Well liked principal retires... . fra. 00000V! on peoe 4 cas iruufcrred in teaci grade 7 studenit ico yeRater.' Four ycam afler that. ise isecame vice- principal of a Burlinglon elcmntnary scisool and, in 1970, boos on lihe lad pouai- noen of principal cf an open-cdncepi %cisool. wisere <bore ere ino walls separal. ing clasaes. B'y Ibis limte, tise Burlmnglon scisool board liai joirseth ie ncsuly-foented Halou Boardl of Education. Over lise nexi neyeraI ycars. Mr. McDonald lleaded a vsnecty of Burlingtori elementary scisools as principal before arriving ai . Fosier Scisool in 1990. ITve enjîîyed working direcily euIh iisI ctimîdren in tise clasaron, indirety eush tisent as principal. and working wish a wonderful varicly of iraciseis over 28 yeae in a seven dufféef scisoolsl'hte said. 1l hope Irve mader a différence iiI soe smaIl wsY in sme of Mty scisols." Mr. McDonald was nol only pepular suis studeais ami staff ai E.W. Fosier, lic also liadt lise respect of parents. "He was very instrumental in getting a parents' association rnmig in tise scisool,'. said Janis Young, a mentIer of tise associ- aion, Parents and Teacisers Helping (PATH). Mr. McDonald sid parents arc crne of tise iree vital groupa lisaI keep tise scisool going. Thlis comnmunity is blcssed utis lise most entisusiastic. mosi isepful, inosi cuier- gctic parent commanity I've ever expert- enced.'isesaud. -i> Thse otiser two groups usai cors together go make a scisool successful are students nid staff, tise principal said. He called LW. Fosice gouderas motivai- cd and well-bcisavcd and ilam c Ihecool bosas untfoesnly excellet slaffj He said he made hi& final 1ecision tu, retire Aer 1500 Iay-off niices were issucd 10 education nystei cmnployces tirugisoui tie bo"dw.ir is ycar. Believing lie sisould nuite roti for otWs cn. Me. McDonald said tdsai day mde Up bis mimaI for humi. Nofi officially retired. Mr. McDonaId .said se's takîng !lie advice of Robert Fulghum. salisor of Ail 1 Ever Nceded to KmowI1 Leanied in Kùmdrgamen , and wili taxis a filile. carn a ute amd play a halle every day." *1 iniesd to cake bis advice - cspeciay the *play a ilc' put. 1 tin ntaybe lIlI play a lot, cspecially ai fii as 1 adjust Io havîng mor lime." 1Te lovr of tie ouidoors plais le, spend bis Icisure fime doing ithe tisings ie enjoys -cycling tiseougs tie countryside in tise swmnmer and snowntobiling in tie wtnier. H-e and wifc Ian, wtuo Mr. McDonajd called his hest frierd. plan to liSe a Humber (éoIlcgc course Ico leana bow îo taiikf acanlie. Mr. McDonald said lie bas migpd feel- angs absout leavimsg thse job lie bas such pas- siéuolr. .. do iselieve tisai il's going taise a major adjaustneni. I've spent 52 yeam in scisool ani thoy'r finally going to Id it gradu- ateý I've enjoyed whai do intmensely. ln fact. if 1 had i ail In do over. I wouta." Depression help availale There*s belli availabile éor deprcsscd evenings fromt Jyly 10 to August 14 ai people. Bennett HeaithCare Centre, 1 Princess Thse Halion branch of qtdçanadlan Al i Mental Healti Associàfion/4s pteantna fropc, il~ cuses of iliness. lignis brec educattonal senies anmd organi 1ns a masll~ ins.Ietentu. legal issues Ud support group for people affectedl by comnnun rsources. depreion or manic depressFon. ,3çm r or for more infornation, cail Tise six-week senies runs Wednesday 6sa li ai 845-5044. ONTARIO DRUG' BENEFITS IMPORTANT News for Seniors and People Receîving SoÏcial Assistance Because the feerol governmei a is reduced transfer poyesents for Ontario's heulth and social services by $2.1 billion over dms nejd tv. >'or, lheýQ1rio goveenmnent must tac nase ta preserve itadrug prograr W asmaH amount kward *W prescription Costa. Ontario is f4s sat province ta int,,duce co-paymettts. Hase mucis >IoI pay depseids on your incarne Von wilI puy Up ta $2 per prescription if yoiJ are: " sigle,65 oramer, with a net income of #s ian $16,018 per year " a couple, bath aver 65, seitis a cambined net icorne of lois titan $24,1 75 per year " living mn a nursing home, homne for ih oge or home for speicial cure " recemvng seplfare or family bentefits " receîvng home care Yot'em 65 and yow meome ta Isig m i e aboy? Thonî you puy Mis &ia $100 of yotw drug co"t e" yeoe. Aller "ia, youi pay oly tise 006 dhpm4in lu af up Io $6.11 pet, preoiiow. Vot, hav xtra hehSS insurcince Front a privule comparte Coui yaiur connpainy. Il may caver co-payme cota. 1t4ls Minisly of Healti 1-188-405405 if you have 0mare questions. Or loak for infairmatian shoots ai your -GelY &Ota £ênflt coîùplait looks' sted ses imou letuu wu lW& wby dme V8 M~ hantI. wby 1 Izetr~ noafimi, or eiflâ* aipdmem wu Mo fi"od 1 usinA "0 ed m çn,ý vdmum es te UMI4 "olem bc Md «1> the a Se isedoube.ssupd tWS minvolved tauaett~iI~~y ekg~iIsn6 tlaa challense cenues erond tise 1~NOUO~p6eI.TIsee~xb.u~"eppoel mAIII o<*u bouda S272-maim Wud k..ý* I assai am peesely involved whi epbyeuef IMM414,sM H" abourdIorderesool banala adt fuibad t -ttma u S t Sid bom ___ Uâl daitIe a cibott cf nterest "08n dlaIasaa or àbaisesU F10lfo (of IOWtA Md W*ttai Ila 6letP mUlotPavelsa. 1IýOOliigOMd want die co u1 déclare dse lre ÀAe« hiwu vs cheduled fur lmi usee. but W alum ISS' vacant ad dl*tpYial-Us froti being 1,. epw.o by cooslldoe C*~ru~ McIis htomforase yoa h. IR . *VUK64 29164MN am O&-t M 1W mmew du las Oum 475 Main Stmot E&M IMM& n & M 818«2629 1 GRIAI VAIUP ýYHI[[