41f flanawml Mals. Ulmrsinél kw W55i.5~ t -- **~tam~ Uls ARE n -s. applicaions se pan- âme%0-"ss pcamoea. If Yau me mlten à rao- id osm ila ca whalag laM PWaea qply in p cga si TIns aforer n. 7M0 Ty~as Raid NaIs., M 1,401 IFcdo. WOUN.0 ou eerjo mades wils paou liaids ani lamik sas Sida? Silv Sad0?l 4nsb Io worh-îlap. This la à permnent part dime polo Previcas sapsree in glsafuait s piabut net nacaeay. Plamse correct us et 878-888 or aand msons Io Fa.: 90476-C)l 90. FULL Tilt! à MAf~ Discount Car à Truck R«aual e tloki for pnthutinstic, liard morklng, dependabte individuels ailli a net appearanca. Positions avaitabte: Fuît Tima Counisr Aeprasitatli», Fuiltlime Car Jockey, Parin =Tima Car Jockey. Becomi part of tlhe Oacnt Teenlll. I Plem bcing rmmes to ACCOIINTIt ECEIAX OumE VIE is. hmv Mak - lamdt -p a for un orgasird Ac- comte. Racewvbla Clarks midi collactiones u- - mu wsn ca. Plame seaud ntni mil 'W ç aoVlaai aaanam faelama ba cwe TMs Contidwe Chiaumpion, Oau 2111. 191 Main S..E.. Mille. Ont LOT 41,0. MILTON bae oompany -M-ke Pari -n per- Son la de vidai garat office &". Smn computer inputs eaquired. Could lin Inla lU âme position. Plaise sand rîsume goa OIlice Managar, Pont Office Bax 251, Millon, Ont. LOT 4NO OUSY IUsIsmAUGA office mcurs Cram Pa=o Raasdatiwca hnaraedga of Accota oririExatl. Fix esuma t 9PI90584-0194. 170 t EXPEIIIBCE Osyca aval"i In My lions. Compielvileu W@& ShAron 854468m. FULL TIME pli" avealain ssy isona. S SIaNNI s'as.Canon87846376. AEUIA W. DAYCAR8. lui-dm, Wtten Driva. 9 Yeii axpelnc. Plaase cd 87-40 . T"AIER looain;fo lme scsoo, -ar for Wo boys, 6 & S pe aid. a Mlottat wum. 5-294 ýjL - i A- 166 Mréérs 16 aer Opportunity oppaa-y -Cs litmmmu e the sVe aher Rid. buse Plus oemwubgbdoo aid es" tasaMd rpoe peasmktY. wmhe Io na abois a i eaui carcer wis 1-ÉRGan Peie Mcd yo - R lcr Mà C RUM. Dla.uo he 95457-M93.5 ¶ n I ONE DE00000 *MRTMENT, appilacea évolable not. Ce& hae 875400. RENM1 I Sederocn Aaimnt abouta tomr on in OWMe Apply V. Mua., 878-3205. 81 LLUIOE .........f NOW LUAMI :î eoffce. 2rriir amamsallaSsa anc eus ri.ral: sacoîga (OMPOlapon enu Iawi. rCdlsiua: Pm .np lO maiMC aMaI riPsiss. Aff te wamiae m se ....................... ....... % AVALAM AJotET liTr, àutala fot qM. junn " sta « Ume à tit h. poil Cd M"MMiiU MmU ewtio me 00meal. hUanpefladaailor gmuGantis AVAiLAIL a WWieo d $M6. par moul. 11711-12M. %," = n. WANTED. &40"i d@Yaa provid i" for ôg u moula aid 2-3 dois per.waak. paarbly in my hame. ffl coider olhe options. Beoiurg Saept. 10«s. PWe ae 7-3m. EVANLY ftAYW?..9opc Use Us. Remed et. Saisi dmi on Cree, Raletonshlp, Ilaild Lova. $20oennula.i. 1 I90-45l-4066. PREONANT AND NEED A FRIENO. Coi BustWtt 876-1245. 1887 DME0 CARAYAN L.8, waula rdc pase slariug, power bsilips. air. AM/FM alarma, pâwer »ata. esacs nt condition. $3.975 Mat. 5104u«"66. - 10OL.OSUIIL Ctift CIra, 4 doar. ô cylinder. mlamadlr hausse. SZ95O oaeed. $Mmio Mat, . 3M Usuel». Milin. 97s- 1797. 11114 CHEV CITATION, 2 ",ar pomirmaas pVe dac, 171.000 tkms.. ruts mi0& $70 0.B.0. 0064690674 dat à p.m. ATTEMRI Mmausy Ccli. 166 CIs.vy ln boid audit. tourn.ai a (enaugi for bm ment pou.is fini hardware. 04.110 or sal saparami. Aod canilan. (619) 0636604MI. CREDI PROILM No «Mi or W. ma oni UIC. fOA, WCS. Bautit Ned orienter chsance? Wa cm holp. Fsuaoa Auto Cm*ai 8764M.7 NEW àUSEO. A FANLY IIUNS WITN FA.LY VALUU .Wz-IBUY-I.LL-LEM 1 LAAUOTUCÎIoNPutS UiLnNMwTO. 1911 GM JIMMY,. 4 X 4, 84.300. Phoe 975- 11114 JEEP Charals.e Lmmdr,, 86.0S0 km.. ex. collant marranty, e cyondsr, sel. tréit. ladali 826,000. 