Congratulation Melanue on your grdaIon fom t lon District Higir Scirool .Good Luck Studies at WiIfre Laurier University Love Mcm, Dad, Tara & Midie andi Vakeriie Andrews are pMouti 0siare tirai Kurlîs ns gradiîating from York University wuth an Hanours B.A. in Mas% Canvinnicatons. Kurtis is planning an etnddtp throxig aid bepi wishe always! Murray Eliujiil amt Bryan ame pMWu in an xnce thre graduâtia oftieir dmei" amSb Wbn e-rivel andi 19,19%. Rn is a fo MWe gr"du of ai Mdoe »nid Hir sciroot. Cmpabruaim asid Good tuc t tro ina i te, fUte! - W are proud to -annoence tire graduai- - tionfr daugiei -Saspa Ariz, (roim bicAasaer Univerity' wM a Buc ofm rE Hlrs acerofis Envirosmental Sb".ue .pal o. & -d Wu in de *Aie. WaIl lave Mmn, Dad, Zaim Ch".ry NaW & DMAd. Iis &. Cari Lnsssritiy are Provoi ta amm«ne t I a"iriaof Ilenr ZCtsr, tdn fraie nIh Utimnent of Shaesbi recervnx hi ex oarof Coapatulaions & Gooti bxci! Lave Mmi, Dad à 0m"n I Leigr and Louise Bon mr proud taannxince ix Vanesa Bo ira gradua. inHeâttiStudssrn Bracr Unmmerny andi hma been acceqaed ai oge< 11rossn Coller in Huinan Seires. Congratulations fron your familyt! ROBERT~ iPIE LEE, B.Sc. LIFE INSU RANCE AGENCY Lîfe a Dsablity e Annuities a RR/Fs *LiPs Insurmnce SAgency Ltd. Group La' & Hoejth & Penio 245 COMMERCIAL ST., MILTON LOT 2J3 Office 878-5786 Fax 878-3692 Ras. e78-11l50 A VWieeLbair Cnada Ic. 401 Wheelabrator Way Milton, Ontario L9T 4B7 TIIIleIIPheas.0: (O0UI 87S'162 Fax: (m0) 8164878 Prngrom Yff cm rai nSM Caie bed nnr "i abon.r mmi nuir cwmwJ mlii oltos bàrstluod ai #IIi.bI pantn newh orkm. AMt yai ma un ynur rabas n oft aIour dan P@MMns or gon n dsque «dy fts Wad of cana& ltyaist*01oe Pftlai Dbu b G11111 8111 arn Te a" Va.- OJMAINIT.« i. LO 7&-273 ODter Çontputer Systems Servces Horne & Bueses Large Softare Selection A- Network installations Accessories & Supplies Ouantly Dtscouts AvailaMl JEducational Discotuts Avaiale Sem"c &Tm"wt 751 Matin 81,0. Euat Sill 2, Milton Phono 878-4681 Fmx 876-1013 Opmn Doly 0M0 - 5:30, 8.h 1 "0 -4:00 BOBS AUTO, SERVICE 9 Computer Test Equlpment *Ganeral Repeins * Air Conditioning - ToWng - Brakes - Suspension 18 Commercial St., Milles ILT 2H6 Plmn (Of) 878-7020 Cellular 875-7820 I I ,ýlan