Despite last minute setback, * State championship proves elusive J but Leworthy earns other o ur *y STEV LaBLANC really hall a greai season. considenng tic SÇpcial Io The Champion teami was maie up of nsoslly freshoien and ilic hardesi question foc any atihicte to sophomoces. We tvcren'i cxpcclcd to do answer - and tihe tougisest mo live with - verY iceli ai ali." esmplaaned Le-wosssY. who is simply 'Whal ir, graduatedl this sprnng wits a major mn coin- In the wodld of sports, the What if7 cas inications and a nor ini coacliing. bce fcowcd up by jusi aboui any possible Lewotthy's individua effots were cycis situation. lnMitais lacrsse player Rebin hçi"e than in licr junior campalgil. wieii Leworthy's case. tise question reads 'Wha aile gairered conférence ail-ilar 'talus if i liad lies ablc to play? Wouid we havc Slic scored 29 goals. thew cight assista won' "i was ouic of thc pcmnaer delfcnsivc play- flic question cames îwo mDnths ago ai ers in tic PSAC. Shc altied thc school i cdi Penssylvania Ail-Stuc Champiomships record or mosi tkaw controla in a gagnc at West Checster Unisersity. whic (13), aid bivie die record foc niosi in à Lewontly*s Shippenaburg Lady Raidcrs' seoson (58). She hai set brat reorsds just field lacosae, teni "oo a 18-9 lieaing ai lui teason. thc haids of tic Divisionl i poteimms. Tisese accomplîshmcents combincd tu Il was thc sccond siraiglit seasou that cari lier a spo on tis yeart Fini Teasin Lewonthy aid Uic Raiders liai realicd th. Ali-Amerîcan squad. *'Making AIl- aIl-stuuc Claipionshîps. Unfoflusatcly gr Amenc5fl was a grecs hionnr. is tic higli- -waan'I qulte able to coospcac for Uic coni- es Icclshmen possible in Uic NCAA. feieco tite Ibis limea Stiiid. PIaying in the ail-star ganic againsi the - The 23-ycar-old had hiCn rcndered cuitry's bsi playces was reafy eciatng'" >mmsosscious jusi days)ffort in a match EArning AIi-Amiencan statuas also camai 'with Lock Haven and suffed a third- lier tise righî in tryoul out for the U.S. dcgree concussion. Despîte «il being ise National gram Lhis summner, but Lcwotly final gaine of lier four-year universlîy dcd carcer - and lier being onc of 110nul10 poue t"a course, saying Stipjsesslu's top players - Use lcan's dia dhad lait acady gone Usai mmsu yedns - doclr sdciicd ierfor ic hamionssipcacer with Uic Casaian eans. cimir sdelned ierforthe hamionhip WiUi ail cf lier accolades th's pose garn tlie.laiginuo4 son, Lcwouily says thc best m-iMo 0< gai cfs horile hain Io~ ait s 4 - 1996 campaiss caine off Uic field. As cap- nsdil etr ihts îa<m*s tain. ahc Savc an inspiesiionuil ape&hl ta peopie caseUp go li ath asend r teamnimales juis p"0<19 the ali-state ad thangs cguid have been different if 1IS hal played. Vrjcl wu nmce iolieat. 1gue a raut waicd (o say how pnjud 1was of 1*i neyer k" thesis dès icoson. Il gave me a wanm feci- flic May 3 gaine alào brought a feeling fl5. cf deja 1vu for Lcworihy. as lier Lady With lier playing days mssw behimnd licer. Raid= liai loçt %c West Cliester in th ail- Leworthy is focuising lier attention on a 'aiée finals Uic prevsams yewr os well. caise«. Sic hli isqn precacied with offees mat omille. site ciijoyed is oututanding le ooacli ai several univilarities in senior teason as Shippensburg, whcre Pcnnslvisa. but liai netenftaaid 1 c J- among many other accolades she waa Uinie woRk mn tOwn and is liktly. o siick nained tain captain ai dic ai of the ycar. arotnd. If abe doms sheill pnstably 'tai Shc aient on la prove liecacîf wormby of, coaiching ai entier Uhe mmnor Icague or Nhl thia licnorbPy anclioring lier creai cin a clioilevel. , inil usive 9-5 recoud in tic Peuisylvinfia 1i thinli wacaever you talle out of the pwi l hWg cirote Sutec Athlctic Conférence (PSAC). "We sa" you've Sop u bck m.ij" sic sud. ithirq bocki fouie %p 4we You'II love the Stuff we're made of! ~H. 25 & D"r Rd. it was a stellar career Plut by GAIAI FADE I crer l urMiln ecrsMWe Rahin Lawafly bie 10 gluc ann. MoioE VALuE Tmwi EVER! 5 &oWel 5fluczs SflNads ,11T'S BACI IT'S BIGiER! IT's BETmR! . i pu MMUa Srom. 1 87-.4890 1 ICI- Il a a