o876-4922 ciflhÉ kiibIu rul. lwebo Iim hiomdnt M he don shur CoMmnio àa a domh W«a. Aller a lieu own doudom op0 W gçeo bml cbi 4 onu, wsen an cubsh bir kW$mi WNI old u "nu. bliehu ilm dMin lie O.p VA Sam- .~ Tme C4p Md Suddb, an WI-h *lI «Iýmmus10r tl 1 àg euid,e bIm *wdebý WdS " mm Neay M'Lb d piieNkMW0b Uuhaouus Nsé ls Wvq li h opmnq Où: Sm. JWiy 27Uib. MW m «n.' bn'aii r* 1 md ts oanonuot SCobwaiull docoe w1là Iodes Omep Tbe dm11 bu ogk41lw.,IWW am -adng emoahll me C.g MW "ii îs' <(MMO. i ,y10bdbn OQaUpsi miSh a gd$4u-m wàPog s>i*m. Tbs gud ngmnll cêik b. as Toetal On me obum - hon "C «MSq aS on muemaulve ihn a la CW .fIladw Cam*l md ft UMU. SWu. le.N dome1le cr Mqsdsauuomçmn tou aIm"l-i ledl bu* Mu OdeIocey Club 06« idm oaspu ou o ia1 um a mom rlladbei ae uit dspltheodds YWH bglvm auy. wIk caanpuletd wmatde l W & bi Spocial OMM$kWs I m onwbesdIcIny' Ts lest Il* Il you unuai the ltx."4ays Ckl ill &MH bu bon hWu. mfanger Malcolm .Mci ool«y you'mln a leOe-theim TheCWW adSaddle milbepgMmd ln waichingi. wven days a wu Austen &Noble Inuance Brokers Ltd. *Commercial *Auto * Home *. Life pE. t'I h.. Dthe Tommorow Mornlngr MeinDu 8:30 umm 11:30 ~i W~ hot CIsI -' à 1' e ai; LM E Ir A FREIN STAIqk -Gei SOLUTIONS now Mç - Credit Card Probles Jugats M4ajo Cash Flow ProbIbrms C= Sif Persisten Bill Collectoi' ForecIosui~e Du TaOM * epoenl M= or toved One Evic=an Wage Gamishments Sheunff's Sala Divorc* R.lage Finanbcia ProWwm UMM PADDONW+ Cd wiI N. d.,. W. 78-7217. eet Eas :uMain & Martin StJ 1 .Tnis letter la to express rny thance. The course I too at the Barrie location 2,years ago, saved my.IIfe. 1 aiolded a head-on oolllslon because I wus taught The Police stated that w1Lthout~ tis drivlng skilih Ha-n(Jlso viam'tcnqe I wouid have been klUed or Iniured. -l I eel the greateet thank should go to 'F7 Intutr àà, p ~ç as u vicei fearI n, mY head, tefling me to use 1 te thât this course should be la, for &Hl ne, dri- 'vers, mhe life they may save. could be their ovni".- J11D1an B«&~ riesGrsduat. PRXT COURE STARTS You liw srie AJGUST 26, 27, 28, 29. 4 DAYS 9M0 AU-3:4à. PU -SMP. 9 MON. & WÈE. i& U1RRKaR 96niB.s2 PuE 205 87 Y, *-% . . à e