma Augui 3 1, l19 r cmas icludc your nainne. auhiress and telephone nuamber. Note: # Thse LLBO kves the appiit details of any objection. SLO0W PMUC TEANS WANTED! -Brtookvil le Minor Bail 5th Annual Mixed S Io.:Pich Tournament » August,3,4 and 5th. Guàranteed mpinimumn 3 games.. $200 entry fec. Cash paid out foir eyery win. . - Cail: Dan..Robertson (905),854-3104 or Raiph Baller (905Ï 631,-0266 Hafton Mon'@ FaatbaI* GP, W L y . 'ii,? Jualcbox Csaris 17 14 3t 0 t47 53 -28 .S'siâeSots 17 14 3ý 0 124 79 'ý& OIckiment 17 Il 6 0 126 91 22 ForesHass4e -17 11 6 0 .121 102 22 Meý;oaRofind Y7 10 7 0 121 88 20 Red Lio 17 8 90 174158 16 Gorgeown el 17 6 il 0 71 99 12 Minot-Tune 17 3 14 0 70 137 6 Peefoqhnoe Sot. 17 O17 0 76 236 LO 0 9 Minore Basebail GU Major Mosquito <;rod rrnad 7, Scoli. Bank t Cirr. bi hll m'in, hut %cota luisi hi.] hui and scîînn dal in intr. a isiept msatch Fma, part ial)n %as ai an ail lime hîgh Htirier for Goiru. crc Tint Mohir. 1)onald àe.sdorn hwctaIy Gites, DSavid Broiîn and. Greg Mmna Plicting hy Donald ttcaudîsîn aind Charte, Cites Ssolîa tianks hlter, mcen Ja.sî,s Ganla, D)onald] Lillîso, tKesîn Galtineau, Nicote ,4todîng an.] tenny Hum Pitcingr by Keîin Goghmrcuan.] KJ5ny Hunse Scolin Bank 8, Rema RKm Furtk 4 Scir kai allessed no nîi, in thc finsi. second .CIlualpinng nln h i t<cnny Huit.. Asdy'ttcll, K-sn l*itns, an.] Crcg Shcpgrard Pt'îchîsg for S,,iî Basis sas Nicoîleo îing licinas. hîtlcr isere teg lniosMailk tR-,, Mthe. sias an.] lirret Tcllîer Scella Bankli Iljeipa Roca Forth 10) Sî.ola Banis nadc a 1-x Poini cule ts.] n lIhe fillh inrnng îaing the %in Roîrias as.] Scoîla Bans showe] excelltei Iais suîî4 os the garne Hille fori 1%isa Rails cK , K in Gourtmnai jaso Geir Nihl Macrrine. Kesis OR«nes, an] t5 Sheppard Ptching V> Nicole'1 Gooîing. Nîshotas Mactorrinc, Kcnny Hum, an] Kcsîn ORBn gitlem tue Reina crm Cîregli l)apihrosl. Ilyne tFuns. Mark Cr-, Daniel Cotrner an.] tCîran (urne I0 -7 ÊE@I lAC l . nr\7SPA Any busin "ess wl interested in partucipating in Milton Artscape askeçI ta contact advertising representotive ai 878-2341. Milton Artscape promises ta be c 'their 'n à exciting depiction of tke j Milton/Càmpbellvill area sa ddn"t mriss out... Colt todlay. Final deadline Fridoy Àugust 2nd. Milton Sait Hockey aLeagu. Tm OP W L T .PtGA GM WaItzingWaoeul 15 1A 1 0, 28 46 3.07 MoplaLea 15 11' 2 I 25 29 1.93 Fitti.siskari - 15 9 6 1 19 41 2.73 A-I1 Avurigar 15 7 7 1 15 50 3.33 Actontigstning 15 6 9 0 12 79 5.27 Voadoo 1 5 4 8 3 l 1 74 4913 A.C. Peogions à. 15 4 10 I 9 49 3.27 KrnacIes$Wht 15 2 11 2 6 84 5.60 MaY o a1tIe àe, winning ii4 scoeîsr race 1gi dms second oisaruîe ya is Wa"n Boiaafield af thre mone isinder, retIs 13 goals, 23 assois, for 36 points nr 15 gaies. SGoadin af tis yeatr is Dan Fioriki, wilh o U 9d oas t avercile, +5 shukoots in just 15 ganes. Congratukitions te bath aind good lucin t4s piayaffs. ýJ Fax ygur le u.ndings. te us mndwWII peint t#MM. Pmx to* Sports, The Champion 878-4043'