I - - It's self serve MM odmMIn ois~nnle Clutb. lnchidlflg the young; playair Ihe x$mh: Mavericks- gain some momnenturn as playoffs lom, Sy STEVE L.SLANC The MlonZ C Mvck elraftd lise holiday wS«kcnd wilh hack-lo-back victories in OLA Junior B lacrOse action. On Mer liline îurfoaiTonell Arena. Thec Mavs have masaiged la isp Ilsings up a notch aver thse pais îwo wceks mnd have donc iome chdbing - frm elgti la slls place - in lise West Division, and have ceicd a haIue naignl- lum iseading int lii wcckend's Cammissi(Vie's Cçp plarfîf MIlle wrapped up egulu seson play laW nighl (Tucsdy) ia Brantfordl againi lise Passe. whoas Mu psLime wete ligisig wish thse Gieorgetawn Bulldogs for lise lasi Founder*s Cup pla1YOff Milon's wins came againsi lwo Est Division leamfs, and isellped Umma improve Io07-14 on lise seaon. flicy liai tc rally (niai an early 5-2 clcficiî'aftec bise lii peniod 10 srai an 11 -7 Ihlumps ovcc die Neea Knighs Siaday abter- mon flic vusaisng crew scored twice maie inthe middle frame but wcre simnwalled Lhimugli bis final simcai hy veieran goalie Pat Dums and a sound defensive cifort Duan repIae starter Rob Alidrecola in tihe Iis period. Andrew Hardioftllucned a hal-toick mnd aidai two assiismad Jiai Lcwaiuiy mnd Rob Bances iallîed twice mnd drew a helper J<oycee girls wow* hometown' crowd 1 11We Milton Jays girls t-bisal Sweceaiii were lise ' eback Ian didn'l spend long on ilid as final botter Melenak Vîphi rcg- kid? ai Iheir own taumnameal reccenily - ptllitsg of closing itUed an RBI sinigle la sein lise gSene. day rally la walk away wils fitis-place isonai WhiIC d"c pravidcd lise licca il was Lan Welluea Whoa Aflet back-îo-baek lasses ifs early round-robin play, lise earned garne MVP hisons widi cao singles and a limely triple Sweetlries regrouped la wake two stcaigisi victoies on Sumday. tisat anifiaiesi Mihon's raial-imng rally. Sise a maie several fliey isegasfhyltmng Erin Mills 22-10 and fihaslurd Up widi a " cls sai I-CUons Usa tir-bace. îhilling comc-from-behind 21-20 îriumpli aver lise Clarkson Muios play of the toumnamreal came in lise Brin Mille ain Tomahawks bis caris overâ% braWgng rights. a; - ils an arnaing saort Ia firnit to haine double play wllh kcy Tis second viclaiy was docidcd in lise final înniing aits tace lIgnas isy pMoulop Janir Shqspard mnd irss-bUdiiU1 Riclielle large tm for Pri local rm. Second balam botler Jais Wollaeo » Hatuah nid a big lagaui by ruïcher Jine Williamus Wasied oui a triple 10 score aister Kafie and Ivne Adam nd dIe Bmras Haat. Joann Kenea[LMR li Raiiffe. Amna lier learo even. Ruiîacl and Ahion SylamcIpsZrs of llis yea malw. Scon Turner and Graham Darling - wiso also posted lhffi asanss Duum isad fou ielpels. Lais than two days carier Miltn lied tu fight dicir way b«Ak agaîn. Ibis lime to squeeze pasi the Hluntsville Haweks 12-11. Dwin waa Liclacca tic popes for tise enie ouiN. 1 Hartllt and Lewoishy halls had isat-tricks in this anc wisilc Hatisoilt5 aliai aâ pair ol'bssisu. Lewoilly's lisird goal willi jusi 41 seconds remaining alio pmved ob bc i aurl winne. Bams talied 1519 again and ln Paike scored once and col- Iectedl four assisits. Grahsam Darling and Craîg Hcdlcy lad a goa &M wo assisis eca d Trevor Parker rccorded a goal and an, Pfior tu thcskwins Milton frll113 13o the flullogs Tbursday nighl in Georgetown. Wi1is hompe floor advantagc it was Georgetowan wisa cane bock m ldus onc fic an 8-7 Ijcficit icad- ing insu ie ibi. R"oi hâd a six-point isiglil - thi=c goals, b(Ke as"i - &W Cuamungham aima lianed a Is-tlc md addcd Iwo helpers. Mark Biescil wllèd twice and usisWc omm. D.clig iail agout &M wo aa.sts nid Leworthymad Trsvor Pàtlest ld aId set-up amm a pecce. Single goals came from Johns MacNeil and Jason Courmey. Duits md Sisane Knx sphilhe net- asîndial éutiea. Thic Maverielsw gU iy fave Six Naions in cher best-of-five opcsing roundi playoff ueriez, gacs slsiald iait Fuidy Il 8 pa. mi Tonelli