1 6 NO DGWN PAYMENT. NO INTEREST. NO PAYMENTS 'TIL JULY, 1997 Study the chirt belovi caretully and pick the. turniture store thut Nos bout. W. think you'II agree, Stoney Creek Fumiflire i ight years ahe ihn idnor extra:chalgos chooserm a vaut seleution ot fille fumniuhings collected fronm around the world, don't pay for a year &Ar~ get thie service you deserve-Irse of charge. à,. d. bu 1!11 Thé Brck YES tES YES tES WIA YES Ealon's YES YES NO NO' NIA VES LMIos tES NO YES YES NIA tES Stars YES YES YWl Wl NIA WlS SanBwa Moeday tolridy 9 ams qo 9 pet; Sm*udy 9 am 10 3:30 ps Sanday Noms leo pu fllser 643-4121;:s 0dh lm d 400,1634M37 twnu Rd. aid die QEW, S. Service Rd., Smy Crenk. Ont"n Cleteeaie Fisdutmd Usy Rd. eita off die <QBW -0.A.C pff d J*i lai lIM. Ne Èusugy ci.gu.a màbbdm bwMVd*b lam Mm pqsh I dme u ch 25b du" mq*d au M - --- Dateline' Datriine i"~ free listing of coming only. avents onîy. he culturel is available to Lo'wville Unitedi Church. 3800 Guclph local coemnib' Vpp Io asiet in pro- .une, hold a oraw"er sc liront 5 ID moting heïr fiulte evefits. Oflly chaitble 7:30 p. he event férefsintertimtvnt or ltot-Ptofl olfmtlhY 89Ç MaY ue and Iocally-grown berTies. Admission is service. colis $3. or $2 for chlien under 12 yeus Notices fur Dateline ahouM bc writtesi cf sa and handed in et the office of lihe - Smaday Jul7 Chamion. 191 Mainl SL L. Ma >0 M) U The Halton Cross Country Ski Club et P.O. Box 248. Milton. Ont,. L9T 4N9. hold a bil et grnmPin ak 9 or faxetg 908893 aLM. For miet nformation,, rall 634-2012. he UÀvlu whh Cae r ag mets Wol you ketJUeale to m n jeSt.Paul's United Chuch, 123 Main SL Z O Ik 3-vd alse riak of suicidal eoi o an E. et 7:30 ~n Lad by unes. Vou leant suicintrnio dq >Te cussions p&vide emotional support anti practical guidiance bo patients anti tueir Canadien Mental Hlealth Association pwe- f"lyNd rieds.For nore information. amm a tWO.dzy wodsdip open to profets- cali the Canadien Cancer Soctety's North siotUIs ant eb conltltuty. The workshop. Hailon Unit mi 877-1124. 1 laches esflcrguey re atid anti techniques l'be Victorian Order of Nurses holtis a to 5ltyote who may,3 corne in contact wiih a toot care dIi« at the Milton Seniors' perso i 5* sk of suicide. he workaliop' Artivity Centre. 500 Chiltis Dr.. front 9 bakes place in Oskvlle front 8:30 &rn. bo a&m. to noces, nie cmg mn $15. For*fuWl.e 4:30 p.m. Pre-regitration in required. Cail information or an appointment. clt 8 Lisa LaCapelle at 845-3044 for more 1681. Fooct crclinic ne by applU information Ofregistration. .4eherer wants say in council slize... - front SCHEUU on pages Cunenty candidates narnes are lmntet on ballots in aiphabeêal order. '*VAlet cornes municipal goveroment il ta real sirnple." nid Mr Scherer. llse dc is k> #M s gond product for dmc dollars you #end*or the aest 10 years or so we*ve becs> ucting a hati produci anti pSy- ing ton ntuch." He -caliet for a reduction of couricillors in thie current Ward 2 ares front four Io two. andi equivaletit reductions Io rural courncilkirs. "(Halton> Region was able to atidreas thisissue andi reduce regional council.' saiti Mr. Sciierer. "l wasn't ffiandateti by the province. fie altitude han to change dm you soulti wait for time pçpviace to bell you gobat shoulti haiin=. Milton council ticenn have k> w*h &nt if tliey are "guat Io. what do we neeti tent for?' .