51045s_3-58. Mt te Ren FAAIILY boideç $0 font 2-3 bectiont epftme Novée. $760.-8900. monthiy in Mlaon ares Two chlarn in éciaci. Naedsd AS;ÂPI Cdl go6- 689-10 ClassroomAssistants $14.94 - $15.50 perhbour Tw ççrunities are availabte wvith the Mnsr Il. Ei ati n d Trining, TriIlium chol for e,=e,=ce ndividuats ta work wsith students with sertarning disabitîties. Vosi wilt: assisi lithe in, collecting diagnostic data or uevîns ffectiyety detiveriesg teacher- rescribed programs,, preparing material to m frplerment prescribed programs fot students with speciat needs, and correcting student materiat; suevse students white os field trips and during sctatcivîses. These are seasosal positions, framf Sept. 3, 1996 ta lune 30.,190. Location- MilIce. Quoi ficaioau: Format studier sucs as earty chid= education, eduicatianat assistant ceetificate or equivalen; ability ta, watts witti and assist studmuts as demanstrated thtaugh previcos watts wvid speçial needs students-an an indvidual or small group hsasis. Aria.td mapch: Within commueing distajice of Milton. Mlae ted application or remmse, quoting Nel ED67.2, by Asag. 19, 1996 la: Pro=ra Dlred ow The T I" i"eSsa, 347 Ontario Sra SouthI, Milain, Ont"rl, L9T 3X9. J Rbiy bo Ontario V M 3 UEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. availabla Sepuse- bar lot. 81.150. 4 ippliaricea. central air, fimepkac. Cod Mi" Magalieu lsalhy Wori. 876- 0533. DEUGHWTIL 3 beOm Acton ivailaie 7r Seplamber 1. hm ath.land. psiig, dlosa b0 parka and scl>t. No doga pasma SM9 plue utiltes. 519-M3-4875. MILTON HOME lur tant 4 Bedmom, AIC. gea has. lauad yard, no dagi. Av&labl in Auguai $eaeos 1.250. Plus uull, 87-62. MTait, 3 Badraom BunalwbatM a l parn. tlley à slave Inda. Availa Spss ber lit 1M0. $1,050 monly. Plaina col 878- 6795. TOWNHOUSZE 3 bodroom. 1 112 bidiroonu, genaill, 4 applaucea, irr & butI mla<encs. $1100. phus ufidas. 877-8788. TWO bedroom country home. Rural Milan. Applinaq. Proer ma te coupla. Avallabia Sae Ist lfrsencea. 878-4721. '2 A»M ti Fr M ACiTN, lare I à 2 badroom apeelieenu. Geaegelan. 1 bedroom apetIssant. 1119063l- S0om 101653-5352. PREIHLY poilad. spacious 1. 2 à 3 bedroon speethmbi. Oust lac/ly highiriae in &JrlasIn. 1o W@ai. 3334046.12 - 8 p.m. LAMNE Su aoc - su Avalabl 0%&I lot $. 0000ssueia wade 878-630 havar musett bowb am 44cm. - L I i 1W Mice HeID 'x LAKE ROSALIND. HANOYER, aquippeli collag.«2 badrooa pdla boit. docks, Lîkie & &oes. 8400Ameasés Avsia4ba Auguat. Daplima, 85e-2000. ails lor Oladys. 315 COMMrCial & lndua- RESN I 8OISTRIAI. UnI lur resnt. Promias». 0675-1200 or 1-006-277-0347 STORE lot MuM Apprasknal S06q IL 10 Main g. E. Auff. 15«9. Appi ViKLmi 870420M. Zfl0&0 FTMOFICE UShomn a waraêsaue sixesi fr foet 3151 Stea Av». W., Milton. 83.ooeaq. IL Claie la 40) l4gèwap Avilate .J*i 1. 076-120. FOCO M &ALI . Raoi - NEAN AOCWOOO Saula bing lot MW' la- salas viar la river and pond. Only m'm00. Cod Fm*s Rioo Rail Eslal Lid.,als 59ur 3-storey lomeshoun., 3 birma itaoh jàWfllasce 2 pu. bath. Fris ands dmi Wbat Pra seltino. bdi lavai hile dc offset beross. 3W1 Saii loft ,lh rahina cpilfW 41---,6 i ala I éc. 20 siloll mIo @,2 Ca uW.5MW ptiaae M 06Q21ML PRIVATE SALE Immfacula Tomnhuie neural *w«, ne. carp4*1g ne b% irdgd baisemint. Forvlmi oeilI MVA1U uAtE 743 Laier Avr..3 a iit bipln, - l x Zig, Va@ esbmW m, éfeama. msi $1111. 8 4M-0. 'TOUISIOUOU Tuas bitaisan. %sel- k- bdji uh -N ,l MW tistaughoul. New litorne in Mitihon. 3 atau Puila h mau Famsa In beck yod W111% fsfsmiidfl - si. sam:!me 87M.0711. Hiiii - Tm4e7. $11a.00 Citperst 236 Rhul S.L, Unk Il7. ilon. For more Wab- a"d col 877-7197.