/-k. *Startidfg the bail roiug Shêro MOWII, Ju UCW yn Calole SUUPn &.lUl O »rO f l M mtaitan Dot, Stropéry held raieil Marty 83000 forbrue cancer ru.o u N ennia tolirnamnt t i ton Méedowel Ganf qkub eice~8 si~ i tH WACMN CR FREE BIBLEABOOKLET ETESNAL iLWE ON EARTII - NOT IN HEAVENr OO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h fo orra oi noioiop.rgfi lcda of ptiIrng off dorart for as log onprrf 'rhem.ro Biledccrorb h il k.,r do.id , i noa na. hautrc c t i p 1. licon" folio 1 i3 TticBîfl d-nc ictif irai 0fOnaf fhic orfIWlr cnjýyid mi camh fli:ar oociif1 lr 17. aint Xu no oonprah, n on ho <anhI> nn lforar. h, ho toc Fr-o f« oIil p-lca.,ir M -1e na , on ho ,ccr of CriA dfo MetI at eF ,I ?.9 MILTON))cr l.r.n tCrito GOSPEL H l H., le OSngadmmmm G rai NEWI% LIFE Oog h1 .i lanl Nh ROýKI li! nMan-ofrgtiesW p 8822 Yu Anhlcg PQENITECciOSTALý fhM ali 1. I e j"dh & 0:iiuri. - OiSaKlfg Bread 191 1 45 ar.m- SondeySchod :30 Pm. - ,ade vqr,4 Wedneeday ?30 p.m. 'Prayef Maeting iri Bible Re»dkrn. "But moni once in the end or the theaarikorblieiirM FAITH Tty Naio-, frlsi. Il 1d ilrg Nod. i1. irit. d liwéil. ". »o Wh i..d -id w 11U-.omarI th. -,. e utA. 5i.A .aa - the meham' arsi CHURCH 139 Martîp St., Mon 878-6535 T.T.X. 878-9044 Mass at. 5:30 pirbSaturday 9 arn., 1030 an. Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY Milton Helgte No Slrifday Mmss ST. PETER CHURCH »U Uns Trafalgar No Buncday Mas Revs. Endi Taio OP, Oaid Wynun. R. W. MOE Oubli; SMw Aury Buone C8J mu"a oIC> e.ntedi - 8saw Newm CI urch 317 Main Si. E.. Miflon te Chuvrh on ilh. MUl 878-2411 5ev. Dr. Markn Mclemott 'Sunday Services (June 2. Sept. 1) &W0 aMD - Holy Communion 100 am, - Suong Eucherst Nucses Progam. lnrs lor Healiog 10:00 a.m. - HoIi Communion C&d dat Chi larn irtalo 660 THtRO UNE, MU.TON LgT MX Pahorte: (905) 878-3358 TTY: (905) 878.936 8UIAA1 JULYIlu mo e ama .cn W1E APP0INT'EN WfMI 000 Pauloir Rogp e ln à «peM a ,eO eron 0~Ue .. a "WE CAN CARRY tTHE TORICH" MM UFDCHO SWIDAY 2.4P MW 17th Sid Rod4toy25N. cf 401,171hSaeRd. W IDaMr $210.90 JO"a Hsgenté in atndan RMoMwK 211uwo 74 P4bsio Cresount IAtL LM ALumEfflacq $M#AY 24 Pm $140.500 NUWALL PNI MALTI SUT UN HOUS NI GA Kab" Wallon kI ende 4ýLer-1