WANTOD - 2 rL wtt hlnde dontor ile, moue hantentea or W" &e tqua"hu, ome WATERMO. Sapsduh'0 . e tr. ka hednet$00fo.O i bupl 875-3425. S SLOW PITOCil VERM&I* 1E SMiýor Basebai 0 fom MeIoA SASEBAL page W Kuvin Oolruu Pîîchiog bY Nicb<rlas Osetu. Pischiog for Scella Suatk wu by KeMf anfladKeiy at Hante. Httang for SKD were Kevin Tyrer. Bradi Ksrrm and Nucholas Orsives. Pitcln wu by Brion'$ Auto Eeled 12, Scella cons 11 Mite Mils. The bighlmgbI of dme gane wu à close icote __ rites ept ft tnis(a wytking wulit Brima Auto Fm wb 6.S"à takig dmwin.Scotia Bati fouglo long sud bid but Pifth Brnutts Auto Repeir's hariets ware Joanu h e~Siiel moit die wiii ai0oiiig nto rins indi Ba P., luth W.. Brad H. 1eggie T.. andiosmh dires iinnmg Pitcliing aus by Josh W. mîit no raiin te Hiltons for Pifth Whorl mere Chos 0. Jordan fouit in1 Krtn « Devin, and Duony. Pitching osa hy Dan Hitumr fur Scoi Bank were by ScomiHume a nk iirs ee einOrt Nathun'Schofle[d. Aody Bell, Oreg Sheppurd Soi u* itr eeKvnOBin aod.d4son setoný Pitching wtt by Nicole Kenny Huma, Jason Gaston. Nicboloo Gocnjmgllowing no nuin theChibrd aig MaMorriné and Brud Moffuit Pttcbuni for S Ic o ok le.b I "@ Scottu Bank mat Kevîo Gothreau. Scotia Bank toO&t Une 4usd in the fini inurg Seti@a.U lb , Bon",$ Aiste RepudIeS and carrieti on gown mpae - & ýc«iA Banik allowed so rt in tic sectind. Scotia BiukIs hâttera wore Keony Hue -%ird wsd fourtb tiings, iuking thF in bya Nicholas MacMane. Nathan Schofid. Kevut mîde mugieîn O'Brien and Jason Gacton. Pîlchiog &t, hy Hîttee for Scoiiu Batik 1(r kay Hant, ýNicolc Gooding. Hitters for Gorrud were Andy Bell. Kevin O'Brien. lason Gutu. Brad Donald Beuudoiis. Pui Leot. Robert Keyes andi Moffat. Kesin Gothreau, Nicole Gooding. Mar Hamet. Ptchng y D" Baudin. Nuihan Schotîeld. Nîcholus MucMorîne Piichîog by Kevîn O'Brien, Sceutla Bank 11,.SKD 4 Briants Auto Rep..r', huiers were Josi Scofia Batik pitcheti four unnnga with tio roui Fredricks. Ryan Nemeti, Davidi Vundervliri. ming dite li score wîde. Reggie Taylor, andi Zuc Wurd Brîuub Auto Hitter for Scotia Banik cere Nicole Goutta8. RepaiîT, pitcbe .&, J Prone Andy Belt, Greg Sheppard. Donald Lîllieo. ' U~ M AÉ ..AI ...e - Bro4îville Minor.Bail Ith-z Annual MixedIS0,Pitch- ,Toflrament an Agigust 3,JAW I.'Ç~~ minimum 3 gu=~. $20Q eryfîc.0i adodt Cali: Dan Roqi4t _,P54-30 or Re»4ipblIe (905) 6$1 -0266 .w~ mous lIT 1 *Wutos FUtos SYttMi G-i Plopor uId Heuo Pîuaço - A«nrW E,0u d miti Fottac.a Coneil à Rua Ag Aun. 785 MaIn Streel CEa 870-11 »3 (Service> 873-2700 (Salen) DXLREX ALumINum uTU *Ahuoru.,t A,,Wtm «Cvinl 4iUiu"m -Siuon Do0m 4IetQ -Fasci 4dm u Lgon auto a l u of u rqmqut "Ouô.n ROSE &I. ASSOCITES a Addimeo . n se ~q87ZI@971 ILTON bMTAL C' ut , " B uspsIsu i ra u Tel: =gor .14U4U9» . 3511 cs.. W, .lo M t) ~ ~ * LW. 6mu"~ 5~ 7. Fat S Mao n SUER -BOND MASONIRY Fan coul IIIMI W.,tU EUM C 861 When lhe going gets rough, the tough Avrse in .Whu Does lU! hr gets your m4mage 'Cal 81,8-2341 VVAILPERItNC scoTI a. ma) 87i.6992 (4îdmy t*bm4 in avi au e. ROF Le 7211MLO 1 %