WEDDMN PIIOTOGRAFIY 100-115 piot. ln eam plits negelme. 15 yeus axpenence. Pel- ahi. and renonamt. Pèclurs Perfect Wed*qn Pagrqty. 5307. 15 Encagemenits C/4IfYj aszea)sËi _&ny <Iper, SAI9E6 gMV ILvmo MmOnutMapi. tA e1tn. lm 1b BrevieSae> <ne. -Hospital. Autrulet lod.. aU l fSwW Caiin S. Balley. Lovne molime of Harold mnd wlfe Evetyn of HamIba1..n Ed end sle zbe of lAbo. Nor- mon and sule G , te àf bonerille. Mmca>, Pa&- ton of Aieton, andt John and ele Joyce of Saskatoon. Dear grandmother of man>, grmkidnan d F - ,, bide. This dert lady wli 1e cad>, mitard. Friende ciii be meceved gt MonkI Fqecet Hom, Minden. Onlatlo. 705-21I6-2181. on Tumey kmon 2 la, 4 and 7 to 9. Funerat service t0 b. held Wednesday. hi>, 1711. gt 2 P.. In th. chuae. cROMmr, intent J. <hesn Peadeli> e the Credif Vea% Hospital, aleesuuge, on Monda>,, Jtiy lb. 180. her Im d yeoe. B<wVv Corbone , helce eof fil im hou RLoh mother of l4eather and lut huaen"dA 1I Goodearle and Robert and hle mile Kathy Cattec LovhIg WIia.uI Pullo. Kos. Shitine, &= imgq aUdq. aigul- So M.UWtde onM- daa, hm 2-447 e/ r. u ei el e hi ln capel on Tmd..1UI&00Sl pin. Cnto. ions 10 te lAilpie Solercele godet>,of Collis or flo 1(idne>, %fc.adan of Omud buAih EMMBAANME ein." farta of danations Io rhelton District Hospital Foundation me 1140111E, Slio - Son. Ibogmr Undle - May, 1114 - Jtiy 22«0. Ifb ole. cho td hld a mIme.> and memot>, a lemt We'd cut Une lon road lx muti aM in h ita home agaisn Mlaahsg Scetecat Speolc Love Noms & Ded. Staph@vn, St aJma a 40C r f lhnk MIA VIEW, OM d. -. toi w ta e ept u r *wath t. oft Un people for Unoir cars and su- pa. lna nded of nq> son and ooe broiher. Glenn # pe ai ial Lutentn Managle- ment = 1Ne 0lT Canala Post. you me sucfr a pee graupof peapie Mid S0ot1 antd yvecin ov le ami Foeul>,. TH4E Famiiy of the fat. Harold J. Morley, motdd lIe Io exprema appreciation te ai hs sitesent cents. flcet "d charitable dm tient and te the Red Cross, VON. Motnem, «euand Moula on Wheola, Un nur- ses ai Milton District Mospital ami Or. J. Hunmer for hi. cars and lu Une led..s 1he made lunch for: taa b Scot Euly for Fm hlp. Wayre Jm. Cosnlée, Bril OMMena 45 Anniversaries J7ap1~i 45 Anniversarles 11-50d/ Anekninnrersary 50 Comina Events CHARITY CAR WASI4 M1t.m67 COREmCrOeUt COMPsX Coter ofMy. 25 i,401 SATURDAY, JULY 20 8 SA.M. -4 PI. Hot Doge à Pop chile Yeu Will RAMI DATE - SUNDAY. JULY 21 i mmer cmps KIWS SUMMER Classes you cen't cent ta mcmol MWS lee neteorit ga f 8732141. 55 NotiCeS THÉ OFFICE 0F THE CANADIAN CHAMPION WILL BE OPEN ON MONDAYS- INTIL 6 P.M. TO SERVE VOUR» CLASSIFIE) -NEEDS- 60 uc n AUCTION SALE TIIURSoàAY, JULY 18 AT 6:30 PMi T e heu ge Hune's Auctièn Farta, 9313 4th lins. 3 mlles noMMhee cf Milton. Uhsrwod à Cordon Hue Auctonse 0 r ELECTRIC DRYER. bar frndge. 2 couches. Phone 876-1707. FIRST qusit> roc rom carpet S6.SSdiq. yard. Forid your ampei ned. C4 Jhtt 87743U2. 25 ysms cd eigterletl INTERNET £00158. Gel Connecied Io Une Iner. Mon#Wie, Imm ho m* $15. AMi about or Stmeama Speda. PMl Unhe at u Net. 873-2002 STENWAY, spritt Piano, talit in i00. All parts original. $6.100.00 C4d RAm Mls g1 00578 0738. PlnKm e b , lnMllon. O"o. T Mllald"e IXt J IM V10 1 1-077. m9w 3 ROOIMS 0F OPEN 1101>0O > on -hiy20Ofromn2 W - 4 pm HMv3 oof --Pl cf The SerYorAclfvityCoente, CmpetkigMOUcleY lS= 0 1 1 50 oCfs Dr. MMloni ciietah I4Oeteted Besf ws orly. poid tor. Go Green. $489 sey This Week.1 nAsu houje Every Week, e_ t ym -en- 53 x96x 22 ga. 24x96 x14ga. 60x l2Ox209a. .36x96x20ga. 48 x89 x16 ga. -34 x96 x18g. galv. 44 x 56 x 20 ga. galv. Ail $10 PER SHEETr, PHONE 875-1759 , INTERNET BUSINESS LISTING - Frft oempany listing on the Internet Hmare pages availabfo. Fax your ompary nane dkiess and phono number or youl lettorhoad indicating your Mg t:Fax 8732596 ér Phono 873-2141. Garage Sules brought to yoU by: The Place Where Fresh iu the TauTm 389 Main St. E. 875-3212 5Q Market Drive 876-4142 FURNITUR5 LAWN SALE 9AT., JULY 20, 9 Au TrO 3 PMi 1001 WINSTON CHURCH4ILL DIM. 1112 miles N. of Mie~lel Rd.iRriver Rd. lieu Rea4 te.W Nu. fic, AF.eitb, China cabinet@, hiicil, bsaffettharet taible, wwdtobersét Mor ta1bles, cerner mbý nets. cote tables. deecon ben-lue. tlirs.x dy siot,. TV vides cuabinets. bocitoases. qulit rocks, deck@, colle. MWd aW tables. magaine rock& and magAzine table., lem cupboard, - loeurde halt mocn table Mach, nouoci and mach, mmeah motret ounM A TUUOl ANC TII IT MIN Y0U.» GARAGE SALE SAT. JULY 2OTH. 8 AU - 4 PM 383 HIONSIPE DRIE I NUEOD00009, ETC. ETC.1 DAVE Bledt Fim Services - Free pldtup c sam. haoe hors maones. Abo roml h ing 14-20-0 or 40 yde. Cal 815463-39012. STRAWBERRIES $ 17.50 perS8qt. PAM.I MurnA.. «AM~ à mm KM MMI FW - AMW octr. i~~1 ~ ~ 14 ee5mo,4O1Im tm. a M