'e % .. ' aifimKe Uic gfadua ban of dtir daugh. fini hrm Muitn Queen's Urniesity in Sem of hidi fro. Pat, reer, kimr Maut ad Saguiha Mailtk Kathleen Burger are pleased to annoome c gradu- ation aidieirason mm kSr w*. Reding 111gh School. CoOd "Lt ocUre hhn .MSw, Dad&eh à **ti o - Anail &r Caletta -~~po 19 - filwe the gadutin a(, --~~MW hàmra Bohap - ReoknIirHO Schad. 9"eodn Calkp o 1 Nornno asw Ule Mn ai ica ..uneraçwld1oesoc Stae Kauftman who ! Wa graduatad kraç E C DRaoy High Schol« Stew v7be aaené WiIRed tao Universityu ine fli wlshee vll be *tdy- i ng Hmanner Scie c -rb" -Stet grauaion of Kima Ci on bnmn - law on atl* esoo ki a 4 Love Moui, Dad & Kkki Ken $n Cardte are Io anesounce dus b nttseo gr ioin ofthei 111déng H*~ t.2~niWill ecfe Creo .yUrU-t. Congratulations . and, lest Wishes Io ail the Gradu of '96. ESoirnie Brown,MAP Oakville-Milton 2421b MnartoDiv LOL )CI) Tel. (MIS) 827-2077' Fax: (906) 827-7516 I quaîfy for a CHRYSLmI on ad mqdeb of OHRYSLER Opffl «JEEP Vohlchi ULrl CHRY8LE DOOGE JEEPS utukal swVi" M of Commowt Ottawam, Ontauio KlA OAO, Td.-(613)>995-4014 W.: (613)9-02 comgratuWalons to £0ü £111 ifS graduates. w~ carr Milton District, E.C. Drùry& Blshop Redlng 'ýchooI rinRgs