YOURSISTER, IDAUGIER OR WII'E TISu$WAYO MuiLTOtUnon "et h - Commission's employes was not goimq on strike, Hydro had ta IQcic th.m out onyway becouse ai several "minor issues» thot had nat yet been rsolved in nogotiaitiona. They also told Th. Conodian Champion (lune 14) that Hydro hod major phlpIl differences' wel 4p oer Wokr'Uin f by thot they * n il :at thé PV/V will nos allow wom.n ta b. freoted as s.conaLdoss esplaeos of Milton H-ý,drv, thon they art quit. correct. We do have o major philosophicol differencé with them, but this issue is not "mina?'. 1he issue is thii For maný years, Milton Hydro had a ?ýioea&eper who was responsible for loIg after dms ordering andmqgean af supplies. The position became vaannd Hydroaodivertised for a replacement. A candi- dats wos hir.d and was, for th. firat time in the. history'ai the position, mode a lipervisor. Ta assist hioe wo'th his duties, Mydro hired o Moteiola HýndIer, o womnon who did the job so wel sh. wos given mare and more respona. bility as time wenl on. In trt", th. was doing Most ai the work troditionclly don. by the Storealceeper, although the wos pbid 6as.ý 1Whon the supervisgr quit, the Moteorials Handinr toak aver the re'at of the. job ond per- formed it a welI4hiere was no need ta hir. a new sup.rvsor, Aller awhile, the. wonvan Uai that since she wos cling9he îobof ' stareskeep.r, she ahauld b. paid attiiot rate, Her request for a reclassification, howývr, was denied. As was her right, sh. Iaunched a griew- ence, which the Uaian toot on. . n a meeting ta discuss the grievance, Hydro mode tf cleur that they had no intention af admitting tisa t1h. woman wos octuolli' dainq th. job ai Storesiceeper and wauld not rais. her wag.s up ta that leve. Hydra soid". "Staes. keeper is a mon's job«. No motter how« good b job ah. was daing, 1h. womoan was obviouly nat o Man, sa she couldn't b. th. Sioresiteper and certainly couldn't b. paid os on. Na Unioni cauldl possibly, ogre. ta such discriminatidn and the grievance remains unresolv.d. eL 0' "IT'f.S Nit T OUIt P'ROBIiIM'? *A. iMiportant as th. issue of wage fairneas is 5I to h Power Waritera Union, howe4ir, w. did not moite il. seitemt of OMfPIOy- lps grievamaco o condition of aur arIt rè Gooct 'Ait4iid nor intsn ta strike ome ti. ,s"0. Tisee ilSa baaiç ssy ta 43ishe suds diospusag in iront ai oa neut1r 1rmrl whol would moka Mh final decisman an= w f* Hydro, howeve, did flo *oant *à i U oitrt go ta un WOiot They demfondad thot we mei oa" Tram this àaçtioyes grWm»nc ....or 61se. 1he."orý eue" wos oioçckou They bâld emplayees nat show up for wark until they agreed ta eveçy lait one ai thoir demanda, including dropng the grievonce. The lock-# oui began Jung I 71h. The Povier WSkrs' Union doe pot bel*e~ *1ot an emplO"p'; b6ss hvmo rights ta loir teatsnw con bd boWginad cy. Nordo we believe thaf eoiýmunIo ndards in Miilfon - mt. Sa we 0". ta ~ee with them. Wà didn't expect themn ta tait. aur side, w. juit wanted -ta give themn aur side ai Mh.stasy. The Commissioners, however wonted nothing Io do with this issue. They have refused ofl requests ta meet with employees. washrag Mhir honda ai Hydra's actions in this moiter:, ýTàlk tý a naogement', th.y tory. "Itls flot Our problea" Wfakb moite us wonder: "Where doles Mh A&i stop aI "bkon Hydro? Who reallIr runsows 161ic utiltY t'a a loir question. AMt it'go quesiofa fommness Milien rotepoyera desente on o»w 1' m fyvhnk*tit this-1 InplIIe' a"W~M e JAku0q UVgr.vance "Ioud be hôndleW in the 878-3929 Chairmn normanl woy, wîthot 1h. tlir.oam kike or 8708j 10okjt Anid do Wg thinit thoï thJlce ' 'fr4UU membeat ot the lton l'ydro. CoMission 521873M slapld'h.aoblettaoyoid ail r.onllt &a ,( Oî68045 00 edy au4 87"-568 G"owl h6<igew 'I t,>