Datein Fs4iay Juy 26 @M u s.flhe orittes bn" meo~~.s ile Coanda aspoynênstt tre fur loUp oen llci. ~C~~smoe afn cf Studmnts; in Milton nd o reow a J our. For març hdfntaon cÉii Doyd ab hosiUg a kS. ca wab Io show apew 876.W66, si-W cdmv Oupor m othranir, ' The Odysse Trn Cem"r invites yoeuf iM'itin- ~ 71w tv latspnt ewen1 d 13 10 19 yeass ta mOnne cm (Or à tai &m. ada 2 pm a die S51.S g amadouon Pa-n Of 11116 at the. Hardbell Cate on du. mer of Stine Avenue mot Trafalgar HWb 25~ fmm.0n0 4 ii.n. For mmo ROO& cag Adene me 876-0766. Saturday 4!uy 27 Subedoy Joly 27-28 Xcèpe youti centre on Mill Si JOlsn Asubuanceboldo à wras1.n S"re hoD4 a ca wmà in the. padci lot atiedrd liraI nid outa., which mcli beside Sicr mas on main Sems front inaY businiss anal govenanue quire- 9 &m. to 2 p.m. Pmuçeed go 10 di. cmmm. For inRouaiMn ciii 8714330. The Odyssey Teen-tenrr hoids the SaudaY Ju17 28 iaga me t o thm e SIreeial Tnitre Mississauges Eckankar communijý iPS à whcelchîar division. The event int MiO*1.ollen mneidespnzc. m t'iitata al pu r- wSt, (romi 1:30 Io3 pan. Tii. service iesimode Up of iflnowghip speakers, msic, billot bulanen shaauing of die Hu, a sScUdIMMIUforGod. For mmoo igtfoa.- ~j~P~1taon, cotac AshiDOn Solanki i 878- 303'L a z-.u -w-.- ~ w ný M r~ j DOM HATW MOOiSlBiap.w I l 2L. à eyinda, slrsl ki «M ou l IlW aute wiOO. 14,965km, pewa 6 tom W--iia M". n ue raieo a 0o .a ffai. codioig cauJlSida, conre, WMU.l fluA M.-Mm 11 a, enicfui I I T akhulu m l , MW1 Flur pw Mate. #74MA raul Iauaa 0.A.C. m Usymm lt ha " m aa l. fas. 1992 N MORNd.7 JuIY 29.A.g. 2 Milton Alimahofd Church. 2850 Derry) * Rd. helals thc 199d Vacaile DIII. SC"ie for bhildren aged 41o 12 years fron 9:30 té 1130 &m. For Ife*w aMais andl repgiation toen& cati M-M.56 Tacaday July 30 TeOdyssey Taris CenUr hha Peu Ro . osnment ai the HardbîlMMte on Highwiy 25 tbons mmon 14 p.m. TUs cma i. $3. Caii SUo or lJaie or 876-0766 tar gse a WedaeajJly 31 Images Puppet Product ions patients limier tIe SMa.a Puppet show for cldSku apd 3 end i> s. bio Puic¶JItI, 45 Bruce St Tict4s which oui S. v *le in advemS ie tt bruy or ai iie domr on thc day of thi, perfofinsice. Cuetan lrné i* 2 pan. TIm'.d.a& 1ug - Thi. Victerian Orler of Nurses holàs a fiel care tUat ilthe Mlton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cailds Dr., tront 9 Sm. 1ou. m 1 cest is $15. For RAtor informnation or an aponai.cadI 875- 168 1. Fool cme clinics arc by sppouamee iLNivingwriC-aesGrffl w-bt k Se Fais Unite GisatI. 123 Main Si. E., as j0 p.m Led by mases, Smp cli- cussmon provldes eniotionda muppm antil practical guaidance ta phalens and dhiu taanly siad fiends. For matje intormation. ci thç Canadma Cancer 'Soceey's Noalis U.l,... Ih maâ k 17.1 17a i i a. .DA à . 1 1 ._:ý - _2 Y .- LX' 1