Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jul 1996, p. 5

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Fighter is. -froh Nu COUJRAE on Page 1 . Her fnendg selectrd tiroflutrf(av*te w songi - OCITe oi 14e andi Deai* i'om Love Me. whîcli repiaccd Iraditionuil liyins, "Slie laughl mie liowto enjoy fle," Garelli told mourrers. "To me. she was a bes fried and arole modei" * people »hio kness Alysia weli calied lier. Lou, a lasting nickname lier brother Bafrex, 2Y.gave heras: chikd. Bumvi sai lie einyed a lypical sîiig reiatîonship wîitlit lus tile sister. Th1e pair laid titeir share of differences fikç normai liroilhers and sisiers. "But ovrraii we tught euhl odurr a lot." lie sid. "Wr were aisnays there for ecr ollier ulien limtes were mough. .. Aiysîs, born mn dakniiie, iearned #1 a young ager how ta cope wîlli CF afler being diagnosedl wîîli the dîsease ai live mnnhs. "'il was a çhççk," Ms Gabriol said. "Il * us a lemiie shock'- 'Mte energelir girl decided she wasn'l liging lu Ici ther dîtease gel the britl or ber and she oMe spoke ai enents on brfi of the Cyçtic Fibross Poundation'% Toronto chapter. She wanled people ii) know more about lte diseise in liopes they wouid jump on thse haidwaýgon lo support rescachl eflorns Io find a cure. 'Her messigc was aiway% 5<> çimng andi so h.oxest.' said ýindy Brrk. exceulive dirretor oft he Toronio (nhapter. Mer.rresenlations werc pouerful axd fll of emotit'x. addcd Garefli. whîî accompanicdl lier Iii many fuxcitions, where she aIýays recîed standing ova- tions. Alsia's crusadc almosi gave her ccrily %talus, as sttâ sas asked on ber 161hi hirlhday qi> irou lhe firsi <snch ai SkyDome duning tise home opener oi ihe Toronto Blue iay,. hbo support the CF cause. And lasi ye'ai ut ick concfql, Aiysia prescxîcd tiower% to Canadian singer Ceiine, Dion, wlio's als aLeoveiy invoived in te CF Foundation. ýTo top il iii off. oie of Alysia*s favouile aciars. Tom Hanks. sent ber an asjtograpltcd pitoto osf himscit wîshîng ber wueli. Aiyssa neyer uaited anyone lu feri torry for ber. but. site wasn't atrad mo iaik abgoutliber hautie with CF. sid liest triemd Karen Rintamaki. 16, ot Millen. The pair met un grade 5 at Pineviev/ Schoolimn Hornby andi totli wrni on to hecome Milton District i gll 5cliooi cheerieaden - a pasime Aiysia ioved, KurM said. Alysia Mp an active fle despute damly phy<ntlerapy am abihnoics Irealinrts She patcpatedl in mawny sports, including .Idmdfaexgakn' 19. Alysia was- cloue a lier ralier ~imisardl hinm freaty. Ms Gahriel.aid. In 1992,' Ms Gabriel ad lier two ci- dren moved Io Milton front iiir ruiral hotme inHakon ls. -' Fsnsily anti fnani uîii titillé M'Àli witit fond memnories. said the leen's favourme uncle. Mark Thornlon of "She didémif lo f oir liersef and sire <idngi un propie Io looki ai bier dlifferent- ly." he aid Mer coileagues ai the CF Foundation were shaken up by due news of Alysia's unfinseily death,.usid Ms BM. "She wondered if site uouid ever gel martird and liane kîds, "iich reaiiy choes you upaàbi. We ailantedlierlio have tirsamr thin.- Milton native new chair of health associationi av SRAD REAUME lâcher Vicu Kovachik,-lt tu hlier wm -,MeR- th, a sir, du oni dul Mill pbm" Th. Charilion Mille av ownu and opeeaéon of due Burtingio Fiercelly proud of lier Milton routa and of her Air Park ohi Bell Scifool , rni d seven siblinga. site adhmoed her par- Oid Milton stock lias sopplied thc Nurse Lmne. The eider enbta dnnatbo i m ttlieoIT onhlermd co* Practitione Association 8f Ontario with its rml Kovachik worked atqdN d IrSSi chair. oie lime ont(ie Avro . "Becatbe of my parents 1 was uikiermined t0oi Carolyn "ýCaro" Konachik M&cNeil. wlio hma Arréw lq Canadian %ake my n"sng to dm highest tendl i could andi' ýwodoed or lectured in lte heallis cmireld for more fighter plaie kiboshed (lien gmve sondang back as well.- site saxi <bani 20 yeus. was recitly elected chair of the for polilical reasorts Nurse peactîlionert have exmsied in Ontarioainc association. The iiew position contes at a lime mont lisai 10 years aigo.. 1973, wlien lhey werd Uiually lits d to remate when mach induh heallh caceid ms n ilu ".1i was born and areas. njowever. &fier Ms Kovachik-MacNei! M% Kovachmk-M&cNeîl currentiy lives in nouinji. raised in Milton," Mhe graduazed troam the MçMaslet Unersity progruni - ern Milton and is.on tlie board of direclors aisa adding lier modier mn 1983 il was Oisconinaed. The prograni was Creii Valley Hospia i n Misaîssauga. Slite lec- cwtn Gwen is a ifiemberptD the- receiuly revived and graduales are expecled to lbc lares across due country on lier nsecialty., patieuti o gi " old Milon clan of Stover. integried, iote, leakh car refoan wlien ihey me' assesntm. -"in fact i was born in the old Martin Street arncnascby thieOntarogovenen.. Mou or ber fam.iy xiiil resides in Millen. Her Hospital and as a young child lived on~ Martn soi NWk CHAi on, pialli * t.Llu Sieep Fatr CAAD S' LAGS eA R D~IRC POSTURE CAR[ Ili 1 il 9.1 tint 111

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