4 M .C OPTICAL 5FFu 75 Ota-lo S.lS -% aiS.EloU n M. 575 IM Onarit.S «EDEN HOUSE' R R 12 GMBPM (519) a-on2 SER VING HILTN ANOlAME SAER IM A oeOMRMA OM STou U LIB LAONa oumuyL w*cuw OnsM& DENTUÏE SSENIORS DISCOUNT F ULL SERI1CE LAB 'n ww lmI wimo mmeb eSAME DAY REUNES SPECIAUZING IN THE FOIWiFMf4G: CORN à C*Nusf *IiecqwN TR NULs e*ONE HOUR REPAIRS *WA*T's * EEL ymJI G BONS DSi Cs *Custn. m.m <LORig *s RX FoOlwEAa cwcos(905> 702-0111 (&or&# CW ",.. A~.. JULY ""MIX 'N MATCH" CURRENT EVENTS7 Wed. JuIy 3,10,17,24,31: Corne out every Thurs. july il: If you like music, you'l Wednesday for good fellowship and .enjoy the fabulous bus excursion to great- food to, the Senior? Centres' Hot Onillia td'see a production of 'The Sound Meai Deal" . Time:11:3Oarn. of Muuic". Along the way you'l stop for A great luncheon and p tour of the Fr1. july 5,1Z,ý9,26: Now that Summner is Stephen Loacock home. Caîl Centre 875- here, . every Friday, "Lunchime 1681 for' nfoqd tickets. Barbecue" are a feature at the Senior Centre. Join us for taste ternpting Sat. July 13: Lookung for great home barbecue delicacies and sparkling baked goodies? . Then. corne to the conversation. ime: 11:3Oam. Menu and "Seniors Bake Sale", at the FarÈners prices posted at Centre. Market for the greatest in baked'goods, jams and Jellies, pickles and preserves. ,Mon. July 8: It's "Seniors day at the .Great values too! Mail". Corne on over for the Bingo, a: social get- :Wed. July 17: Ail coippetitors at this together and many great shopping years, Ontario Senior Gahies are invited values! .to attend a Pot Luck Luncheon& Awards Cetemony for the District at the Tues. JuIy 9: Milton Seniors will be Central Park SenicIr's Recreation Centre holding their monthly 'Lunch Bunch" in Burhington. a the Seniors Centre at outing at a local restaurant. Cail the 875-1681 to si)vk Up. Centre at 875-1681 for July location, then*- 1 join the "Bunch" for lively conversation Tues. July 23: lt's the "'Big Band Cn»Ius" and great food. Tixne: 11:3Oarn. Corne join Milton Seniors for a days rexcursion along the Toronto waterfront.l Wed. July '10: It's the Seniors' rnonthly :You'll cruise on the "Trillïum"' "Evening Euchre Party" at the Activity ipaddlewheeler and listen to' the Centre. join theri ýor.a night of fun and "Twilights" musical group. And you'll friendly compe eition in a relaxed ihave free tirne to wander on the Island atmosphere. Refreshinents wiIl bé served and aloyg the waterfronit too! Cà)l 875- and prizes awarded. 'lime: 7:30pm. Coet: i1681 for info and tickets. $2.50/person. ________________________ OU LTOU ML & -luU. au DENTURE CLINIC *10%DSo=fllor6mmO Nto UT - No PS&T. 1 h Au- 'o t o A"*ft»b»uLOW CMS DENTURE à HOMS CALLS asie____________________________________DERBY ROAD 2 omr à -Tom m 1 111 TI10 IAA199,IMM 18ý%O I C TO CAU AND 1T7V MEDICAL CENTRE 83MUSo.MERRYD For turthor dtala on actlvltlea at the Milton Senior Actlvlty Centre, Lai 87.w Cai7(05110061 878-11009 SENIOR DISCOUNT The 454-5388 AYS Greenho 'se d"o"mb" ! p7p Monl ,Tuesday and. COU NTRY. uZ Ih - r 4 edneýday -MARKÇET L&LIZI± RGSERT'(PIE) LEE, E.SC. LIFE INSURANCE' Miltowne Ineurmne Agency &Ltd. 245 COMMERCIAL ST MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 0878 FAXý878-ffl *We art 16 O MailIn SLpü.màw S878-2886* SHOP ZELLERS MILTON FOR CLUB Z POINTS ~niors Actlvity Centre mrent Event» '10 R q