* Si'o* r Caniuckcs warm to.Cubtn*hosp' itiy, but show no, mercy. on the field Ai-star Canadian team goes 4-1 on eight-dgy tour note bellin li e .uo gaaCi.bst Mule "rb. M~W Mercier. à&"~ t0lhMD.ds yecf- aime pari of à 13-playe C*g @Qlvlloec Knm?&kay. Ct e - whiet MI&ena eietm-day reving Iltgh C" - wu ceimsed of m eiera of dea MD tel BlmnMWçtclumei tau els «l la fours miaiaig Nogl adiak MCK&y The humsa.belpeillde vtliquiksa pou à 4-1 um ce azmeti. "Il wà à pupe decnh lm wh1IAwgsa 2-3. "i twy iwe ddi N al ]WcKa. (UV~i h AIWe a 7-2 los la a petvlnclai teiii fmm' Minas. die eurie* wm ng i a 4-0 Ite wh"i -A mm"xi diowu moi die gainet. W tried on teîl*boitsy cltsnup wilh - cvcayexq i ia book ns Io play," McKay fie pmq etelepi ahm - Wiii5m oves a uiclubCe flymu Cube,. dile iisai -poavbciollo emanid à oetslgsaisbelle ing on i hUumniical Bsmma in lapa dit 'Til sey haiu dha ria" lia wnledie N~llt cfdi lha m' soud Figeit Wb çli - PiaWhMd coille in Cà&a.'1 wulçp wld My peefomuum -n maL My no wu mim I g ~ ~*h. bit, h GAII PAPE NIMn baubd 0'l') AIm PION, kWk »M »M K"* WilOM toui cube Mi uhlpi ubal honte. on ft hurie of wlNIIlngI tu pornlnola châtai - for m ChOh sa" &0Mt I "m lier butlMM« Ma.m > .iladjitangoaite ". oves the miuas he dW four kila aid bdi saine of y bat & as is â - - il41m faWiuie qphn wSk adrym. ondu (3 ins W ha ~la gu I c*. *1tasuioe pbWyq wàhMgtnKevbî '" Iwaag& m.*d.i cfm - aoeemcii le. ilyen' tesl dbmeas aeonc pvely. if et 1Tolq in .I Iumwhg&èmy Naif domn dus we'dh buh M eum ffl poye u M?4a. Pumfbhis oil I lgill e f llie le id aIblnglit IMheaP MW eon.N he vent 6-foe- 13 hairne in my milteae." eapfl Mmas fld s RBIs Md lm à itoredn - tihigerhoime Illgini eltaeam.tàmm Pave wa c1Ohnt it eidy lhe in dieiemsi sitn a d vsu~ oimxWaiveudt Ilale ien dillien Ilavheat urvwnia -mbo Uhqhit Wlewc IlsO kowe dm nadaionie n n s te Wihma wha played fiM thrd an idi logi Iigal cft tille. ad nI ha, wu patisu- cUclielS waa impreuod by the cula loei hatY hiipesad WlhU~i plya b uNQW W-* tiWU buebLt ims "MU lb. de e lis * av dmhm«azin "Wé en bonhed luile wu gin lau ha à big MWi flai irulWabm gn low la h"i le aowd for iha flm sabu t wesivd abmm a*«mupbe."oadd M t oiwefiih 0 maoneMMau Meibdl. leavei MMeesmiumea Udg" ,sugli mhlaWn or Lawmsfe nle.Pf ih -nho ~1dwSaitdtéc a whie die ict e~açlrM slak àe- Inimi m ,oul-bs bai,.budebsl ni à O l bug couicli't My ha bai W.iit aletient 6-fcr- 13 veil ivo RBIs 4Meas ooda tip ilhay id àétea fSm. en ada. m nloed. hijary sIdlhwbh i lie fta d. u -ft wileast i mh a foleence. 1' Alr dMi ha eudw sonna IpUa U-Wc-6 couibtil have nkcd fo a balle way loand off wu Iw lete - dm rw;u z Miovsd nec RoI, i& auigsa."h~pL i t'Àeinor Baseball ScOiett . *& eet Rane Fuik 6 Opening soasuen ganï braie hotth 1min ssrkng îhent Nus and ruhnrng t. ma, tho os e or Hînsrs, tor tht Scoira Bn( ira. m Jas-n (itOn, Nîcoto Goodng. K-. n Cehroau. , iea l4Momn ail drem %,.Pl"I « Hiirs frr the Rtirra 1-n mer Kiorar ( miros GagreeS Rcorrlrr (mr;,e also Ryn, .. m tad Eteok Teneuor lhichîng th, Souri mns 511h u hs Konny Hume frrsîaBank allrrang m) nn SKD le, Sei.Bank 6 SKI) har rnrghî5 hais and look tho leasI Scour ins Brrr,. tirongs ne h h,. and loieflh mnnng, altrrrurn n. nns Hitiotrs or tho SKI) tram mono %lier Mill. Rotin Tyra. Miko Bas.,. Brau Farrs. Michael Co-, oi NIcKay. Kaooni L Hutmes fo:r Scotia lianks sure And>, Bull. tceny Hume. Ktu% n (ÇtBrien, Kesîin Gorsihreau and Donald LIi hlis Pr ruh, ng for the gante mr, Niholas, Mac Msrrine. Rotin O'Brion and Konny Hume fur Scîrlia Batik FitkWhftl 12, ,«cotia Bank 1l Bolehmnm playod a gond game molang tho umwr close righiti o hondi Hairs fr tho Ffih Whcel tram more Aaffit ltarke shios Tokie. Adian Bradloy Matlhom Knrsc and Dovonr Bayntnn Pîtcher J MLlerO alinod nu runs in tho fiut and third timings. Hiones (on the Senti& Bank wono Grog Shoppard. Kevin O'Ëiie. Kenny Homo Andy Bell andr Jawuro sen MW4OR BASE3A LL an page M0 -Peewees take. another titie Multon's peewc rep baschull tram continues tgo domninais in tourmenn play ibis season. with onothcr.ehampionship flic last meekrlnd in Meunthlon. fltw lo-al cSw m mhî arc now 17-4 in qotama- ni. ent play - simung tiigotber six streught ruons lu carpture tlteir sSci touumamet file Of 1996. Un the championship finals, Militant needed extra lings ta squeeze pas[ lthe bost Hamuilton tanne 9- 8. A suicide .uqueeze Iluan hy Paul Dxiii scored -Evan Jeans for the gamc mînnîng rum in te eighth inerrng.'Closer Jeif Scbouien eaonaîd the win s heick out the uile just moments before. Mîiion bail no trouble reachina the, finals, as diey oeats*ored theïr oppçton 63-14. Along LWt ýway lbcy earned wins ovct Caledonia. Alexanîfr Park,. West Moutain, Inch Park auilGOMSby - wbom thcy annihiMed 28-2. ril ss - Diw a ao ae - eisn ne 90LqF1ýIo Clarkle's Golf Second junior Golf Camp organized by Clarke's Golf at Oàkville Executve Golf Course. 1 Gow *xuor Golf Cam - 7"muk Viii All P&Weld.iiu GR o.Golf lnstctoa eninos Goguettes aSbm~I UuhASI - 7S.IS1S 1 1 Ill ( \ , \1 il \\, ( il )', 1 jý 11) \'i 11 1 ý 2 (,