Mavericks blow leal ln last few playoff minutes flrrw or~ ~er Anrewtarrhot \~eaeIft- assia ari RB ume who coinbsned andi Aiday in Muit, nbath nitng a *'D r p 'o ener low ro WwghDarling andi lraig Hedllay for sarie pin. If neccssary, gaine five would go i~asq.c 0W ~ l ndyItihl eff&ctve fi-st periori defense'- oecatsled Monday in Georgetown ai 8S.. hl at h m e 1 -1 O lie rasegaa ~ tswasaaia wogaine six is scheduled.4ar Tuesday di ath m e 13 1 white Beisei tumeri a liti-trick ,sd alsa Kngox a"u dret* ivp elpeix. in. in Mit. Garne two af the went lui nighi A seventh and deciding tlt would bca Aieson n the nighi was"11resor <Tueadilay) in Miton. Çamesithree and four playeri ccxi Thursday ai 8 pm ni n Uv STVE LBLANCParier wttile Joimy Lewothy Ir. hý ida l bcu halayed llsurs4tay in Georgetown Georgetowp. Specual f0i The. Chanion. lThe Miton Mavenicks ledhe way for--- unosi of Sunday nîght's cantest witit dmt Georgetown Bulldags, bt sho iafhenselves inithe fout ai die finish lice.- As a resuli, titey fell 13- l0to the *Dop in ltaeir bta-of-sevep, round iwo lacrosse w , v playoff smM opener. The tw reas are hatfihng for a bmrh in lthe Cansmissioner's 1. .. Cup finals weile in lthe East Division, ~d ~ 1 ~ ~ ' " Miton heiri titice learis titrougioul lthe i- nighi iiueluding a 10-9 advaniage 90111 jus4 ire minutes remnauning in lte final fraise. Pn t i a cn Howes'er, a laie brealcdown in dafense asd0 n aay fiish fririndr SaueKnox Po t'cSun i re.I (Temporartv aty;a lite theslm Milton seul a clear umes- iLa ma t sage4o lthe 'Dogs lthai lliey wil on o llM axer and play deAd. Georgetown lis home floor arixantage for Itie seies andi are them heavy favowiics io reach lte finals. *lirs like WC heai itemn thr nue-. andi fa lihenliackîin theganteall thecse sadasometehat fruslraied M ills heard coacht im Le w.rthy, mo mest s afier Georgerotens hugc tird-periad corne- hck. _We quît in lthe lasi four i nutes of every penri lonigiti.' Leworihy.did cire strng performiances by hath Knox and valeras Graitam Dailing. wita alieri twice on lthe nighi andi caste up witit sortie key defeive presure in lte firni and final panris. Hfis second goal came during a lird- peraod comeback oi ltheir own when Mit rallieri ifoudrstraight goals in tha first 12 minutes aller iraing 9-6 afler ite second perior. i Seven of Georgelaen's 13 goals caine in lite final 90 seconds ai lthe panrid Milton was cairenuely disipli neri titraugit ganse ose 'and allowed Georgetowen jutr threeofw rplay apportu- suries. ia Malencks scoreri twie wen rheysiadrthemnan advantage antda shoihaidei raliy early in te it rd. ihnou wi I sVoccer gaine. M»utop Opd"h Club LUtin 1 eminépéoe W=pm MQ Wl-'iW T: 2.2litre L4 SFic "ine, 5-pàd muajal transmission . s« YOM tIti l màu'g > 6â d o.rpi i 4-vWomel ,duel air bile, PASSILockO f~fl-ceterrent 9cster, Grr conditonrng an. WFM stereo -sthI CD pW mur sporiler pawr thering, tinted glass, console Wafltwuî pcIqjP wihCuphollers, fulli nstrumerttation, reritote r e lease, muVse heet d=ct, yo rPontiac Bastig up~svcaI try aceing full folding reu se*t, reclîning ftont: bucket Seat, disytumie rnng lights pprol1f ~ - Wù%vp"i Uû -orl rfonvGMncl ~~ICiiteIOi ~- fot taff 'u oaM rMCa« caten"asn~i aau tO«1f W IsaMA M asuonu Mu Sauuiaux a aaanidageerliea lIIUSN 1111111111 AW0 as. a..ea ft 1 iI.. of*.. lmsauaris mea.s suq . , cmi u i M« W5iausYW»r lu~- - - -eiflW»