COMMENT Coss41.d 875I-3300 E. m 'In" iii. , Néalo efsi ii Mhi, to mi f4,5, i i MM Pn.si0 si. E. u Mm.Ti.u Tedlhassfi 875-330 SaesMmueiou Th'. wf. Làsnsa TM sNmw.~E*OMin char c Iionu Rionlal Lhoul beom ecTed" ai large. w t M Mr. citlen'i anWw astut polce So o orl M knw layofth Should e Dilecdutc genderal popu lace o , oesi ltei Mitr mms oftweka Hlo regional council, anlngo reMsite case now. Ina furtiter coup for Mi. Scholens' cause, iiteopcesgdhog reona hir.h chi Iof Saon loe indecisieb wen te alredibeln ieIII tSclc. r.Slln se pitî'lbe, an sie hadosl faied th'îo he wlan of li peto . Curleddu pi 1-1 nwel h hi .Scioinhoulà ccetd daimegeen ppcla uceat on aus numbe er f frons ih chair of al cunrot s cted ai lagn r otiwol onein In desit cu for Mr ain. chal.Soltens' castepeing feg and hairbe Joceitasigolnge, e a srongver yhet dm ale Balong duoi counc11 MrWShitens a ushd titatacdicallyceio a fewbe ofonrots ago 1hflpe wAst peoputle mnt ee oe aiouaibilily ro goverpln.mWen. he chir rond wHcl n Réio s polî c ei ruits la or niit-pofle cec ofi cideihmn for or.fic titrugiou Bhalln MSctes tianr ann haonlen folloingo a balotg aimei onge doen or ale Hai regional councillosaoe amons le wurconsitu popuaons of Milton okvil. Brigo n WHin he uis Tthai siuec disrela ew mes s lugea li avoerg fed cml h ri ing aout ha abu nderakîg1 nfo ierginlcar Asoe fa opl adlr m rcadiaes a needlt 10o ha unewient byc miirisreapo ithca partisite n y entiies wtîct ca hg rfinae cit anfi ce pitt foriofic ihook cetr Haug, taile pusit wouln haointmeae fllie profile ofn wodzn r regional couicillors al el ic ihpn odnt If ha. involed in liai elciio, proces ino. 'fi g r atdselo pubil ic acopa- nypring postion, phtwilressue.wol ceireao a oncRxte lial paie wolatmo unt ahcbn epeplinsi capfg Mion Ole, haceofaing a regionalls ha o ner itecyi sirpe. timey woldrg a t covcera f el i n Iam poul pbecaiive udrakn o u orterein. hi' of*e Winuay anse irblya smier ste of0,r0gon. counilbos (beifcase l mortd That lea mean candinane mnni jnd eendeie of the a miticipltcl eltesonh. nyete woeld h comsn finnc l'ullim oan Oice there w0uldte hao fentrreesteniatives ol eont nm tprei o of l iesnedi regional councillors ashî,sneeahprywud more poi~ bic expense ofn thetin poebse for letoa uicipal cuciors. Whatg foliflorssurlie, ciol entre earo is a powerulduet ieeparties regol totmonci, an ei'ect a cyoaltoin jton, wid chne oavIn oae Uei ocal couai of iplt. all , Buolîngiond Hit onciuiso the ay orso ic fou muicalties olnlHeiaLde ie dont ik may arsucitsugeto na Thmaller saeogoalcenricirsecau geerl Milod b llo epn Hilla shto fin Usei inndl of aniea large forc treald hir ferngerewlnerhaaofer representitiv in Usi senai dulteirb wldc becas Uùlic n maoiy ofe vcoes are toi ih pout ie eons ftepwrbs o oa uiia oiclos Buti Moli. d Sholiens' Uiinkso a mor powerful ct smilrltoneuni rosa i cilg in per itp ufnwitly coitote wh iic sea of electin lie rena chai agsio lge are fmall entrehs enlegnlon cee lnt. M. Scitoltens bas never been a man lu adii defeal premnaturely or willingly. He in not about lu do s now. -Rob Kelly Pages ofthlas-it One YearAgo From thet july 19, 1995 ise Despote a planning depatnent recommendilion to approFc il, town council demied an application for s trural subdivision following four hours or public coniments. Afier spending ive yeirs on the projeci. Mairk Krapez planidlo ie ic issue inithe Ontario Municipal Board. - ut)Waste Management was goven Use green light lu openi large-seule inuloor coniposing operalilorsms the Milton border ln Hilton Hili Construction wns t0 bogin o the fail of 1995 on the building near Trafalgar Road and Steeles Avenue. - Hilton Regional couisl forinaly opposed lte miorato- im on nos-profil hoissing. wbîch wns iniposed by the oiew provincial govemmenl. Oakvillç CoolIcillor Steven Spuung wus lit lune dissenter, sayrng ha cetulda'l suppliri a cooicil resolulsoli qieang ou agintheUi moratorium when tic bucked $lie Progressive Cosiservative govers. 20 Yca rs Ago Irro" 21, 19761nnm - IRes Ruai Lewis anid regmohtal c"amma Allait Masson ofi'cially openeul Uic Billo Reoveiy Boue, Ilc humi Pud Wns Io m~ntodae fise mile ilcolonicis on titrer single bedrstomFl coi double beoome . Miliqn firefugloters gauneu n tâctocal advaiutige in theor wur on persortal and fonasicial losshadue to fores nit te arrival of ànew $168.00smortel fire truck. .Star Steel Ltd. and lthe Canadian Workers Union local îgreed 10 a new ooie-yenr conîraci providing a 70-cent hourly wage utocrise. Ille agreement ilso ptvvided work- crs wiith "n few oilier siali beteis," according lu u4oot" spokesman Claude Bron. 50 Yeàa«s Ago ,,l4~ ' Fis the Iuoly 1,14 soo TiileJul>' ngetng 1f thse Scotch Block Wl. was IteM ai th; home of Mirs. P. Peddle willi the president in chair. Miss Litile of Toronto waa the guesi speaker wbo loddresaed Uic lopic of citozeoiship. ffssrsng Uic Point thâi wnmen slsould ha mon jnvolved i4 voting amd dcssociuY' . Si. Paul's Mamied Couple's Club held iii Strawberny Social ai te home of Mr. aid Mis. Ted Ienuiings. T avening sens s<ient by pliyioig g-me and pllains u riadt-' for a pitic in AugisL - Th;i reguixr nontly meeting of lie Hontby W-. n Itel ai lit boise of Mis. Lloyd Maittiment with d lite, dent, Mrs, Brown, presiding. A decisjon uns made îc sposuor an Englts child for a yed. iy Steve Nease