C'ville residentsý blast couzncil.. say train noise gets ever worse ElyMB AM The Chanswon Ai leas one Campltellville resi- tient my% won'( pay bi& propclly taxes because of probleras sis trains. A group of angry resitients fileil oui of Monday's meeting of town council unsatisftcd wîts the munic-, ipal position on increascd use of the CPR rail line near Campiselîville Junction. Several saidti hey were consîiering legal action against the lsn. Clins Steenisof told lown council Montiay night itai ki wilI siithholti his 1996 propefly taxes because of counicil inaction on increaseti train iraIlic. conceras sîit thk safety of the once virtually abandonet i me anti inlaequale warning signais. "ls a temrbly diangereux situa- tion," saîid Mr. Steenitof. wtt, wamet of the posstbility of a sen- bus accident sit a train carrytng volatile ckemîcals ,'lf there vis a collision wîth a train cartying sul- fuaic acîid haîf of Campbellvîlie woulti k ie stroyeti"' He saithe k ne w&%s tuit in 1911 anti in several places is tiangerous- y substuntiart, Ihougb bie diti admit work bas bren donc to improve il in thk lasi few yeaes. May Jauned lega action Mr. Steeniof saitki bail a dlaim for $47,000 in dlamages Io iss home recenlly tienieti iy municipal oflicials. so bie is investîgatîng launcbing legal action. "My place was a keaven on eaeis before liss, oo.w il's a bell-isole." ki saiti, atiuing tise tîîwn sisoulti gel an injunction lu stop the trains unhîl an investigation is contiacteil Drivers w~ Gooti divers wîlb somne froce lime on titeir hantis aie in grrat tiemianti by tise Canailian Red Cross » Society. Tise organization sertis volun- which atidresses the type anti vol- air aller a train passed. 1 thoughi urne of traffic and the safety of te lhJre might ki a senious leak'" linè. "We cani' seil lthe place but, Tbree streel crossings in lte aiea I'd do anytlting to gel nid of it '* arc nt equtpped wîtb fui warnung Area resident Bevedly Campbsell lights and beils itecause traffic saidth ie issue should ki tlen op counts in thisai have nul justified ity tise federai govemment because the $300,000 expense. Such safety mosi of the trains oniginate in the mesuines ai crossings art lte mini- Unitedi States. mum requireinenis tu have trains t'Would Amerîcans allow cease warning.whisiles as titey Caniadian ttalos 10 rumble theougit approach. Residents arc adamant one of theîr lowns anti disoîpi peo- thal Jocal vehicle traffic il easily ples Iivns*' sk asked. higher than the volume required 10 "American companies don'i have the Iights anti kis insalleti. seem io have to comply with'tise Feds pay most of t tab saine envirnnmeital conditions tisai Transport Canada pays 810 per Canadian have Io," ske said. calliitg cent of the cost of ligts wîth thk for lte town to force an investiga- locsal municipality ptcktng up 12.5 riens. per cent andti he ratlway tise Cite big truffic increte remaîning 7.5. In addition, local Other resîdents were primarily municipalilies pay several itou- coiscemret wîîh wital they lee as i sauti dollars in insurance rosIs vasi increase in rail anti mail rafrqc *khn (heme is no whistling. in the area. Several saidti îy hd "Transport Canada stîli thînka trouble sleeping ai nîgisl. Iu the ast therc aie three trains a day uvcrag- few years. îheyý say, trîffic has ing 30 miles per bout using the incieaseti front three trains a day t0 lie," saîd Mr. Sicenhof. who as many as 15. Acoring Io Mr. adtied bc often remasins In Toronto Steenhof iseavy rail lraffic is kîing titniugi.tk nîgit because of diffi- diverteid there t0 skirl Torontoý culty sleeping in Campkl1lvýlle. 'lTbey have convefleti a spur uint 'IeI protslems am the faulli of itis itto a main hne." saiti Jane Monroe couscil", of McNiven Road."Yisu can feel Council agreet 1 have staff mecl lise grounti rambling eves a bail wiis Transport Canada officiais tu mile away. arrange for upgradeti crossisgs, Keîlb Rasmussen said ki itoSiSi which woul mean whîstling coulti Io the area rive ycars ago to gel cesse. Councîlior Gerry Brooks away fromt te noise of trains anti suggested sisunling of trairis, wich iseavy traffie: but over the lasi lbrce blocks a local crossing. bie or four years il has increased rive addressed in tisai meeting along limes anti horns sounti aI cvery wîlh traflic. especiay ting the hosîr. day anti nîgisi hiorse racîng season ai Mohawk '*My nerves aie frayeti (rom the Raceway. anti precaulions for wissling," saiti Mr. Rasmussen. 1~ risems.aî loatis. have also smeileti cinc in lise T'Me lown sent a similar request for a review some lime ago. in ted Accortiing Io a report by Johin Matthews. Mtlon's direclor of leers lis dive patients 1,0 medical public works, a request for lîgits appîîînlmenls in town as wdl as anti kils shoult ie k aseti on safely Toronto, Oakville andi Hamîllon. ci)ncernis due lu limîteti fetieral To gel invotved,.call Susan ai funs. These request have taken as 8175-1459. long as îwo years tu0k atidresseti. RUDAY, JULY 12 *N-IOWN a tURA BiWay Home & Rural Appliances (P) IN.T@WNM @NLY China House (P) Twice The Deal Pizza RURAL @NILY A&P WUEKUNB. JULY 13/14 A&P Canadian lire OPTIMIST CENTRE- Friday, JuIyl12 4 pm .4am Saturday, JuIyl13 4 pm -4am Sunday, »uI 14 4 pm 4'am Optimist Centre is Located at 311 Commercial Street Milton Featuring HOLD'EM POXER 5-40, 10-20 Reserations Hotine (416) 464-4128 Operated by: CASIIIIIId FL4MUfNC2û LUNK RUND2N UuLàufg the Di»bi. w»t C.uu.iy Sports »Il Rekieveatlon. Tht Unk Fai..datice In à ualf.uppectlag moun-profl laat om. Charitable Orpamtlom #~15 INSERTS # INSERT