On the Scrap Heap Th~ab. s my -.". -p-M on te h w - lme maffQ o 1yp aidtem. wa&Wt okml conai MMl the hun 1 imku Iod. bo m om.h*î gBd ile de &=lca mana Fm clpphigs. ad mp %0 fin. Eu. i yaue in m fflmwo vrid à atuacmgaink>hei. -Awma& icPag cm mii baauin du pil ricly duerves the 'Iomn VUi label nmy. -ides. V/Nb -cr miuts, yen cm ose one bin la compostihflatt ft1 it. 11 rich i n nuttiests mm Are naneia d IN se moite hi actual ad ide exoslm motsion md drubne IfS bop _ il. Proper la>ehlsu cJ6al for a gond cmi moes- ntL Kfyo pinut diiq w kitAi.lhvmr i dIii ho&o down by bacteil and allier ' hua a pileý or nottibu lmv eaia yâa'U jeow arganianis hlo a ricb, crusnbly bi diii mmli lly end up miii a Imm.bu men1 a laise buiii Sive yeursi a hW it orme"lia %bune sqs. se gais conan d .m h ui dyie mWr La"ding abonSu six inclées of one nue4. of the ui#4 nutiel keaping k moli aidisan- sach as mmll cbapped kitchen mil omet six hUgit oe occmsionally on glue it ai. incites of motdi.. Mm keadded eavia or pr- W/bus gond for conipat Y-a cmn ty p-a di- càWlpgng (yom cmn n".our lin miamie clippinga witb no herbicide, cboppcd up ov ein l" aa>lhdqs of hau duti âwi- leaves, and garden mule such au mcdlessa&Wy docks hdie ca ol A wmade nui oema eeda bomato and squua vines Ojoand up wili bave à pleasani, slighdy eathyq umnu i wood chipa, colYne grunali, umési and duied you do notice a bad odour. aid exti ran blaod etlmd clm o fhsely choppedi nutesial like leavei or Vianu cimppinigs. or liane. kitchen wm. You cm, rue titis duoai al*cd ioma moil onl top, processor for die beat remitL If yau affi a Mie A oeSnpai bnep niella good drainage, sa, you waler, youre conhribid so th misue nec- don't waml te, bualdaon solnclbng bmite a con- es-y for & god 6opile.al, crclapl whee dmthe wmon'l bh alWi go fan More of lte gond iuff includis main &Wi off. Mie sun should bit the bnp a mmi -O peu mou. lui nmk keplace mites, fpulm% during hi dal. buti if ans plad in MI un il déyer lins. fincly choiped cons colts. non-gloay milkiapidly dry out. or waxcil ihredded palper, pet hair (and your During oeilly hiot weadier et mifl pnaufly bie bair) and slwedded buac aid white neeqq., nscquay k> wmer i, but wben theae's lois of Yau shoutld avoid Mutaig iat your coupon tain a plastic cover miii prevent he compost anyting diii miii s&tom flies and aninuls. 11hs frwn becontung'mate Iogga. In minier ton, à mmli includés ingreducais ite ment borics and plastc caver miii V the heu aid keep the anylbing frot dmc babecue. as mcii as dalry tmixure aking. Ai usI lxIonslioml hc a products and cat and dog feces. Garden clip- i4nq as à wcll wmguq a, midi ai.9 -1ctu tem- plis hm haveoàitc*e, hesrbicides or allier piraturi of about 70 degree C k> lil off dis- loxic cliesiicals on dim abauld he given a wide --se wcid med aid lassa eus. berth. uasul -m i tehiai hu might h u amcI. is pa'oviMi by local grclars mi sicit or buighicd. md aiything elacliat îm*t du Ont"l Riad Essa Aaoemiuiu fOREA fi., N>odgWmlalâ. * d u edh qo oeuers in Me Mdl Oa madmi; ALTY WORLD ' r" , W'*43ý. eàL;ýéeII 1 -s