Neighbours waiy of zorg change o wners want to. market their plàza Perhagu it's li dm" dtecy Of zoeing. Plpe»MY M-maigc cf on jauula plaz ba fait- ioned due duory tlui a buaimua niaufaccsirng ma "a bedily abildtng by zoning requcrmus. Plgunng tha Domacwo's Pizt w.s maumfaccung 021s a il e. &id hearng no objectionst for 10 yean. theY exunded du thucy go a li aiot clip ihcp in due Samn Main Stree locationg. Mie CM--ent zwdng on due peg*cly i.du corner cf Wilson Avenue and Main Street deaignates il as ýreabried icdutroaL whîch donc nul allow recturnt. Prcperly oteners arc tryicg go gel the zening changesd Io ahopping centre comnmercial te allow more tial M&cc lley ar willlng Io mtike ft s e e-u Me« -iy tum which wculd cre a necgbourhtod rIantie or parkring pbobleins. acconding te propcey iasse Mark ReIner. Despi -m core rinua cncesns, last week mucdait weîng conte cocunerciai operations troce de Plaza buW requeted sarong resticions nd cloue mson- m'Mlii. "mt mu-icpal plumno iparnen Winl bons icsr out du detuils tai rm" batik k) council in Svegg- ai wecka. A Danilnos Pizza cutiet bas been in th, building for ahaui0 Yen&, Mmw council heard lut wedc %it facllY il ongly vuposged Io bave cnufactnng buai. - md pgnfbulanu officeS. licuever. "the ownens have bat! difflcuty fslingi tenantsl fer inutile-as profesaioial offices." saidsi go-n plum Amci Bouck. "AIl inque stern loble for coinecital ue Counclkir <ieny Brooks '0O comn faim cf MnDci- pal PoliY lc ýneceaaa in case like duce. Not clily tern teveral buclueame nm fi"gcce tith th duna c ipally, bug dliu ifea eccupatton wu mo ucied upans becoute dicte saiae au coae. 'Wé nouveld they inahcuge pizza. suid wchi- sacs Stan Black of B"ac MeVeloM... Vho siake for dm propery ownec. Mvf. teiléer. Who hu bec du pmnpeuy maiqe isace 1994, ali dmr wu no intenuion of noalise in de- ceaventons of du zoncu bylate. le Nid cevua sint ejablicluti have ocapied ag a &. hui bus no ceaqng bas been allowed bocéuce il waa belleved lial waul bein-violation ofdie bylate. 'Il woe lbe bea for everyaoe for dûsi plaz go le wuccesaful notier tdm a akeleson with piper an the wiqdowc andI no ta being pand" said! M. Reste. "Wa' ogain teit whe we have owr Shma Wnigglettworth of due ncwly fancied Dorait Park R&atpymr Aulocuation spobt for local residmnta. Sh: saoned! bit. Reier fMr whigs dm saw us a lack of corrnmunication uilh reaidena &M acccuad hinm of dotsiingpl- ccllsu@Wioetng& SMt &Md reaidents were corneiniel if h0gbs-volumne bsuicue e goa obe allowed ino dut plu&a caecial- ly. laie nigbl convenience stome or anythlng Wig a liquo ficaire. "We do flot totaly apczdu izoming. Wc don't wuut due pliaia tu bc vwuelaIiser. dii cloac pcl- Immn M0." Ma. Wrcggleatwouth aid liotever, -die M»&=enc auny mic" about duiegW tenaita. We mly an du gown foi plumiig dtiongieU go upbcsld nxising ceuphumtu 1 &nmi dsin uisyatu irauk ay Domino'Pa la a nudcwdrng plans" Local rem"ai AiMai Sbran lai roelcl p-ia's Flaz dmc nos cialu am0 nmy probenu, lave p-imtu lavng garbaae voran Hoteever, be wu tapa i th lu, odaour lu &Wd wu mng front a wuucs contalter usd by owneua of a nete fiais and chip clicp in du Thec planning depautc wifl prepie a report an lie situacio and likely recomnntnd a zoning change iii rearactions, dûiluer k) an alpgem wlich Wgl scehl> au"i for Plhu owners an Derry RoarL GIRAÇB ANGUC4N (The chch on he ho With soi many of today% doors i c1o&ed to you, ÏMsn'Qî nkçe ro know one wiIa1aN Ys en? &""&&%" dm% .du h-. ,.i kM COMi wmrshp with us. F 7,M9, 7FR