Halton His launches a late. bid for more regional clout av SAD REAMEI segional chai be elech y voais m.aci die üRac of mepeesaal T4 hwq (rni acros Halia rWtss hlian hy ai balsmas a~iaai Mo for thser A nrrylpq wred o itru a internai vote among regional mm die Hallan Hillr mayar wu éae iso ~nUvoil uia u c ImîUe like. the endi of lait week's Haltan lissuae will qlIf bedeiedaun "I'm prepared go re-open 8 regiena cowicil medi& niai scu juIy 10 e welI. Muise, said Mi(r. Sioln.'-Mn dm astale feruisatpsaises to, b Mr. SdiolteRaid he xpected wu no fains or equity in 9 lively debate when cosancillion sanie mnibers of council wouid original decisson. Tisera wau mgiiagain nuixtwck. hc againai an election of tic represenahio by papulMon. Hali His Mayor Marilyn regiea cliar y Haltan resideias, clear winner wus Miltan - a Serjeama uhcd dtia changea tô but odmsrs have saidt]iscy support Oakville go suite emeuL" namticapail represetalio et region- tie seasm. Hlion His council recen ai council ha recouisidcrcd. Aller '*i wuld nsake lis public pat of votrd In remuoe lsdr mayor ( mucis iaggiing recengly, il was the proanas," said Mr, Scisoltens. regionai cauncil. Mh a suisseqi decided Ourlingbasi andi Oakville "Thse big picture is ta simpiify mieeting, dsey clsancd iseir ni would have aeven cois>ciiiors municipal politics tn local rasa- anidreirned nsqare cie.pnd apiece. Milton and HaIton HuIs dents. Most peuple dont even a regionai deisate an ai~ duac dèc. know hase il's dois nas." isamays mrving as tise Ms Serjeantsan wants Haiton Hie denied tise move seojall "If lise allier threc nunicipaui - HIs tu have four repranhatves. ecouagell paIty illibics becaa of ane Soing In tend tbeir mayogs In addition, îse's ssking lhisa tise orgaralian and nu" nse - regiaisal cSsncil) lise. il sisaid regional council decide if rnayors sary to rn s Hlatn-seide ca. canaiient," iaid Ms Serjeanla shauld serve on tise upper-tier jKaign. He saidontrîIiuio limit. "Sinoe usa appears to, ha ls.c coafaicil. Io campaigni sere iow enougs bo anc more seai ai Hliiln cour A dusrd controversy seas toucisel kect) big organlzatians oui. (for Hia"t Hills) wouid salve off by Budingean Counbcilkr Raipis Mr. Scisollens said said ha seould pritkeni Scisolleni. who suggesled lise back Ms Sercantioii5 atlemps o 4 Ilao .M UPelle20 i.. .rri... ~d «élS y-., P-h . *~l~o FIFTH WHIEI TRUCK STOP M.h4.m Mop... y- - ~IIA. es- 11e Ire Do lm .nd t'y lin iils e lie. eii. he TMe Problem Is Hard Water and LU MESCALE * Wod.md pipa A ihow Now -ail thé abovepolmscnb *cured If you instali a Water King. Hod wal cs ocneuy dpsWnggoie n pips odop¶lionces is cmviii sas ïh rSall cotsyo mw" liiyn Iiiu.ad kWs casi ond ropoir bls. Thé Wossr King i. dm wains lonamust o at ohr w sas.rs easyho insIa - ih iro plumblng no maits end nolanumtbno requuie. l la uaéAIitt ternhd1 W-1 r aarmeYbML mcash tg ru.. jar ara2ZdS10 po y oe ar r o neqgew rFE walr lioedrKtis Wouw kit oy. CALL TOLL WE 1 -0.26e.3233. 405h u S. .k., rn Lt15 i 9056349211